Thursday, Jul 24, 2014 at 09:33
The last thing this or any track needs is a toll, if you pay for something there are expectation and liability, insurance etc...... If the council charge a toll, by the council charter (that is all councils) states that it must be open access for all, yes all, graded access for 2 wheel drives etc. after all councils cannot exclude any party.
We constantly blame Councils, governments and anyone else when we don't get what we want, maybe it is 4WDers that should wake up, like Roothy said, if its closed respect that, you don't have to like it.
The traffic on the track would average daily 40 vehicles during the peak (I did say average).
The CREB is what it is and sometimes it is closed, sometimes it is open. That is why the CREB is left as it is, same as the OTT, Frenchman's and many more. Not maintained, they are either accessible or not.
The newly formed Douglas Shire do not have the expertise or the people to 'walk' the track.
The tree removal and track subsidence testing will be (has been) put out to tender and money claimed for the Cyclone damage.
This year with the late wet it would not have been open for inspection by the tenderer until July anyway.
Contractors to not just cut trees, but to
check the track are not sitting on their bums waiting for this call, most will have other works to complete. (Try and get a builder to do a big job)
As for the businesses on each end of the track. On the north there is access to just south of Roaring Meg, from the south access to the bottom of the track 3 km over the Bloomfield. So that is
Daintree Village on the South and what exactly on the north that can't be accessed via
Wujal Wujal?
If local business want to entice/encourage tourist to illegally drive the track, with void insurance so they can make a dollar, so be it.
I am a local, a 4WDer who uses the CREB recreationally and in the recent past taken tours through there.
This year I have had 3 groups from NSW 4WD Clubs who would have liked to driven the CREB in the last 2 weeks and 2 more in August, to them it 'nice to do' but a minor part of travelling the Cape.