Considering a visit to
Washpool National Park during April 2013 School Holidays, travelling from
Sydney with a large group, 5 families of 4.
We normally stay away for 4-5 nights maybe 6 depending on where we go.
Would like to know how much there is to see and do. Pitures make it looks very pretty.
Have noticed Gibraltar N.P is across the way, would this be worth a visit?
We are a group that likes to have a few walks and don't mind a challenge.
Sydney, would we be best driving to Park in one day or breaking the trip up? looks like it's about 71/2 to 8 hrs away. We have driven this far in a day before.
If anyone has any suggestions on anything/
places worth a stop on the way either from
Sydney or on the way
home, would be appriesiated.