Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 10:49
G'day Neville, from what I read of your post, at least you 'copped it 'and didn't have to whinge and whine like a lot on this
forum regularly do.
WELL DONE. The only other options I can suggest for a 1 piece rod is on the roof with overhang front and rear (within the legal limmitations). By the way, I wonder what would your reactions have been if you were caught with undersized fish, or fishing w/out a licence (if appropriate), or exceed bag limit, or drove onto a beach without a permit etc. Would you have taken the time and effort to express yourself on this
forum? Seems to me that they too are rules and regulations that have to be complied with.
Cop just doing his (her) job. It's in the statutes then he/she/they are required to enforce it. It's that simple. If you don’t like getting pinched, then make sure that your vehicle is legal and you drive according to the road traffic laws of the day. The govts. of the day are responsible for the statutes NOT the police. The community has a responsibilty to comply with the statutes regardless of their personal opinions. If YOU don’t like the concept of a society with a statutes in place, the results of which generally providing us with a semblance of order then perhaps try Iran or Iraq, or maybe Fiji or Somalia might be some ideal
places to re-locate. It seems that you can do whatever you want to there. The place to take action is the ballot box. Whinging and whining on these forums only goes to show the true extent of your nature and just how pathetically weak and simple minded that you really are. It would seem that you would want to take the law into your own hands or choose which laws you want to comply with. It’s OK to choose but just be aware that it's ‘play the sailor – pay the price’.
Recently some idiot even went so far as to say ..'it's only an offence if you get caught...' Gee I'd love to hear his opinion (and no doubt his whinging and whining) if his wife was raped by some dirty smelly creepy sexual deviate or his kids assaulted by a low-life Paedophile and they, the offenders, weren't apprehended at the time. Their attitude being along the lines of ''it's only an offence if I get caught" Since they didn't get caught then they'll no doubt continue to commit such offences against your family, your wife, your kids and the community.
It seems to me that this
forum is attracting a lot of 'cowboys and red-necks' who are hell-bent on imposing their (REDUCED) values and priororities on others. Yes sure it’s their opinion but so often they are WRONG and OUT OF LINE. I would have thought that as responsible citizens, who on occasion appear to be only to keen to help others with 4x4, camping, caravanning advice etc that they would also want to PROMOTE and ENCOURAGE others to consider the MAJORITY within the community who expect that the laws of the land - NO MATTER HOW APPARENTLY TRIVIAL they be are, be complied with.
The police officer who recently spoke to operators of a broken down van (Geelong area) was just doing his job. He didn't know they were carrying 1000 +-of litres of chemical used to convert into 100's thousands of Ecstasy tablets. (Further investigations resulted in a MASSIVE haul of such chemical in
Sydney ready for converting into tablets and distribution). How many of your kids might have been prevented from consuming a dangerous illicit cocktail of drugs likely to result in long term psychological and health problems and SOMETIMES death. But, as we already know, you smarties don't give a
dam do you so long as you can continue to speed, drive illegally modified and unroadworthy vehicles, probably drive whilst in excess of .05 etc etc. Gee you must be so proud of yourselves and feel so masculine and manly by your words and actions. A REAL CREDIT TO SOCIETY AND ROLE MODELS FOR YOUR KIDS. I bet you get your mates to read the forums just so they can see how GREAT you are and how tough you act. The sort of thing you’d expect
young schoolboys to be involved with.
Perhaps it’s also time for the vast majority in this
forum to take a stand against the demeaning attitudes of these few who seem ‘hell-bent’ on imposing their standards. Or are you just 'tough talkers' , hoping to impress everyone else on the
forum !
It's time for THEM to SHUT UP, GROW UP and act with some MATURITY.
Happy New Year
Follow Up By: rooscoota - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 14:09
Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 14:09
hey hey g'day there
well put DIO... do the crime,do the time (or pay the fine)... dont stand back, wait for the copper or whoever to leave then whinge and biatch and complain about it, and then come onto these type of forums and expect some kind of sympathy or "you poor bugga you" kinda words of how badly you've been done by. maybe quite a few motorists out there should "actually" know what the road rules are before getting behind the wheel and "assuming" they know, good example there doug t (wa) not being a fisho but you knew the rod holders are illegal in qld, i live in n.s.w. (lower half) and have known for years thats illegal up that way...
i've been haunting this
forum for a coupla years now (and almost membered up) but it'll be a cold day in hell b4 i become a financial member only to pay for the privilege of having to put up with the ever increasing number of, as described b4, 'cowboys and red-necks'. theres other forums where these type of hardcore halfwits are more than welcome.
lifes a garden.... dig it..
Follow Up By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 15:45
Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 15:45
Normally wouldn’t bother to respond to this type of thread and by and large I would agree with some of your sentiments BUT your approach is extreme to say the least. In some ways no better than those red neckers to which you refer.
It is dead easy to show the type of extreme examples you have highlighted to demonstrate the value of good policing but it is totally irrelevant comparing the fishing rod holder indiscretion with a lucky find of a 1000 litres of drugs and those other nasties to which you referred.
I would have been more impressed if those drugs had been found through good police work. It is terribly easy to see people breaking the road laws, see it everyday! Just walk down to your first corner and watch how many people are on the phone as they drive past! I find that disgusting but I really hope that the next time I have momentary lapse of attention I get pulled over by some cop with a few less issues.
I think the original post was just trying to highlight/remind people to not have the holders because in some circumstances they are illegal.
Kind regards
Follow Up By: Hairy - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 16:40
Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 16:40
Excuse my ignorance but..........did I miss something?
Were his rod holders stuffed full of drugs destined to the local playground??
Follow Up By: handy - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 16:52
Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 16:52
i think they have been sniffing their rod holders