Monday, Jan 29, 2007 at 11:15
Well done Brian, without your efforts & those of your supporters the place will turn
into a garbage dump. We first went to Fraser in late 80s & you would not find a struck match, very clean everywhere. Our last trip in 99 saw us spend 2 hrs cleaning up our selected
camp site of every pollutant imagineable, & that was 3 days before
Easter. 3 days later thousands descended on Fraser, not enough
sites for everyone,people camped on the beachfront. We had to defend our small
site from those who tried to erect their tents amongst our belongings. Forced to
park 4by on track into site to keep possession. During the night a rent a troopy load
of British backpackers parked below us on
the beach & partyed all night with lights
blazing & music blaring. Next morning, you guessed it, troopy has no tricity.
Representative of group comes into
camp demanding "joomper leds", no please,
only "Hoory oop" we in a hoory. So Sorry,we have none, so sad. Troopy was connected to next 20 cars that had leads but did not start until towed for about
10 k by good samaritan. Troopy flies back to
camp, loads rest of bodies & departs
leaving all rubbish including piles of sh*t within 2 metres of where they sat.
So we cleaned it all up, remained quietly in
our camp area, hunted away several
groups of ferals that came into
our camp from the rear, apparently intent on theft,
as their vehicles would slowly drive along
the beach parralell to the walkers.
Easter over, the hoons, thieves ,idiots, roared off, some doing over 100kph, & we were left with all the rubbish. We spent the next day cleaning up until the big
skip on
the beach was full, packed up & vowed never to return.
Wrote "Not happy pam" letters to QLD police & National Parks, received usual
response...nothing.. & havent been back since.
We hope this isnt the norm for most visitors as the place is a paradise or should
be, & we would wecome advice that things are now better, or are they?
Follow Up By: madfisher - Monday, Jan 29, 2007 at 22:48
Monday, Jan 29, 2007 at 22:48
Mate its a bloody disgrace the way some ferals carry on. We now only ever go to a farmstay or a private property that controls nos on
Easter weekends. Its makes me think how idilic the seventies were.
Dunns Swamp has gone the same way. Last weekend there must have been 500 people crammed in their and they think they are camping? Looked more like a 3rd world country
Cheers Mate
Follow Up By: Redback - Tuesday, Jan 30, 2007 at 08:20
Tuesday, Jan 30, 2007 at 08:20
"Looked more like a 3rd world country"
That's funny, true unfortunately, but still funny.
We remote
camp, as far as we can from the Norms of this world and drongos who have their kids riding around the
campsite on the minibkes and quads, bloody inconsiderate bastards.