Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 13:59
I am a new member and I have read with interest the comments about the just released Vaporate fuel saving system and it's inventor Shaun Rigney.
I am one of the original testers and have had the "system" fitted to my xy commodore for several months now.
I can confirm it does work.
Before fitting the system my vehicle was tested,logged and recorded at 15.5 per100 km over several months by independant survey.
(I am a 71 year old pensioner and my driving is restricted to city and suburbs.)
It was rechecked on the dyno Sunday 22nd May ( witnessed by TV camera crew and assorted reporters) at 12.3 per100km
These savings are bloody wonderful to us pensioners and I only hope the VAPORATE FUEL SAVING SYSTEM becomes compulsory on/in all vehicles.even if only for fuel savings, without the reduction in noxic gases that are slowly destroying our world.
Further to the correspondent who stated that Shaun Rigney (the inventor) did not appears to have "done a days work in his life" and was "a conman" I would like to
make him aware of a few facts.
Shaun Rigney was 14 years old when his father had a massive heart attack,aged 40, and was totally disabled.
Shaun was forced to leave school and take full time employment to support his parents and two younger brothers from 1975...
He was variously employed as a paper delivery boy,bottle
shop attendant,office cleaner etc. until he started his own cleaning business before the age of 20.
He worked at his cleaning job from 4.00am until Noon,then studied until 5.00pm before leaving for his next place of employment usually getting
home around midnight?..
He had an inventive mind and coupled with a fanatical interest in all forms of motor sport led him to his belief that the combustion engine could and should operate more efficiently.
This obsession drove him to perfect the VAPORATE FUEL SAVING SYSTEM.
Those of us who know him, know him to be a person of great integrity,honour,and humbleness, that is sadly lacking in a good many of our
young people today.
I recommend you log into the VAPORATE web site click on road tests and scroll down to the bottom to view results fror the xy commodore RYE 080.
This is my car and shows a true picture of the emmission reductions.
I offer this information purely to reject some of the ill informed comments made on this
forum... I have known the inventor for over 40 years and I am very proud to say he has been a very loving and loved eldest son.
Names of VAPORATE investors are available for public scrutiny by search on demand.
I regret my name is not included.