4WD Bashers at it again!

Submitted: Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 14:41
ThreadID: 42678 Views:2416 Replies:13 FollowUps:6
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Today's Qld Sunday Mail p34 (no web version posted yet) has a Greens environment spokeswoman saying that owners of 4WD vehicles ought to pay higher taxes as punishment for polluting the environment. This quote shows her unbiased attitude: "Only ignorant people drive 4WDs".
The call comes as carmakers announce plans to produce even bigger 4WDs this year, including a military look Hummer from Holden and a larger version of Landrover's Freelander.

However the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries spokesman said that it was wrong to blame 4WDs for environmental damage. "It's rubbish to say that a medium sized SUV is worse on the environment than a small or medium sized passenger car".

The State Environment Minister said all vehicles produced greenhouse gases and she did not think 4WDs should be picked on in isolation.

So it didn't all go the Green's way.
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Reply By: Sand Man (SA) - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 14:59

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 14:59
Sounds like she is the "ignorant person".

Hope she ends up with egg on her face, but these type of people tend to have a very thick hide. Never let ignorance get in the way of any story.

As for the "military look" Hummer being introduced by Holden, I don't think so.
The H3 being imported is known as the "Baby" Hummer and looks significantly different to its "big" sibling.

I'm diagonally parked in a parallel Universe!

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AnswerID: 223863

Follow Up By: Gerhardp1 - Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 15:21

Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 15:21
And the H3 is smaller than a Ford Territory. Even so, the press is bagging the "Huge" new model, while praising Toyota's effort to make the Kluger even bigger for the next model, thereby making it also bigger than the Hummer.

People everywhere spew rubbish and there are plenty of eager ears for whatever is flailed around..

I occasionally write some rubbish, just to wind people up - they get stressed, I unwind...hehe :)
FollowupID: 484924

Reply By: Mikee5 (QLD) - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 15:05

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 15:05
RAV4 or similar bad. Holden crewman v8 good.
Makes sense doesn't it.
AnswerID: 223865

Follow Up By: Gerhardp1 - Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 15:22

Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 15:22
That's correct.

RAV 4 is bad, Crewman fully sic.....
FollowupID: 484925

Reply By: Mr Fawlty - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 15:10

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 15:10
You have to love the Greens, yes we all have a responsibility to look after the planet and take sensible practical steps each and every one of us. The absurd remarks that some of the Greens make honestly leaves me wondering.
A while ago in Canberra we had a minor melee with a Greens MLA, the woman is a total wipeout and is doing more to ensure her not getting reelected.
When the Greens do a door knock close to election time and "Promise" to "rid the roads of all & any mechanically propelled device" I ask them " who is going to compensate business who will loose millions if people can't buy cars & use them and who is going to fill in the tax shortfall if no one can buy, or has a need for vehicle fuel?" The answer is of course that I just get a stare, and they walk away shaking their heads...
Some people like to believe in God, others are more pragmatic, Greens on the other hand think that the problem is as simple as taking 4X4's of the road because they don't own one...Ask em to demonstrate how they are going to get a sheet of MDF home from Bunnings on their push bike...
AnswerID: 223866

Reply By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 15:26

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 15:26
And where do they think the cardboard comes from when they are doing there demonstrations and so forth holding up there signs, uuuum maybe the cardboard was from a tree. There all a bunch of wankers, I didn't see any of them with a hose in the hand trying to save the high country. Steve M
AnswerID: 223868

Reply By: 3.0turbob - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 16:29

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 16:29
How about we ban politicians... all the hot air comming out of 'em must contribute to global warming!

AnswerID: 223882

Reply By: Flash - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 17:11

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 17:11
I agree with the Greens spokesperson.

I should immediately sell my Patrol .... (No then someone else would use it!)
........... no burn my Patrol........( um maybe not, as THAT would produce greenhouse gas)
......................maybe bury my Patrol, and buy a Barina or Prius or something like that to tow my 3 tonne caravan with.

Think of the fuel I'd save.
And while we're at it, all trucks etc had better be ordered off the road too!

I'm shocked at all you ignorant people- shame!

BTW the Greens also want to shut down our coal industry VERY soon- tough luck about the blackouts, unemployment, financial devastation etc etc which would result.
AnswerID: 223886

Follow Up By: madfisher - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 20:51

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 20:51
The fact that they want to close down the coal industry, shows that these people are the new LOONEY LEFT, NSW is in enough trouble without losing our coal industry
Cheers Pete
FollowupID: 484792

Follow Up By: Muzzgit [WA] - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 23:06

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 23:06
The thing is guys, it will happen one day.

One day all the worlds governments will have to make the decision that lost jobs and everything else pails into insignificance when considering the polution we are creating.

Better to be able to breath at all rather than say, well hell my kids can't breathe and my last child was born with three eyes, but hey, I've still got my job!
FollowupID: 484821

Reply By: hopscotch - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 17:12

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 17:12
Busy Bee,

Was this person from the same lot that advocated that we stop all coal mining within three years? If it wasn't so stupid it would be laughable. Do threse people think before they open their mouth or is it just done for publicity since they know that they will never get to the point where they can actually do anything. It's a bit like another pollie who spends years yelling about the yanks and all the damage they are doing and now changes his outlook because it is 'Party Policy" Can't he think for himself?

We currently have three levels of government in Australia and there is evidence that one level should go. Any chance we could pick a piece from each level.

AnswerID: 223887

Reply By: png62 - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 17:23

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 17:23
OK - "Greens" persons carrying on about green house gas emissions from 4wds - Who would like to bet on the fact that they MOST likely drive an old piece of "you know what" that generates more emissions than our well maintained (loved/adored/treasured) large horrible 4wds.
AnswerID: 223892

Follow Up By: Kiwi Kia - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 18:52

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 18:52
Ask them which indusrial revelution it was that created the global warming on Mars and made that planet lose it's atmosphere !
FollowupID: 484770

Reply By: Member - Oldplodder (QLD) - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 20:17

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 20:17
A couple of years ago I was at Griffith Uni during the get to know us type day they use to get students in.

They hada anti car stand, with the usual co2 stuff etc. Now I agree that we are killing ourselves long term, or at least creating a major problem. But I asked them what we should do instead. Ride bikes etc was the answer.

I suggested that the internal combustion and steam engines actually saved a major evironmental disaster in the big cities like London in the 1880s. London is a city of about 10 sq.miles, and it trying to get rid of 2000 tons a day of horse manure. It was blocking drains and causing major health problems. Engine driven buses, trucks and cars solved a major problem.

How soon we forget.

Also such transport saved another major problem. Those days most people lived with 4 miles of work, since they walked. Engined buses solved another major problem, getting people around so they could work. This allowed cities to industrialise further.
AnswerID: 223927

Reply By: Muzzgit [WA] - Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 23:58

Sunday, Feb 25, 2007 at 23:58
I don't suppose that ignorant person has ever watched a motor sport race?

Could you imagine the fuel burned every week by rally cars, F1, Nasscar, Australian V8's, drags, motocross, Truck racing, MotoGP and the list goes on.

Although they are all enjoyable for humans to watch/compete/gamble on, none are really essential to the common person for transport/work/recreation like the humble 4WD, which I might add, most would be more economical than a V8 Holden GTS, or Ford XR8 sedan.

The greens should start a petition to ban anyone under 70 from driving V8's. Anyone younger than that is likely to take off excessively, brake excessively, tailgate, do burnouts, harass old ladies driving Toyota Corolla and generally be a nuisance to society.

tongue in cheek of coarse! te he.
AnswerID: 223969

Reply By: Battlecat - Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 04:44

Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 04:44
"When I started to investigate the impact of food on the environment a month ago I thought I would find myself fretting over food miles. In fact transport is a tiny component of agriculture’s worldwide contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.

No, the main culprit is out there in the fields, chewing her cud. It turns out that livestock – predominantly cattle – are responsible for an astonishing proportion of global warming gases - 18 per cent of the total, to be precise.

That’s right, almost a fifth of all emissions which is more greenhouse gas emissions than all the transport on earth – planes, trains, cars, skidoos the lot."

Apparently we should ban all the cows too.
AnswerID: 223979

Follow Up By: Member - Karl - Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 10:06

Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 10:06
Nah - just eat more red meat!!!

Lets stir up the Vegetarian with that - probably one and the same as the Greens!!
FollowupID: 484857

Reply By: PhilZD30Patrol - Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 09:16

Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 09:16

The Greens idiotic, way out and extreme views kill reasonable debate and discussion about global warming and how prevent ordinary sensible people from discussing how we can change to contribute to resolving the problems. The simple facts are that very few of us can re arrange our life styles to do anything of significance because we are trapped in the normal cycle of life in Australia.

Unfortunately the Greens do not seem to be capable of discussing real, sensible and achievable solutions to environmental degradation. They seem to want to deliberately destroy the debate by their stupidity and far out ideas.

If only one of the main stream political parties would give show some leadership and propose clear, rational and achievable solutions. Both sides of main stream Australian politics are too gutless and nervous to try. Changing light bulbs is only a very small pathetic and gutless first step at best.

So that’s my 2 bobs worth

AnswerID: 223996

Reply By: Time - Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 10:11

Monday, Feb 26, 2007 at 10:11
You all believe what is written in the press!!!

Read post 42707 before convicting and hanging the poor lady.
AnswerID: 224009

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