Sunday, May 03, 2015 at 21:39
Hi Wombat
Western Australia are inflexible with times compared to Northern Territory.
As we were touring the West Macs,
Palm Valley, Kings Canyon then on to Uluru, our time frame was unknown.
For Northern Territory I got the first one with a three week window, then realised we would be longer than that, so got another for the next three weeks, and we travelled within the latter. These were from the CLC office in
Alice Springs.
The Ngaanyatjarra Office in Alice Srings gave me the forms and the advice to use the fax service from the
Yulara Visitor Centre (where they charged a fax fee of something like one dollar). We just had to watch our days as Ngaanyatjarra are not open on weekends. Fax sent one day, and permit faxed back next morning in time for us to leave. For those travelling in the other direction, the managers at
Tjukayirla Roadhouse have arranged with Ngaanyatjarra to offer a similar service.