Sunday, Dec 03, 2017 at 11:52
Well, the way I see it is that forums are a bit like standing around the campfire…
Someone offers a question, perhaps a point of view or statement. Others consider it, stare into the fire, or the keyboard, and they might have something to offer in response to further the discussion.
Others might feel they have nothing to contribute and just go on staring into the fire until a topic of interest to them is raised; perhaps they might raise a topic of their own.
Here’s the thing, what a boring place the campfire would be without comment or discussion, just a bunch of people standing around saying nothing…
But on Axle responding…
well only Axle can speak to that, but I often find asking a question and listening to the answers is a great way to learn without the need to contribute beyond the initial question.
And on "Trolls" wherever you might find them, here is some advice from the English poet, and painter, William Blake.
“Better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare”…
I reckon Billy Blake's quote has stood the
test of time and is as relevant today as it was when he penned it a about 300 years ago – perhaps more so in the age of the “key-board warrior”.
And crikey, to be clear, I’m in no way suggesting Axle is a “Troll” – far from it, I’m looking forward to next month’s question already.
Cheers, Baz – The Landy