Fuel is not an expensive commodity

Submitted: Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 20:29
ThreadID: 32231 Views:2813 Replies:20 FollowUps:22
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Fair Dinkhum,

Work it out. A litre of your preferred juice, in your preferred vehicle will propel it some where between 5 and 15 km. At the worst price of $1.50 a litre that equates to 30 cents per km.

A Mars Bar, or can of Coke will set you back about $1.50. Try to get one bloke to push a 1.5 tonne vehicle for 5 km on a can of coke. Further ask him to push it push it 20 km on a Big Mac, Chips and a Coke. He'll die.

I'll grant you that Little "Eyebrows" Johnny is sucking us dry, but fuel is still cheap.
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Reply By: Ray Bates - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 20:35

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 20:35
Pigs Ar---. You can do without coke or a Mars bar and Big Macs are not good for you but we can't do without fuel. Just remember fuel is needed to deliver non-junk food
AnswerID: 163281

Follow Up By: Jimbo - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:21

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:21
It was a comparison of commodity costs.....
FollowupID: 418019

Follow Up By: Gramps (NSW) - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:59

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:59
"You can do without coke or a Mars bar and Big Macs are not good for you"

You have just debunked three of the basic food groups. Not on, Ray :)))
FollowupID: 418031

Follow Up By: Pajman Pete (SA) - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 07:24

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 07:24
That's right, the 4 major food groups are:

Brown Fried Crunchy Bits
Any mug can be uncomfortable out bush

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FollowupID: 418107

Reply By: Qlddisco - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 20:56

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 20:56
If u could make fuel out of bull sh*t you could b a millionare !!! someone want to start the tyres (fats or thins) debate again quickly ???
AnswerID: 163287

Follow Up By: 3.0turbob - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 08:56

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 08:56
I'm still trying to collect enopugh of it to make it viable, but I think my farting in a jar could take some time..

FollowupID: 418122

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 11:05

Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 11:05
hee hee, I've past you, my jar's filling up quicker!! :-)

Man, if I ate a mars bar every 5 k's from Perth to Albany I'd die of a heart attack before I got there!

Go Biodiesel! ;-) All I need now is a long range tank so I don't have to cart jerrys everywhere!
FollowupID: 418332

Reply By: Member - Davoe (Widgiemooltha) - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:05

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:05
The day it takes me 120 cans of coke and 2 dozen mars bars to get to Perth I will coincede fuel is cheap and it may well be over East where public transport is everywhere and a short drive here will get you well out of Victoria from Melbourne
AnswerID: 163291

Follow Up By: Gramps (NSW) - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 22:06

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 22:06

"over East where public transport is everywhere"

You are bloody joking. Typical yokel attitude regarding the Eastern seaboard.

FollowupID: 418035

Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (Widgiemooltha) - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 23:36

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 23:36
Used to live in the East and caught public transport to work most days and as a young un travelled the stateliner busses back home from boarding school.
Never worked a place over here I could get to by public transport
Regardless I was just having a crack back at someone trying to stir the pot from Victoria where most of us would love to have fuel as cheap as he can get it from the local servo
FollowupID: 418068

Follow Up By: Gramps (NSW) - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 23:50

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 23:50
Sorry Davoe. I understand now. You're definitely at a big disadvantage regarding fuel prices compared to we city slickers.

Public transport in Sydney is disappearing up it's own ar$e. It is virtually non-existent in the major growth areas and the geniuses who run the State think increasing an already overloaded main road to two lanes for a short distance will fix the problems. It's not that they have'nt known about the projected population increases in these areas for years. It's just that they've sat on their fat ar$es for years and twiddled their thumbs. Won't bore you with the neverending fiascos regarding privately built free(that's a joke)ways.

Hops off another one of his soapboxes.

FollowupID: 418074

Reply By: Axle - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:10

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:10
Try and explain that crap to the transport industry?.
AnswerID: 163295

Reply By: F4Phantom - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:19

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:19
Agreed. In a way I would love to see fuel go to the real full cycle cost to the land. It may be more like $5 a litre! Anyway if this did happen it would be an exciting time, we may not see cars on the roads for a while but over time within a few months we would see a few cars, then more and more, people would overcome the problem and all would be back to almost normal. Electric? Bio fuels? coal? (as used in WWII) I dont know but I really would like to see the solutions which are already out there but slightly expensive to be competitive. Ironicly the expensive alternative solutions compared with petrol now are the cheapest solutions if we take into account environmental damage. I think I am dreaming as this aint going to happen.
AnswerID: 163297

Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (Widgiemooltha) - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 01:38

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 01:38
neccessity is the mother of all inventions.
For example someone once thought -I would love to burn that person alive but he wont let me near enough to set his clothes on fire, Viola the flamethrower was born
FollowupID: 418087

Follow Up By: Member - Bware (Tweed Valley) - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 01:50

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 01:50
HaHa. Davoe that is sensational!
FollowupID: 418088

Reply By: Member - Doug T (QLD) - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:58

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:58
Fair Crack O' the whip mate.


Well ok yeh I like it
gift by Daughter

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AnswerID: 163309

Reply By: Willem - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 22:45

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 22:45

I remember some years ago an owner of a brand new $60,000 4x4 complaining about the excessiveness of a $6 car wash....go figure.

Tell you what though, I reckon my Rocketfuel might get you to push your car a little way....lol
AnswerID: 163325

Reply By: Bilbo - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 23:10

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 23:10
What's the price of Coke? I donlt drink the stuff, but let's say $1.30 a litre - about the same as diesel or high octane petrol.

I've worked in the oil game for 30 years and I can tell ya it costs a lot more dollars to explore for oil, get it outta the ground, refine it and sell it, than it does to mix syrup with water and flog it off as a "drink".


AnswerID: 163331

Reply By: Footloose - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 23:17

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 23:17
Depends on your reference point.
If you have a disposable income over 100k a year, and can either get a fuel discount/subsidy and/or claim it on tax, then you're probably correct.
If you're an aged pensioner who needs to take himself/herself on a 200k round trip for chemo then it may be a different matter.
AnswerID: 163332

Reply By: revhead307 - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 00:21

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 00:21
Just on the 25,000km a year i do...fuel prices from 2 years ago have gone from around $1/L to $1.40/L.

on my consumption thats an extra $1500 a year in fuel = after tax $.

To get the gross on that (at 30% rate) my pay has to have gone up $2142 to cover the fuel cost of $1500? let alone inflation on anything else.

Yes fuel is cheap..comparably...but not everyones budgets are the same and we are not all 50+ and financially secure (apologies to the 40 year olds on the site lol)

the 26 year olds on here, that cant afford their first home cos the market has doubled in the last few years...are paying high rent, and yes the annual 5000km holiday up north suffers when u start paying an extra $300+ on fuel that would have gone towards other things.

AnswerID: 163343

Follow Up By: Scoey (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 09:15

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 09:15
I agree Rev. Preedy f'n frustrating for us 20somethings trying to get a start! Combined income of SWMBO and I is ~ $75k we're struggling to stay afloat let alone find the money fopr a deposit or mortgage payments! Reckon I'll be mid 30's before I will be able to afford a house and where does that put me with a 25yr mortgage?

Interesting post Jimbo but when fuel prices now dictate that our short camping trips need to be within a coupla hours of home - I guess you can see my point.

Yes they might not be dear in comparison but just maybe they're the straw that's breaking my bloody back?!

FollowupID: 418127

Reply By: Richard Kovac - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 00:36

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 00:36

I have to agree

65690.40 Km in Troopy from new
Fuel cost $10,457.92
that's $0.1592/ km
Me walking at avg 4 km/hr at $30.00/hr would have cost $492678.00 that's what I'm payed sell rate $65.00/hr $1051219.00

I think it's late and I'm drinking RED wine

AnswerID: 163348

Reply By: Barnesy - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 00:49

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 00:49
Agree with rev. everything is going up in price, i cannot afford a my first house now, wheras 6 years ago someone in my situation easily could have.

I used to ride my push bike everywhere in the city but now in the country, well, i don't expect my girlfriend to ride 150km return to work everyday.

In 10 years i'm sure we will be hoping that cars can run on mars bars and coke!
I'm travelling oz now before the price of fuel puts the trip out of reach.


By the way jimbo, if you did ask someone to push a 1.5 tonne fourby 20km on a big mac and coke he would die,

of a heart attack from too much junk food.
AnswerID: 163352

Reply By: Redback - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 07:49

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 07:49
Jimbo, Jimbo, Jimbo,

AnswerID: 163375

Reply By: Ruth from Birdsville Caravan Park - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 10:09

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 10:09
OK Boys, how come the cost of beer never comes on this Forum - or comparisons with fuel etc. etc. and so on? Hmmmmm?
AnswerID: 163394

Follow Up By: revhead307 - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 10:41

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 10:41
Cos i brew my own :-)

Will have the kegs set up sometime this year...at the mo im still bottling.

When u start out its pretty average tipple..but with good quality ingredients, use of additive malted grains/roasted grains etc you can make a @#$@# beautiful drop.

FollowupID: 418145

Reply By: warthog - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 10:42

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 10:42
Our neighbour is planning a trip to the Kimberly region this year. He is budgeting on $2500 for fuel. Whilst paying off a house and bringing up two kids, that is expensive. Wages have not kept up with inflation over the last ten years and our rate of taxation has never been higher. Foreign debt is spiralling out of control, its good to see we have a steady hand in control of the economy.
AnswerID: 163404

Follow Up By: Redback - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 12:09

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 12:09
It would probably cost you that much and more to fly up and stay for a while so i think that i'd rather drive you see much more and you have more freedom to do other things, well worth it i reckon.

FollowupID: 418161

Reply By: warthog - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 10:58

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 10:58
see post 33240
AnswerID: 163406

Reply By: Crackles - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 18:51

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 18:51
You're right jimbo, petrol is cheap.
First they spend millions of dollars to find it, dig a KM into the earth & pump it out, refine it, transport it half way around the world, store it, transport it again to the petrol station, then pump it into you car for a $1.40 a litre.
Water on the other hand is poured out of a tap into a 5 cent plastic bottle, transported 100 KM, put in a fridge & sold for $2 a litre........go figure.
Petrol is bloody cheap.......it's all relitive.
Cheers Craig.....
AnswerID: 163485

Follow Up By: Jimbo - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 19:06

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 19:06

You're dead right Craig. I judge people ( I know it's wrong, but I do) by certain criteria. One of them is: do they buy bottled water in Australia?

Choice Magazine has tested bottled water many times and always come to the same conclusion; it's no better (and at times contains high levels of bacteria) than tap water.

When I see someone paying two Oxford Scholars for a bottle of water, I remember what my dear old Dad tought me years ago; A fool and his money is easily parted.


FollowupID: 418211

Follow Up By: Crackles - Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 17:54

Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 17:54
Yes have seen the Choice test results & although they never quite say that nearly 1/2 of all bottled water is out of the tap for fear of litigation, the analisis is almost identical :-))
Fine if one wants to buy bottled water for convienience but why some think the $2 H2O is any better than the plain wrap stuff at 70 cents just cracks me up. Perhaps it's the added expense of the 2 cent pop top lid that makes them so expensive???
Cheers Craig.....
FollowupID: 418456

Reply By: Member - Tony W (VIC) - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 18:56

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 18:56
which oil company do you blokes do you work for?
AnswerID: 163487

Follow Up By: Jimbo - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 19:10

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 19:10

"His Oiliness", the Member for Benelong, whacked a tax on fuel in 1979, when he was Treasurer. That tax remains to this day and "His Oiliness" is now the PM. That tax is far more than any oil company will ever make out of fuel.


FollowupID: 418213

Reply By: revhead307 - Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 11:54

Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 11:54
fair enough milk, coke and beer by the litre might be more expensive than fuel..even bottled water and mars bars. no arguement there...then the old 'its all relative' comment thrown in for good measure.

but its a rather a stupid comparison...and i dont think stupid is too harsh a word.

2 average 4x4 owners travelling 25000km and 40000km a year using 14/100kms use 3500L and 5600L of fuel respectively. (yes ur car might be more or less efficient..this is an example)

I challenge anyone who drinks anywhere near as much milk, water or BEER..(ie 9.5 or 15.3 litres a DAY) there is only 9L in a carton of beer kiddies.

and who eats 10 + mars bars a day every day of the year?

So while the price fuel 'relative' to other products is cheap...by sheer volume of consumption its not a sane measure....


AnswerID: 163616

Follow Up By: Jimbo - Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 18:15

Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 18:15
Are you the full quid?
FollowupID: 418464

Follow Up By: revhead307 - Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 18:42

Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 18:42
The jurys still out on that one Jimbo lol.

You posted a bold thread and expected no difference in opinion? what is the forum for but to put views forward (whether they be like minded or otherwise)without being asked if your the whole quid?

If fuel went up to $2/L people would still have to get to work and travel so we absorb the increase.

Some dont blink an eye, and others cut down on unneccessary travel or buy a smaller car or have to forgo some other expense.

My point above, is that just because a can of coke is more expensive than a litre of fuel isnt a decent basis of comparison, as we use thousands of litres of fuel a year as opposed to maybe a few cans of coke a week (or your other poison). So viewed in total there is no correlation.

A better comparison on the relative 'expensiveness' of fuel would be % of weekly budget etc which again varies between people. Its merely an opinion and im glad your opinion is that fuels cheap.



FollowupID: 418468

Follow Up By: Member - Bware (Tweed Valley) - Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 18:53

Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 18:53
Just clarifying your point Rev; I might spend $10 a week on milk (don't drink coke, eat mars bars etc), $10 a week on bread etc. If they go up in price by a $1 a litre it wont change the weekly bill by much but fuel will because of the volume used. If you use 50L or more a week then the amount you are paying in comparison to under $1 per litre not too long ago, it cuts into the weekly budget a bit more than milk or bread.
FollowupID: 418471

Follow Up By: revhead307 - Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 19:00

Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 19:00
Gday Bware,

Yes that sums up my point. I can be accused of being a little tactless occasionally (and its only wednesday!!), for which I appologise.

FollowupID: 418473

Follow Up By: Member - Bware (Tweed Valley) - Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 19:16

Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 19:16
LOL, It's my night off so I'm feelin' pretty laid back and thinking everyone should chill out, but I'll make up for it after a busy weekend ;)
FollowupID: 418479

Reply By: Member - Tony W (VIC) - Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 18:27

Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 18:27
jimbo, please send me some of what your on,as i too need a little escape from reality!
like a said oil company employee or fat lazy leaching politican?
AnswerID: 163695

Follow Up By: Jimbo - Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 19:09

Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 19:09

At you, that is.
FollowupID: 418476

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