Mount Elvire - WA



DEG: -26.08532 127.14406
DMS: 26º 05' 7.15" S 127º 08' 38.61" E
UTM: 52 J 7113545mN 314376mE
Altitude: 566.32m


Place Type

Geography - Mountain,Peak,Hill,Rocks


57kms East of Warburton
367.39kms South of Kiwirrkurra
388.67kms West of Kulpitjata
779.41kms NorthEast of Kambalda

Address & Contact

Central Reserve
Western Australia
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Mt Elvire is a domed granite peak that sits on the western boundary of the current Blackstone-Warburton Road. Itb was discovered and named by John Forrest during on the 12 August, 1874 as he moved west from the Cavanagh range, hot on the heels of both Giles and Gosse who had been in the area a year before him. The area was also visited by the Elder Scientific and Exploration Expedition of 1891. Below is the excerpt from Forrest’s book “Explorations in Australia” (1875)

12 August 1874. Left camp with Tommy Windich to find water ahead, instructing my brother to follow on to-morrow. We bore East-South-East for a few miles over grassy flats towards some high hills, but, seeing what we supposed a good spot for water, we turned east towards it, over miserable spinifex sand-hills, and found some splendid granite rocks and holes, but not much water--enough, however, to give the horses a drink. If there was rain, there would be enough water here for a month or more. Near these rocks found a tree resembling the figtree (Ficus Platypoda), with ripe fruit about the size of a bullet, which tasted very much like a fig. I ate some of the fruit, which was very good. Fine hills and ranges to the eastward, and country very promising, and in many places beautifully grassed. After resting two hours we pushed on about east, and, after going five miles over spinifex sand-hills, came to a granite range and found two fine rock holes, sufficient to satisfy the horses. Continuing on, we camped close to a peaked granite hill, which I named Mount Elvire. No water for the horses. Found the old horse-tracks, just before we camped, coming from eastward. I cannot make them out to be Mr. Gosse's; they must be Mr. Giles's. There appears to be a great number of horses', but am uncertain if there are any camel-tracks.
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Closest Weather Station

Warburton at 21/06:00am WST
Distance from Mount Elvire 56.13km W
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Warburton Airfield
Distance from Mount Elvire 56.13km W
Mean Max. °C38.036.533.929.324.320.720.723.127.931.634.336.6
Mean Min. °C22.922.119.915.
Mean Rain mm28.536.731.418.015.417.912.99.85.714.824.731.5

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