Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 16:06
I have been involved with 4WD clubs since about 1982 and have always been told to NEVER connect a snatch strap to either a bullbar or a towbar.
I have actually seen a tow ball snap whilst a snatch strap was connected and its a scary thing to see. Thankfully on that occasion, no one was hurt.
Below is an extract from the Office Of Fair Trading in Qld regarding snatch straps.
Snatch straps potential safety
Fair Trading Minister Margaret Keech is warning off-road enthusiasts to take precautions when using snatch straps on a bogged vehicle.
Mrs Keech said snatch straps were designed to help pull clear a bogged vehicle, but could be a potential safety
hazard if not used correctly.
"The safety hazards of using elasticised snatch straps were highlighted recently with the reported death of Queensland man during an attempt to recover a bogged vehicle," she said.
"In this tragic incident, a snatch strap catapulted a towing hook (which had become dislodged) 10 metres, striking the man in the stomach."
"The Office of Fair Trading is working with industry and Standards Australia to develop performance and labelling standards for elasticised vehicle recovery straps.
"Consumers should not underestimate the potential risk of serious injury or death if safety precautions are not taken when using snatch straps."
Mrs Keech said key safety tips were:
- Always follow the manufacturer's instructions on how the strap is to be used and maintained.
- Never connect a snatch strap to a conventional tow bar or tow ball, as these are not designed to withstand the severe forces created by the stretching and release of energy of elasticised snatch straps.
- Connect the snatch strap securely to appropriately rated shackles or tow hitches engineered, making sure they are suitably bolted to the vehicle for the purpose.
For more about product safety issues contact the OFT on 1300 658 030
I for one would NEVER just put the snatch strap on the tow bar using the centre pin as has been suggested in one of the other responses, but each to their own.
Used correctly, snatch straps are great. Used incorrectly, they are deadly.
I would suggest that your course you have suggested doing will show you the correct methods and could
well be the best investment you will ever make towards a successfull trip.
Follow Up By: Sparkie C - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 21:47
Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 21:47
The incident referred to above related the recovery of a truck with a heavy payload that was severely bogged ,and the recovery tow hook had been under extreme loads and stress for many attempted recoveries.
The hook finally became the weak point and gave way with fatal consequences.
Straps can be dangerous and we all take them too lightly because a recovery so simple most of the time.
As previous posts have said Join a 4WD club or do a course and learn the Safe way to do it and have fun in the bush
Regards Sparkie (Qld)