Monday, Aug 25, 2014 at 11:24
Got a reply from Sarah too.
Thanks for your email.
I have received a number of comments regarding the QLD parks system. The system we are using is similar to Parks Victoria’s.
There are a few reasons for us to transition to an online system:
• For many of our visitors it is more convenient – they can book and plan ahead and don’t have to carry the correct amount of cash. Many interstate and overseas visitors tend to expect an option to book online.
• We have had problems over time with our ‘iron rangers’ being vandalised. This is an issue across the state and we are losing money to theft and having to replace and repair iron rangers.
• It will also make the system of picking a camping site fairer – as we have had issues with people trying to stake claims on camping sites before long weekends/competing for camping spots. Online booking is fairer as only one person can legitimately book each camping spot
For visitors who have not been to the park before we have tried to provide the information they require to make an informed decision about what site they book. For each
campsite the system will display:
• An image of the individual site
• What vehicles are suitable for the site i.e. caravan, campervan, tent etc.
• Where the site is located in proximity to the amenities
• Any other information i.e. shady site, near creek, fire pit etc
I hope you will visit Mount Remarkable or Innes National Park, not just because they are beautiful parks, but so you can provide
feedback on the booking system. As we implement online bookings we are using visitor
feedback to further develop the system to make it more user friendly. For this reason your
feedback is sincerely appreciated.
If you have any further questions or comments please let me know.
While a lot of this makes sense, you'd be crazy to think they will be putting in the online system for these 2 parks and leaving it at that . . . no, it's a money stream, and they will no doubt roll it out, along with possible consequences to travellers, especially in more remote locations.
I'm also also a bit cynical about them one day doing a Park Vic sort of 'user pays' pricing system too, to pay for all the booking costs / upgrades.
We already 'user pays' through our taxes, will they go down ?
Apparently Vics still pay a levy for parks on some bill they get (?).
Anyway, I replied . . .
Thanks for the reply Sarah.
There were quite a few comments about your replies to other inquiries on various forums, all positive to your addressing of the concerns.
I truly hope this works, and will not go widespread, as travel is often impromptu for free independent travellers, who like to stay and go as they please when they arrive at
places in our parks, and find they like somewhere another day or two, or would rather move on.
My only other concern is people pre booking a site for multiple days, to cater for unplanned issues that may arise, detours, breakdowns, and the likes.
Often campsites are found to be booked out in QLD, only to have many spots empty when a travellers passes through . . . Or, you arrive to your booked site and there are a bunch of undesirables already there and no
ranger to assist moving them on.
One case I read, a
ranger did arrive, and even he couldn’t get the intruders to move on, telling the bookee they should find another spot nearby.
Yes, have camped and walked / fished at Mt R and Innes, they are nice spots.
Again thanks for your reply, and I guess time will tell if this works, is expanded over time, and how it may or may not inconvenience travellers.
So, let's see where it goes.