Rod Holders

Submitted: Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 06:43
ThreadID: 41134 Views:3851 Replies:9 FollowUps:14
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I had no idea that the common rod holder was illegal here in Qld. until a very courteous Const. Vidler gave me a notice for them. $70 and one demerit point, spoilt my Sunday morning. What are the options for carrying one piece beach rods now?.
Cheers, Nev.
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Reply By: Big Woody - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 07:01

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 07:01
Hi Nev,

I am in Qld and was told that if you had rods in them it was OK but if the rod holder was not in use it had to either be removed completely or spun around inside the profile of the bullbar.
I have mine on permanently too. Might just take the gamble I think until they book me for it. Bit of a joke I think as the profile of my bullbar is such that the lightforce spotties as well as the bumper section of the bar are at least 3 inches further forward than the front of my low profile rod holders.

The stupid part is that cops don't seem to give warnings or cautions anymore. For something like that when the majority would not know that it was illegal wouldn't you think a cop would say to pull it off when you get home and on your way mate?

AnswerID: 214858

Follow Up By: Member - Ivan (ACT) - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 07:09

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 07:09
I got picked up for not displaying my new rego sticker the other day - copper said he was going to give me a formal caution. Asked me what my driving history was like - told him I'd had my fair share of speeding tickets in 25 years, but I'd been pretty good apart from that - he said that he'd check my record, and make his decision based on that (book me, or formal caution).

Got the formal caution in the mail about 2 weeks later - I was pretty happy with that (it's a couple of hundred dollar fine!

2008 D4D Prado

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FollowupID: 475114

Follow Up By: Big Woody - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 07:27

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 07:27
Hi Ivan,

I left work at about 5:45pm a month ago. It was a little overcast and as I live out of town I turned my lights on driving out of the carpark because even though it was still full daylight I thought I would probably need them on before I got home.
Anyway our office is right next door to the police station and we have a very good working relationship with them.
As I drove out of the carpark a motorcycle cop rode past and looked at my car as he went through the intersection. No other cars on the road. I turned right at the lights and 300m down the road he pulled me over and aksed if I knew that my headlights were on high beam. I said no as I had just turned them on (and he knew that) and as it was daylight and I had not been behind another vehicle I had not seen any reflection to show they were on high. He asked why I had not seen the high beam indicator on the dashboard and I showed him that in a Ford Courier it is not in the centre but right over the left hand side which is hidden behind my left hand when I am driving.

He did a radio check of my driving history which is perfect except for one speeding fine (10km's over) about 18 years ago.

He still went ahead and booked me, $40 and 1 point. My boss was in the car and she couldn't belive it either and offered for the fine to be paid by my employer.

You would think that having a good relationship with the community, by issuing cautions when appropriate, would be more important that booking citizens for every tiny thing they do wrong especially if it is not too dangerous.

FollowupID: 475117

Follow Up By: The Bigfella - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 07:44

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 07:44
Must not have had his quota up for the day!!!!!!!
FollowupID: 475122

Follow Up By: tomjones83 - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:19

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:19
unbelievable! I have absolutely zero respect for police, especially in qld, they are a law unto themselves!!

But I have figured it out... They are failures at their job!
We are all out driving our nice 4wds, probably earning a lot more money than they are and enjoying our trips away over the xmas break, spending time with the family. they are stuck working all of the public holidays and at odd hours of the morning.

the big thing this year - "police are out (in their new falcon typhoons) to lower the road toll. double demerit points etc etc etc etc etc"

Most unfortunately, the road toll was higher this year then previously...

So, i think they are just grumpy because they suck at their job and are begrudged at society!
FollowupID: 475127

Follow Up By: Brian B (QLD) - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 09:54

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 09:54

I think you will find that if the holders are in use for what they are designed for then that is Ok. Otherwise they must either be taken off the vehicle or rotated over so that they do not protrude past the outside alignment of the vehicle.

The bit about the ticket for the lights is a bit ordinary hey?

tomjones 83 like all people you are entitled to express your opinion. I don't agreee with you on some of the points you raise such as "they are failures at thier job" etc, and I don't agree that they are "begrudged at society".

How would you feel if someone who didn't know you described you as suucking at your job etc. Yes there are some ratbags in their ranks like in most workplaces but give the poor bastards a fair go.
FollowupID: 475149

Follow Up By: Hairy - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 10:48

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 10:48
Surley it cant be too hard to make one you can take off easily or look into the regulations and make one that complies?
But as for the copper, they would get a lot more respect from people if they gave a warning instead of a fine.
FollowupID: 475163

Reply By: age - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:21

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:21
Neville G

Have a look at BCF - they have new rod holders made by Wilson that are quickly removeable. Mounting bracket stays on bullbar and has a receiver socket that the rod holder which now has a spigot welded onto it slots into. Whole lot is held in by a hitch pin (similar principle to how a Haymen Reece towbar is removable). I found it wobbled around a bit due to using a grade and thickness of aluminium that is a bit thin, but a couple of slight mods and it now works a treat. Think I paid $29.95 for it - better than a fine. It is legal to carry a rod in the holder in QLD, just not legal to have it mounted and empty. I think it is also legal if you turn the empty rod holder around to be contained wholly behind the bullbar - but would be a pain every time you wish to use it and on both 80 and 100 series Cruisers, interferes with opening the bonnet.


AnswerID: 214864

Follow Up By: age - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:33

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:33
Follow up with link to Wilson page with picture -
Site Link

FollowupID: 475129

Follow Up By: troopyman - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:47

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:47
I have a wilson and they are excellent .
FollowupID: 475131

Reply By: Member - bushfix - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:29

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:29
eh Nev, should have stuck one of those "cops are tops" stickers on it :)
AnswerID: 214865

Reply By: Taz & Milka-Queanbeyan - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:29

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 08:29
I fail to believe that violent crime in Australia has been contained to the point that our Police officers have the time and resources to waste on the petty crap mentioned above.

I have worked hand in hand with the Police forces of most of our states and constantly listened to them complaining about how a very successful taskforce that was targeting guns/drugs/violent crime/racial crime etc etc was closed down in mid stride due to a lack of resources.

What is going wrong ? Where are our priorities ? I am absolutely certain that I would rather see 1 violent criminal behind bars than 25 people cautioned or fined for having a rod holder on their bullbar or their lights on high beam in daylight.

Is this some kind of sick joke or am I not being objective enough ? Perhaps I haven't considered the possibilty of Neville G who upon discovering that his illegal bullbar didn't earn him a night in the cells can now consider that the local ANZ is ripe for knocking over with an AK-47 and a hand grenade that he just so happens to have buried in his backyard.

In an earlier post I admitted to being in the middle of a drinking session which is now coming to an end. Am I that intoxicated that I can't see the difference between a minor infraction of a law no-one has heard of and a violent crime ?

I am of the opinion that the Police need to take a step back and re-evaluate how they do business. Its time to get their priorities straight and deal with the serious crimes first.

Oh look ! An ex British cop has just walked back into the bunker with another bottle of booze that needs to be consumed. Me thinks its time for me to get my prioriies straight and ditch he laptop for a clean glass !!!

Cheers ... Taz
AnswerID: 214866

Follow Up By: obee - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 09:54

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 09:54
I am all for critising some of the dumb things the cops do but I dont think comparing road infringements with crime is fair when so many people are killed and badly maimed on the road. I cop the odd speeding fine with the thought that I should be paying more attention to what I am doing and cheerfully go and check the photo to reinforce my powers of observation and give the young cop the bleep s for wasting his time. They don't like it (checking) here in Perth.

FollowupID: 475148

Follow Up By: robak (QLD) - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 14:31

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 14:31

Then you may be surprised to hear that most crims that the police are looking for are picked up on minor offences. They then do a check and.. viola.

Just like the guy illegaly parking in a handicapped space is more likely to have a criminal record then the average Joe.
FollowupID: 475207

Reply By: DIO - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 09:55

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 09:55
From what I read of oyur post, at least you copped it and didn't have to whinge and whine like a lot on this forum regularly do. Cop just doing his (her) job. It's in the statutes then he/she/they are required to enforce it. It's that simple. The govts. of the day are responsible for the statutes NOT the police. The community has a responsibilty to comply with the stautes regardless of their personal opinions. The place to take action is the ballot box. Whinging and whining on these forums only goes to show the true nature of the people involved. It would seem that they want to take the law into their own hands or choose which one's they want to comply with. Recently some idiot even went so far as to say ..'it's oonly an offence if you get caught...'

It seems to me that this forum is attracting a lot of cowboys and red-necks who are hell-bent on imposing thier (REDUCED) values and priororities on others. I would have thought that as resoponsible citizens they would want to PROMOTE
AnswerID: 214884

Reply By: DIO - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 10:49

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 10:49
G'day Neville, from what I read of your post, at least you 'copped it 'and didn't have to whinge and whine like a lot on this forum regularly do. WELL DONE. The only other options I can suggest for a 1 piece rod is on the roof with overhang front and rear (within the legal limmitations). By the way, I wonder what would your reactions have been if you were caught with undersized fish, or fishing w/out a licence (if appropriate), or exceed bag limit, or drove onto a beach without a permit etc. Would you have taken the time and effort to express yourself on this forum? Seems to me that they too are rules and regulations that have to be complied with.

Cop just doing his (her) job. It's in the statutes then he/she/they are required to enforce it. It's that simple. If you don’t like getting pinched, then make sure that your vehicle is legal and you drive according to the road traffic laws of the day. The govts. of the day are responsible for the statutes NOT the police. The community has a responsibilty to comply with the statutes regardless of their personal opinions. If YOU don’t like the concept of a society with a statutes in place, the results of which generally providing us with a semblance of order then perhaps try Iran or Iraq, or maybe Fiji or Somalia might be some ideal places to re-locate. It seems that you can do whatever you want to there. The place to take action is the ballot box. Whinging and whining on these forums only goes to show the true extent of your nature and just how pathetically weak and simple minded that you really are. It would seem that you would want to take the law into your own hands or choose which laws you want to comply with. It’s OK to choose but just be aware that it's ‘play the sailor – pay the price’.

Recently some idiot even went so far as to say ..'it's only an offence if you get caught...' Gee I'd love to hear his opinion (and no doubt his whinging and whining) if his wife was raped by some dirty smelly creepy sexual deviate or his kids assaulted by a low-life Paedophile and they, the offenders, weren't apprehended at the time. Their attitude being along the lines of ''it's only an offence if I get caught" Since they didn't get caught then they'll no doubt continue to commit such offences against your family, your wife, your kids and the community.

It seems to me that this forum is attracting a lot of 'cowboys and red-necks' who are hell-bent on imposing their (REDUCED) values and priororities on others. Yes sure it’s their opinion but so often they are WRONG and OUT OF LINE. I would have thought that as responsible citizens, who on occasion appear to be only to keen to help others with 4x4, camping, caravanning advice etc that they would also want to PROMOTE and ENCOURAGE others to consider the MAJORITY within the community who expect that the laws of the land - NO MATTER HOW APPARENTLY TRIVIAL they be are, be complied with.
The police officer who recently spoke to operators of a broken down van (Geelong area) was just doing his job. He didn't know they were carrying 1000 +-of litres of chemical used to convert into 100's thousands of Ecstasy tablets. (Further investigations resulted in a MASSIVE haul of such chemical in Sydney ready for converting into tablets and distribution). How many of your kids might have been prevented from consuming a dangerous illicit cocktail of drugs likely to result in long term psychological and health problems and SOMETIMES death. But, as we already know, you smarties don't give a dam do you so long as you can continue to speed, drive illegally modified and unroadworthy vehicles, probably drive whilst in excess of .05 etc etc. Gee you must be so proud of yourselves and feel so masculine and manly by your words and actions. A REAL CREDIT TO SOCIETY AND ROLE MODELS FOR YOUR KIDS. I bet you get your mates to read the forums just so they can see how GREAT you are and how tough you act. The sort of thing you’d expect young schoolboys to be involved with.

Perhaps it’s also time for the vast majority in this forum to take a stand against the demeaning attitudes of these few who seem ‘hell-bent’ on imposing their standards. Or are you just 'tough talkers' , hoping to impress everyone else on the forum !

It's time for THEM to SHUT UP, GROW UP and act with some MATURITY.

Happy New Year
AnswerID: 214890

Follow Up By: rooscoota - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 14:09

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 14:09
hey hey g'day there

well put DIO... do the crime,do the time (or pay the fine)... dont stand back, wait for the copper or whoever to leave then whinge and biatch and complain about it, and then come onto these type of forums and expect some kind of sympathy or "you poor bugga you" kinda words of how badly you've been done by. maybe quite a few motorists out there should "actually" know what the road rules are before getting behind the wheel and "assuming" they know, good example there doug t (wa) not being a fisho but you knew the rod holders are illegal in qld, i live in n.s.w. (lower half) and have known for years thats illegal up that way...
i've been haunting this forum for a coupla years now (and almost membered up) but it'll be a cold day in hell b4 i become a financial member only to pay for the privilege of having to put up with the ever increasing number of, as described b4, 'cowboys and red-necks'. theres other forums where these type of hardcore halfwits are more than welcome.

lifes a garden.... dig it..

FollowupID: 475202

Follow Up By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 15:45

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 15:45
Normally wouldn’t bother to respond to this type of thread and by and large I would agree with some of your sentiments BUT your approach is extreme to say the least. In some ways no better than those red neckers to which you refer.

It is dead easy to show the type of extreme examples you have highlighted to demonstrate the value of good policing but it is totally irrelevant comparing the fishing rod holder indiscretion with a lucky find of a 1000 litres of drugs and those other nasties to which you referred.

I would have been more impressed if those drugs had been found through good police work. It is terribly easy to see people breaking the road laws, see it everyday! Just walk down to your first corner and watch how many people are on the phone as they drive past! I find that disgusting but I really hope that the next time I have momentary lapse of attention I get pulled over by some cop with a few less issues.

I think the original post was just trying to highlight/remind people to not have the holders because in some circumstances they are illegal.

Kind regards
FollowupID: 475225

Follow Up By: Hairy - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 16:40

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 16:40
Excuse my ignorance but..........did I miss something?
Were his rod holders stuffed full of drugs destined to the local playground??
FollowupID: 475238

Follow Up By: handy - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 16:52

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 16:52
i think they have been sniffing their rod holders
FollowupID: 475242

Reply By: Member - Doug T (W.A) - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 11:20

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 11:20
Bad luck there mate , I;m not a fish person but I've known for years that they were illegal , unless you can keep it all behind the bull bar, But that don't make you any lesser person than me Nev , I guess the $70 can be written off but them damn points take 3 years to get back ,

here is an interesting site , I don't there is any mention about Rod holders though I didn't have a good look
Site Link

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AnswerID: 214895

Reply By: robak (QLD) - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 14:35

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 14:35$file/Modification_Jan05v2.pdf

page 10 and 11
AnswerID: 214915

Reply By: datto311 - Saturday, Jan 13, 2007 at 12:08

Saturday, Jan 13, 2007 at 12:08
just think of the horrific pedeistrian injuries, and remember we are all pedestrians
AnswerID: 215094

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