Wednesday, May 17, 2006 at 17:09
Yes, I think you've got Packer's quote right. I'm still trying to work out where you got the idea that we were complaining about paying taxes :))) If I find it I'll get back to you.
We said that Governments do not have any money of their OWN. It is all provided by the taxpayers (individuals, companies, etc). The Commonwealth started from a meeting of the independent States.
I'm not going to go into a long, boring defence of how this country started (or at least the non-indigenous part of it). I suppose the convicts forced labour could be considered a 'tax' of sorts. Pretty long bow though.
The squatters were given land as payment for favours and to produce goods and services for the new colony.
The reserve bank had gold (paid for by taxpayers) as that was the universally accepted method of defining the value of a nations currency at the time.
I don't have a problem with paying fair and equitable taxes either and I'm sure Footy is of the same mind. Again I don't know where you're getting this opinion that we were complaining about paying taxes ????????
As per our comments above, we are already paying for the cost of getting water to the populce via our taxes. Those taxes pay for ALL infrastructure in this country. Governments don't add any more money to it because they don't have any of their own. The only money they have is ours.