Address & Contact
1222 Wooliana Rd
Daly River NT 0822
Phone: +618 8999 4555
Email: N/A
Bamboo Creek has been cleverly renamed by some wag with a sense of humour. It is not until you get closer to the
sign, that you can see the Creek's true name. See the attached pictures. The
bridge over Bamboo Creek is located approximately 6 kilometres from Woolianna Primary School, (on Wooliana Road), and about 3 kilometres from Wooliana Tourist Park, located right on the edge of the
Daly River. This Park, the road, the
bridge, and many sites along this road, are often closed due to the flooding of the
Daly River in the wet season.
Established around 1906, the
Bamboo Creek Tin Mine provides an insight into the small scale mining activities of the era, and its
ruins are a reminder of the park’s varied past.
Some sections of the old buildings are still standing, and you can see remnants of equipment relating to ore extraction, processing, transport, an explosives magazine as
well as domestic objects. Tin was mined at the site sporadically until it was abandoned in 1955.
You can take a walk around the site and learn about the history and processes.