Well, We moved from tenting out the back of the car as we travel to towing a camper trailer a couple of years ago; I must admit, I hated the idea of towing a trailer while on holiday, but my wife made it pretty clear that if we didn't, she wasn't going to keep sleeping in a tent! A compromise was required!
We researched heaps & looked at what was on offer. I was gobsmacked by the prices of some of the stuff! I was also amazed at the disparity in quality of some of the cheaper stuff from China that was being sold here. Some of it was complete rubbish, but other stuff seemed OK.
The end result is that we've had one of the earlier Chinese camper trailers for a couple of years now & it's been a sensational (a contributor here called it "cheap Chinese crackers" once, that made me smile, so that's what we call it (we managed to shake an ARB canopy to bits on one trip, but the cheap Chinese crackers came through without so much as a flat tire)
This thing has traveled some pretty ordinary roads, over some pretty decent distances & has exceeded my expectations in every way. I really do like this trailer!
But, it's a soft floor camper & my better half has
well & truly had enough of putting it up & taking it down every day as we travel (another compromise was required!)
We've been stalking caravan & camping shows, plus driving around just about every supplier in
Adelaide looking for a replacement for quite a while now; I REALLY liked the Cub Spacematic, BUT $25,000??? No way I was going to spend that on a CT.
We also saw demo's of some of the stuff people rave about & to be honest, they looked more work than our current set up.
So............ we've bought some more cheap Chinese crackers!
This time a hard floor, off road thingy whatsit!
It'll be fun seeing if it's as durable as the cheap Chinese crackers we've been using so far!
So, time to start shaking it down, before a bigger trip!
Time will tell! ;)