Equipping Your Truck – Asking the Right Question

Submitted: Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 15:44
ThreadID: 103063 Views:4074 Replies:11 FollowUps:25
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I was reading a thread in the forum earlier that went along the lines of what should I buy and how should I equip the vehicle, posted by a self-confessed “newbie”.

And these types of questions are welcomed on ExplorOz as usually there are many experienced hands to pass on well founded knowledge, after-all there is no such thing as a silly question.

But it got me thinking that perhaps this question is asked the wrong way around – how much money could one save if the question was turned around to read “What equipment shouldn’t I buy”.

An often held view is that today’s modern four-wheel drive vehicle needs to be optioned up and fitted with all kinds of after-market gadgetry in order to do the “big lap” around Australia.

In reality, late model examples of the most the popular brands, including Toyota Land cruisers, Nissan Patrols, and heaven forbid, Land rovers , yes I have two Defenders, are quite adequate straight out of the box for most of the work that will be asked of them.

And by “work” I include trips across the Simpson Desert or even down the CSR.

And don’t take my word for it, just look at most of the mining vehicles running around the outback, you won’t find too much, if any, after-market gadgetry on them to enhance the performance of the vehicle, or to make it “fit-for-purpose”.

Besides, the bean-counters would never spend the money anyway...

Yes, I understand there are many out there who ask a lot of their vehicles and travel to areas where they are exposed to risks that might warrant the fitting of specialist equipment.

But this doesn’t necessarily “fit-the-bill” for the tourer who wants to see a great cross-section of our great country, even accessing remote areas.

The after-market parts industry would have us believe that a five-inch lift, winch, diff-locks, a bull bar big enough to push over a small building, and a full over-haul of the suspension system is required – and that is just a start to get you down the front-driveway.

But the reality is quite different, and a slightly different approach could have you “banking” cash to spend whilst on the trip, or something to put away for the next.

My advice, go out and enjoy the country and “suck it and see” on any short-falls you might find, if any, in the equipment or vehicle you have, you might just find you don’t need anything for the touring you are doing.

So I’ll kick-off with the following list, I’m sure there will be others who can add to it, or debate that it is needed...

All food for thought though and I’ve been a little “tongue-in-cheek” in putting together my list – just in case someone is reaching for the gloves to give me a clip around the ear!


Nice to have, but adds a lot of weight to the front-end almost guaranteeing you’ll need a suspension upgrade. Yes, I know your uncle lives out at whoop, whoop and he hits a “Roo-a-week” and no doubting he needs one. I’ve never hit one in years of travelling. A nudge bar might work just as well, if you need anything at all.


Well if you get a bulbar it is a great accessory to adorn it. But in reality unless you actually “intend” to go into areas where it is almost guaranteed to be required, then save your money. Many want to add it for insurance, just in case, and it usually dies from under-use.

Suspension upgrade

Okay, can be a tricky one, if you’ve (wasted) spent money on the first two then you’ll probably need to chuck some money at this as well. Besides, the Prado will look great in traffic driving across the Harbour Bridge, head and shoulders above everything else. But if, yes, if you can drive with caution and approach obstacles carefully, and not feeling like you’re in the Paris to Dakar rally, you might get away with the stock standard system that was fitted to the vehicle when you drove it out of the show room.


Okay, if you like colourful language and get a little lonely travelling by yourself, it might be a useful addition to an already cluttered dashboard, otherwise if your wife blushes even at the thought of a four-letter word, or you’ve got three kids strapped in the back, then save your money. If you keep a look out the front windscreen you’ll probably avoid most vehicles coming the other way.

Seeing is believing, or so they say!

Although, come to think of it, if you have got three kids in the back, it might make a change from the “are we there yet” whine.

Power Upgrades

Isn’t that the beauty of modern engines that use computer technology. You can spend lots of your hard earned cash tweaking something the vehicle manufacturer spent tens of millions ensuring was the best combination for the intended use of the vehicle.

Okay, if you want to tow a van half the size of a mansion behind you, or you have a need to cover the CSR in record time, then I can see you might need it...

But hey, don’t get me wrong, there are people out there doing chip-upgrades and they need a retirement fund, so live in the knowledge you’ll be making it a more comfortable retirement for them.


Well this is heading into dangerous territory, after all how do you keep the beer cold without it? Or heaven forbid, the missus’s wine cask. But really, in this day and age fresh food is readily available in many places, some places that will surprise you, otherwise you can make plenty of interesting meals with “dry” food. Negating the need for one...

Besides what do you do with all that rotting food if the damn thing breaks down on you in the middle of no-where.

Dual Battery System

Well, if you need a fridge for the beer then you’ll need a second battery to run it, and perhaps a couple of tinnies to get you over the bill when it comes from the auto-electrician.


Crikey, ever lifted one of those things, they’re usually pretty heavy if you want a good one. Another reason you’ll probably need a chip-upgrade and better suspension. But if you can leave a few items at home, like three-quarters of the things you “think” you’ll need, then you may be able to say to your local 4WD Warehouse – no thanks.

Spot Lights

The bigger the better, after all if you’re going to spend money on those shiny things that go up front, you might as well get a pair that would spot a Spinifex Hoping Mouse at three miles. But many of the people I see with them on the front of the “truck” are tucked up in bed at one-minute-past-sunset, which sort of makes them a bit redundant...but hey, what better way to let someone into your wallet again.


I don’t want to hog this, so I’ll leave it over to others to add or delete from the list – and what makes me an expert?
Yes I heard you whispering!

A “truck” full of gadgets and an empty wallet...

Good luck out there, wherever there is!

Baz , The Landy
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Reply By: toffytrailertrash - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:04

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:04
Love it Baz, food for thought for many..


AnswerID: 514136

Follow Up By: Wolfy03 - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:15

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:15
What about the big TVs, refrigerators double shower heads, computer with a 32inch screen, all the tools that can build Rome?! Blah blah blah the list is never ending. Lovely conversation starter....it's got me adding more stuff to my wish list already! Lol and I'm not even 30 yet! Oh well gotta keep my tax down somehow I hear someone saying! ;)
FollowupID: 793031

Follow Up By: Member - Wozikev - Friday, Jul 05, 2013 at 11:34

Friday, Jul 05, 2013 at 11:34
I well remember putting a big chunky roo bar on my old FJ45, and the very next week a big bugger slammed into the door right by my hip. So I was out of pocket for the roo bar and then a new (second hand)door. Those roos need educating !! Mind you I still have an ally bar on the GU to save the paintwork a bit when I have to leave the track.

Cheers ........................ Kev.
FollowupID: 793285

Reply By: Member - Andrew - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:19

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:19
Funny thing Baz,
when the forestry dropped petrol and went to diesel everyone screamed they wouldn't be able to get anywhere due to lack of power, 2 years later no one noticed.
Then they took off the winches and people didn't get bogged any more! (no snatch straps back then) and then no more bullbars and the vehicle damage rate went down. Just to top it off the maintenance costs went down as well.

Seems that when you have to think about where you are going and how you are going to do it, a degree of caution is exercised.

Funny thing is the only time we ever hit a roo was with a bullbar on.

Must admit though I'm partial to suspension upgrades. I like my vehicles to handle.


AnswerID: 514139

Reply By: Member - Scott M (NSW) - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:36

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:36

Tend to agree with you on most of those ..... reminds me of some bloke I was chatting to Coober Pedy who had the latest 100/GU with every bit of off-road ARB/TJM gadget known to man bolted or strapped on to this thing. No expense spared. Was quite proud of the fact that he took along a welding kit as well as it proved invaluable when his shock mounts collapsed. Conversation ended very suddenly when I suggested that if he ditched all the cr*p .......................

Seriously, Fridge & UHF are a must and I admit I have a bit of a bull-bar fetish.....

AnswerID: 514141

Follow Up By: Member - John and Val - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:47

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:47
Our club once received an invitation from one of the 4WD magazines, who were looking for vehicles set up for remote travel to be involved in a photo shoot. Interest collapsed when it was learned that only add-ons of a certain brand were required. Those magazines give an unrealistic picture of what is required for touring or even going remote. They seem more interested in promoting and selling product than in seeing genuinely different vehicle set-ups. Which is a pity, since some of the best set up vehicles have innovative and - shock horror, even home-made touches that have come into existence after careful consideration of what is really needed.


J and V
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
- Albert Einstein

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FollowupID: 793035

Follow Up By: Member - Scott M (NSW) - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 17:23

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 17:23
Val, my formative years in off-road 4wd were in a 82 HJ47 troopie with basically a home made fit out that worked quite well. More solid than anything you'd buy in a shop ... armstrong power steering, 2 x 2 air con, bugger went around Oz about 5 times with nary a problem.

I reckon the 4wd shop owner who sold this guy all the gear probably put 2 of his kids through Uni on the basis of the crud on this Toyota. I've seen plenty of "I've got more toys than you" on the road, but seriously the amount of crud on this truck was criminal. And he'd only been up the Oodnadatta and Birdsville track. I can only assume this bloke had pockets deeper than the Marianas Trench and no sense to match, because if the 4WD shop told him he'd need this stuff, they should have been up on fraud or commercial negligence charges.
FollowupID: 793038

Reply By: Member - John and Val - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:39

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 16:39
Excellent post (and blog) Baz and some good points raised. Our old Troopy is pretty much standard and has been to more out of the way places than many (but not all) who post on here will ever get to. But a fridge and the electrics to run it reliably is very nice to have on an extended trip. It does have a big heavy but seldom used winch, and the only kangaroo strike was when one barrelled into us from the side, totally missing the bull bar. But the BB is a great firewood carrier!

My wish when people ask about how to do things, whether it be setting up a vehicle or where to go, that they would write just a couple more lines to provide enough of their background so that you can give a decent reply without guessing what their needs really are.


J and V
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
- Albert Einstein

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AnswerID: 514142

Follow Up By: The Landy - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 22:57

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 22:57
Thanks Val, and shoosh, did say anything, but we've got a 60 litre Engel in the back of The Landy...

And on 'roos...I reckon I've got more dings in cars I've owned from backing into something, rather than actually hitting anything, let alone a 'Roo.

Of course, we all know what this means on my next trip out!

Note to self...buy a 'shoo roo. ;)

Cheers Baz, The Landy
FollowupID: 793068

Follow Up By: Member - Dunworkin (WA) - Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 01:55

Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 01:55
"Note to self,buy a shoo roo" Landy, save your money, they don't work....so I've been told....

Simba, our much missed baby.

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FollowupID: 793164

Reply By: Steve M1 (NSW) - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 18:18

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 18:18
I remember about 10 years ago, just before embarking on our first outback trip asking on here about the effectiveness of "shoo-roo" kangaroo deterents and everyone, barring one, said they were great and just the job especially at the dawn/dusk danger period. The one exception said the only time he'd ever hit a roo was with "shoo-roos" installed and I thought "yep - there's always one......". So off I trotted and got a pair to put on the bullbar, confident I was "roo-proof". Sure enough, just outside St George, hit the only roo I've ever hit. I took them off there and then and have never hit one since. Touch wood. Coincidence? I don't know but they didn't work that day and I've managed ever since.

A lot of these add-ons are conveniences or nice to have but I still have to listen to that little voice in the back of my head. Oddly enough, these days it's the missus who sometimes grabs a magazine and falls for the latest fad. I still have my moments though and kid myself that I'm kitting it up before retirement whilst I can. That's at least five years away and history tells me I'll have traded the tug by then. All good (expensive) fun.
AnswerID: 514146

Reply By: mikehzz - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 19:07

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 19:07
I've got 2 cars that I go 4wding and touring in a lot. Both are pretty standard except for ever so slightly bigger AT tyres. I use a 5watt handheld uhf just for club trips so it can swap between cars. I've thought about all the other rubbish that people put on their cars but decided I don't really need it. I've driven on a lot of beaches and dunes, crossed deserts and driven most tracks in the high country around Dargo, Canberra and Lithgow. So apart from purposely driving up massive rock steps or crossing really deep rivers, things I'm not interested in, I would rather keep the cars pretty standard. I do believe in only buying cars with off road pedigrees that include factory designed traction aids, diff locks or LSD's as standard.
AnswerID: 514152

Reply By: olcoolone - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 20:30

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 20:30
I have to agree to a certain extent but I don't agree in whole, people do thing throughout their lives that doesn't make sense to others.

If we followed your post we would have.....

A cheap simple 2 bedroom house on a block that was only big enough for the house and a driveway big enough for 1 car. The television would be only small, we would not have a dishwasher or cloths drier and maybe not even a washing machine, we only need to have one phone and that would be a landline (or use the neighbours), while we are at it we could get rid of the computer, the printer and the answering machine, we would only need one light in the hole house with one powerpoint, we can always move the light from room to room and use an extension cord if we need to power anything away from that one powerpoint.

If we did the cloths washing once a week; at most we would only need 7 shirts, 7 pairs of underwear, 7 pairs of socks, 7 pairs of shorts/long pants in total and one pair of shoes ..... one watch and one lot of soap that can be used on your hair, body, cloths washing and cleaning dishes.

Everything we would buy would be the most basic and cheapest we could find.

And it goes on..... there are many benefits why after market gear is warranted and needed by some.

Most of the mining vehicles we work on have different tyres fitted, have a bull bar and heavy duty raised suspension, roll cage and other safety gear and specific vehicles have dual batteries, uhf radio.

4wd's are no different to a house, the cloths we own, the way we present ourselves and every thing else one ones, we all like to customise, have the best and buy stuff we don't really need.

Life would be very dull and boring if we only had the bear essentials we needed to live day to day.

And on a personal note..... why did you by a Tvan when a tent would of done the same? LOL
AnswerID: 514156

Follow Up By: Rockape - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 21:01

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 21:01
Coolone, you have the finger on the pluse. Many of the mining vehicles that go remote have a huge amount of modification. Tyres/suspension/water tanks/hf radios/uhf and vhf radios/lrange fuel tanks/water tanks and recovery gear.

Most of that is not needed for the average traveler.

My slant and I am just a humble ape.
1. Suspension lift 50mm will keep your bottom clean most times.
2.Good tyres.
3. I do like frontal protection having hit the odd hard face over the years. For those who live in towns you only need one skippy to change your outlook. It is not good management but luck if you travel.
4. Fridge is a must. Cool Ape.
5. COOL. when everything turns to bleep . Sit on your hands and have a good think about how you are going to fix it.
FollowupID: 793056

Follow Up By: The Landy - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 22:06

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 22:06
Strewth, you didn't read my disclaimer...I've got a vehicle full of gadgets and an empty wallet.

Go back an take another read ;)


FollowupID: 793063

Follow Up By: olcoolone - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 23:08

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 23:08
Rockape in most cases that's all that's needed, on our Ranger we have a bar, HID Hella lights, UHF radio, fridge, dual batteries and canopy..... and sheep skin seat covers front and rear.

The 200 series has all the fruit.

We use the Ranger as an every day drive and for carting the muts around retrieving/hunting.

The 200 series is set up for long distance remote work and doesn't get used for anything else...... it's a two seater.

Both are used for advertising tools and showing customers stuff we sell and fit.

I work on on the theory that we fit stuff we are going to use and it has to do the job 110% in function and reliability.

It's surprising what we sample doesn't always live up to the expectation and function as it's meant to.

We get many customers who want stuff for the bragging rights and not for use or function.

Most stuff us humans buy are for convenience or comfort..... but there is always someone who wants it for the bling and use it as a status symbol.

FollowupID: 793070

Follow Up By: The Landy - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 12:23

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 12:23

Meant to add... The TVAN, pure luxury, me and the missus wouldn’t be without it ;)

More often than note it is the Bivvy tent, or when mountaineering in the Alps little more than a Bivvy bag to keep the snow off you...



FollowupID: 793112

Follow Up By: olcoolone - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 14:31

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 14:31
Baz I hope you carried a genny to run the fan heater....

It's funny, we have an Ultimate camper and have just spent 3 wks in the Northern Simpson camping in our swags...... it's surprising how we look forward to camping in our swags over the Ulti.

But you original post is true, many spend too much on stuff they don't need and others buy the cheapest to say they have item X.
FollowupID: 793121

Reply By: rumpig - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 21:36

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 21:36
not putting a bullbar on your vehicle when outback is like rolling the dice as to whether or not you'll ever hit anything. Having driven a return leg to pick up parts for a vehicle repair from Thargomindah to Innaminka just the other night between the hours of 7 & 11 pm, dodging roos and cows along the way, I'm glad we had a bullbar on the vehicle just incase. the spotlights mounted on that bar certainly earnt their keep that night, so another add on worth having IMHO. Have also just driven from Windorah to Winton via the Winton Jundah rd during the day, and saw without word of a lie about a thousand roos, many times I braked hard to avoid hitting them as they darted in front of the vehicle, I never hit one but very we'll could have.
Personally I'd always get a good quality bullbar just for the chance you might hit spmething, because when you do they can cause much damage and possibly leave you stuck somewhere as I found out in suburban Brisbane with the wifes Commadore many years back.
There's many different types of touring styles out there and no one vehicle set up suits everyone, many people could likely get away without the gadgets others have on their vehicles, but I know I use every one of the items bolted onto mine, and that's why they are on it.
AnswerID: 514161

Follow Up By: The Landy - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 22:14

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 22:14
Just to check...um, did you hit one?

Lets just do a review here, a thousand 'roos and you still didn't manage to hit one, sort of reinforces my point.

But hey, I'm not disputing the need for one, but on average, the "tourer" doing a lap probably won't need one.

Sure, I've seen the same thousand 'roos by the side of the road, but still yet to actually hit one myself. I'm thinking some poor bloke must be hitting them all.

And hey, good luck out there, a great part of the world...

Cheers, Baz

FollowupID: 793064

Follow Up By: Bazooka - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 23:21

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 23:21
As I said on a similar thread the fact that most people with bars will never hit a roo let alone a bull is proof that they work - isn't it?

What's the rule? If you don't have it you'll find you (or someone you come across) will need it sometime, and if you have it but leave it at home you'll almost certainly regret it.

Amazing how little you actually need to get by, especially when plenty of people will help out if necessary. Then again we must all be FULLY prepared or risk being 'labelled' on forums such as this. It's a weird, wacky and wonderful (for some) world.
FollowupID: 793071

Follow Up By: mikehzz - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 00:23

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 00:23
I've hit a few roos in the last couple of years and they have actually bounced off the bumper bar. It flexed and bent then popped back into shape. One lost the paint at the impact point and that was it, the other broke a bracket inside where the bumper attached to the body but you couldn't tell by looking. Two different cars. A cow probably wouldn't bounce so well though.
Going by European safety regs, steel bullbars will disappear in the future. There are none in the UK now due to pedestrian safety laws.
FollowupID: 793073

Follow Up By: rumpig - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 07:47

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 07:47
Did I hit a roo you ask Baz? No I didn't, but some of that was good driving on my behalf and some was pure luck. but if I did hit a roo and it left me with the same damage that happened to my wife's Commadore in an area like we were in, how long would we have been stuck there until our vehicle could be recovered if it was left undrivable, or how long might it take for us to repair and get it drivable again. The worst damage I've gotten when i hit a roo was in the Brisbane suburbs, so does that mean I'd be better off putting the bar on the sedan instead?
You say the "average tourer" doesn't need one.... I classify myself as an average tourer, didn't plan on driving the other night for spares but had to when the need arose, sometimes things don't go as planned when your touring. I know many "average tourers" that drive hours different to "average grey nomads" purely for the fact they have a limited time off of work to do so, maybe your thinking of the term is different to mine I'm guessing.
FollowupID: 793078

Follow Up By: The Landy - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 09:28

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 09:28
Howdy Rumpig...

As I said from the outset, everyone will have a different view...and crikey, for what it is worth, I’ve got one on the Defender 130, and a nudge bar on Defender 110 – I did say I was being tongue-in-cheek when I wrote this...

For many, if we didn’t laugh at how much we spent on our vehicles, we might just cry...

Keeping it in context, one always has to balance the risk against the benefit. It will stack up for some, for others it won't. As they say in the classics it is all about Horses’ for courses’ ...

But while we are on bullbars and hitting 'Roos though.

I actually wonder how the average "tourer" (whoops there is that term again) goes at dealing with wildlife coming out of the bushes, bulbar or no bulbar. The reactions of the driver will have a great bearing on the outcome. How many accidents actually occur due to people trying to avoid wildlife.

Maybe a topic for another time – defensive driving, money well spent (before you fit the big bar).

FollowupID: 793093

Follow Up By: rumpig - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 12:50

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 12:50
Hey Baz,
Don't fear I'm not taking this serious, just saying like you are that there's not one set up that suits everyone and have ageeded with you above already many people don't need some of the gear they have. There's worst things to be spending your money I reckon, some people think sitting in front of a pokie machine is fun for instance...go figure.
As for having a laugh... I spent $250 in fuel the other day to drive a return trip of about 750 klms between the hours of 1.30p.m and 11.00p.m to get $40 in parts to repair my 4wd. All you can do is laugh, because if you didn't you'd go crazy thinking about it...lol
FollowupID: 793114

Reply By: yagon - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 22:05

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 22:05
Great thread. You need far less than many people think. Some thoughts:

If you're car is also a daily driver, drawers systems massively limit what you can use your storage for.

Super bright spot lights and light bars reflect harshly off road signs, often blindingly. And the difference between high and low beam can be enormous: on high beam your eyes get used to the amount of light, and when you need to dip, it's like the low beams are not even on.

A hand winch is more important than a bullbar mounted winch because it can be used in any direction.

AnswerID: 514163

Follow Up By: The Landy - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 22:23

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013 at 22:23
And hey, I'm with you on the spot lights.

I was just thinking the other day when I saw a bloke driving a 4WD with a row of four spot lights across the roof, did the bloke forget he'd already bought a pair the pay day before last and the 4WD warehouse had a "no return policy" so had no alternative but to put both sets somewhere...!

I mean, how many do you need?

And by the way, good point many could heed on the winch!

Good luck out there...

Baz, The Landy
FollowupID: 793065

Reply By: Member - Oldbaz. NSW. - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 13:20

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 13:20
What a great post. I have long advocated the KISS principle of 4wd touring on this forum & have just towed a van right across Oz on the dirt with a stock standard old
Jack, not even diesel, with no issues whatsoever. Ok, so it has A/t tyres, but no bullbar, no suspension upgrade apart from new shocks, no dual batteries, no solar, no
roofracks,winches etc. Yes,we have a fridge & uhf.
You may rightly assume this lack of mega spending on toys is somewhat compensated
by the cars lusty fuel appetite, & you would be right, but enquiries reveal that we do as
well as many towing a 20' plus van with a diesel.
My point is that , for those with limited budgets, it is very possible to tour Oz without
all the fruit some insist you need. Our rig cost less than $30k, & with good preparation, & driving to the conditions, has never presented a problem.
I estimate the average 4wd/van rigs we saw on our trip to have cost around $150k,
& that's fine, and most of them will never tackle the Plenty or GCR, or any dirt road
for that matter. But those with that spirit of adventure, & a smaller budget, can still travel that country , as we do, if they wish. Stop dreaming & get out & do it, you will
never regret it. A reliable car & sound van/camper is all you need...not all these bolt
on aftermarket toys & upgrades promoted by vested interests..spend those $$$ on

AnswerID: 514205

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 13:25

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 13:25
"Not even diesel "

Go and stand in the corner until your repent Baz.
Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 793116

Follow Up By: Member - Oldbaz. NSW. - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 13:38

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 13:38
Too true Robin, fortunately I get my diesel kicks from the recently
acquired 307 Peugeot 6sp auto..cheers...oldbaz.
FollowupID: 793117

Follow Up By: Member - John and Val - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 13:39

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 13:39
Well said oldbaz. Your Jack and our "non diesel" Troopy would get along just fine!


J and V
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
- Albert Einstein

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FollowupID: 793118

Reply By: Hunjy100 - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 13:55

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 13:55
The OP line of questions is probably a mute point as there are so many variables and no defining answer.

I bet everyone's rig setup on this site is different to anyone else's because everyone does their thing differently. I have a 100 series with a wife and two boys who like to do remote areas.
We were rained in at the Boulia pub after fleeing the rain in the Diamentina NP a few years ago on the 3rd state of origin night with a certain landrover owner but didn't know it at the time.

People wouldn't go bland touring as they don't want too.
There's no way I would go fishing in my boat with just a handline and hook.
There's no way SWMBO would have one pair of shoes.
There's no way I would build a house with hand nails and a hammer.

There's no way I would go outback for a couple of weeks or more in an overloaded 4wd (lets face it, if you don't tow a trailer then your gonna be overloaded or at least maxed out) with standard suspension and tyres. I have a 100 series not a 1.5 tonne capacity Defender 130.

People go touring because they want to its not because they have to so this is why we fit the extra crap on our trucks because it makes us feel good about ourselves while we are on holidays.

And to be the first to answer the OP question on the things I could do without, keeping in mind that all these mods was on the truck when I bought it;
-long range tank with water tank built in (but I wouldn't get rid of it).
-Firestone airbags (but I wouldn't get rid of it).
-Bullbar/Winch (but I wouldn't get rid of it).
-Twin wheel carrier (but I wouldn't get rid of it).
-Inbuilt GPS with reverse camera (but I wouldn't get rid of it).
-Chip (but I wouldn't get rid of it).
-Engine temp alarm (but I wouldn't get rid of it).
-Tyre pressure monitors (but I wouldn't get rid of it).

Things I wouldn't be without;
-Upgraded suspension.
-LT tyres.
-Rear storage system.
-Dual battery system.
-Roof Rack.
- Handheld 5watt UHF.

But that's just me and I class myself an average tourer.
To be fair though if you went touring in a standard rig for a couple of weeks I bet it wouldn't be standard for the next trip!!


AnswerID: 514207

Follow Up By: The Landy - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 16:28

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 16:28
Strewth, who won that game anyway! ;)
FollowupID: 793126

Follow Up By: Hunjy100 - Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 09:02

Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 09:02
Qld unfortunately.
But the eye opener was the lady who was almost frothing at the mouth when NSW was awarded a try.
It was then I saw what Qld passion meant!

FollowupID: 793170

Follow Up By: The Landy - Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 09:38

Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 09:38
Of course...but then I knew that being a card carrying member from Joh's, god's country....

And hey, for the most part I'm with you, you need to spend your money on something - I guess. The 130 is littered with bits, but on the other hand the 110 (it wasn't out there) is stock standard and does a great job wherever it goes....

Geez, wasn't it wet out there though, we actually stayed in the motel and only lucky enough to get in because the bus load of tourists from Birdsville couldn't make the trip in, would have been 2010.

Diamantina, love that place, and try to get there whenever we head north towards the Gulf.

And, hey, if we're stuck again ,give me a hoy and I'll buy you a beer!

Cheers, Baz
FollowupID: 793176

Follow Up By: Hunjy100 - Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 10:04

Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 10:04
We stayed in the motel behind the pub.

Our travelling companion hosed his car and camper for 1.5 hours to get the mud off only to get a repeat performance on the way to birdsville.

In reference to your OP,I just thought of it reading your follow up that our travel companions were doing there first trip outback with a bog standard brand new pajero and brand new camper. They completed the trip with no help from aftermarket bits and pieces and with no problems.
This was a shake down for a big lap trip which saw a bullbar, rear storage system and one of those rock tamer mud flaps.
So the extra goodies we put on our trucks is just an evolution process.

Maybe I can reciprocate a beer too.

FollowupID: 793178

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