Wednesday, Mar 08, 2006 at 14:36
Remote area travel aside, the
Bore Track is pretty easy going in the dry apart from the odd bit of sand here and there. Playas may be trouble in the wet. A heaps more interesting drive than the "new" Strzelecki though.
Re the original post. I love meeting the people, so not too concerned about the iconic
We stayed a night at Bollards Lagoon in the donga which is very basic, but a good change from the swag. It was good to sit and watch the sunset from the donga verandah. The cottage looks more attractive than the donga but would require a few more people. Breakfast was great, thanks to Gina.
A stay in the bar at Cameron's corner is always interesting. meet some great people if you sit there long enough. If you bare looking for a challenge and not oo concerned about distance, there is supposed to be some
ruins near
Montecollina bore, but I couldn't locate them.