Thursday, May 05, 2016 at 19:23
My bad, Les, didn't realise, and couldn't find any advice about permits. You get them from CLC in Alice?
My Desert Parks pass is still current from our trip last year.
Would be great to catch up, even for a few hours, but preferably overnight, eh! We'd be leaving
Birdsville about 1st, so planning on about 3 days across. Have an itinerary but nothing in the class of your efforts. :-). Just going to "wing" the Madigan, stopping to smell plenty of roses. Travel times from others appears to vary from 4-5 days up to 10 days?
We'd like to be
home by about 15th June, to get ready for daughter's wedding on 2nd July.
Picked up "bare bones" alloy canopy yesterday, so would hope to have a rain & dust proof place for all the gear.

Dynamic Engineering "Tradies Canopy" - Hervey Bay Qld