Friday, Feb 18, 2005 at 12:41
Sydney Council -- Unfortunately, this is the Council which "runs??!!??" the area in which I live. I don't need a
Parking Permit but, nevertheless, I have just submitted following reply on the Council's website:
"Someone seems to have lost sight of the reality. A Council's job is to administer on behalf of its ratepayers, not introduce ill-founded "taxes". The issuing of a
Parking Permit is to allow identification of a second or more ratepower owned vehicle that is permitted to park in an otherwise restricted area. As such, Council's charge should only be at a level that recoups the costs involved in issuing such permit - not at a level which is obviously discriminative and revenue raising. As previously stated, a Council's job is to administer ... not to govern, rule or penalise. North
Sydney Council continues to decline inm its service and administration and needs to sit down and conduct a severe and penetrating reality
check on its suitability to continue in office."
Of course, no one will take any notice ... they never do in North
Sydney ... the very Council where a former mayor said, "If you're having trouble with
parking and don't like the lack of
parking facilities, don't own or drive a car!"