Vacuum Packed Meat

Submitted: Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 20:57
ThreadID: 4273 Views:9507 Replies:8 FollowUps:7
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I was wondering if anyone could give us advice on vacuum packed meat. I read on the archive that people say that it lasts up to five weeks if refridgerated - Michelle even reckoned that it didn't have to be in the fridge to keep, so beware the invitation to eat around her campfire!

I would imagine that it would keep better and we have enough room in our 60 litre Engel to keep it cool. We are in Melbourne's east and are planning a trip to Cape York and are not sure if we should get the meat cryovacced (cryo means cold and vacc. we all know) before we go. Does any Tom Dick or Harriette butcher do cryovaccing or do we have to go to a special place. I dont do the shopping so ???

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Reply By: Truckster - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 21:45

Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 21:45
This bloke advertises in the Nissan club magazine. in Melbourne.

Ottos Meats
44 Centerway
Pinewood shopping Square
blackburn road ,
Mount Waverley
AnswerID: 17074

Reply By: Member - Cocka - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 21:46

Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 21:46
Andrew glad you took the time to check the archives. It is a great way to extend the life of beef, lamb, chicken etc. Most good butchers have the facility. I don't know when you are going but your local cryovac butcher cold make up a couple of parcels and you could experiment ahead of time with keeping in and out of a fridge. But why take it all the way from Melb ?? Buy fresh a few days supply at a time and replace it along the way as you go, same with your vegies. Get cryo up in Cairns if you think you need to. There's plenty of fish up the Cape if you take a line.
Check with ExOz member Cape York tours (some name like that) who frequent that area
AnswerID: 17075

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 21:51

Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 21:51
Here's the right name -
ERIC from Cape York ConnectionsCarpe Diem
FollowupID: 10658

Follow Up By: joc45 - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 22:23

Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 22:23
Here I go again - I swear by the stuff!
I arrange for the meat to be packed in meal-sized packs, so you only open what you need. Hand a list of what you want to the butcher, go and do some other shopping and return 1/2hr later to collect. Most butchers are happy to pack the meat in whatever size packs you want.
I've had no problems finding a butcher who cryovacs wherever I've travelled, so you only need to carry what you will use between major town stops.
If in doubt, search on the on-line yellow pages, on butchers for a particular town and give them a ring to see if they do cryovac.
FollowupID: 10663

Reply By: Steve - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 23:02

Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 23:02
Andrew: once you are outside the big smoke... you will find that in the main towns in the outback... ie., outside Melbourne and Sydney the (smart) butchers have Cryovac machines in their stores and cater for the people who live in the bush.... just check out any small town in the bush and you will/ may be pleasantly surprised at their ability to provide the travellers with their requirements !!... they are better equipped in the bush for the travellers than you may be able to imagine !!
AnswerID: 17086

Reply By: Member - Toonfish - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 23:16

Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 23:16
it is an absolute must to refrigerate all cryo meats doing anythingelse is looking for trouble.
you may get away with hung meat without a cryovac package but it is advisable to chill it .
unless its a gourmet thin sliced air dried grain fed water buffalo??? lol
oh yeah im a chef (not many weekends off for the fourby )1999 NISSAN NAVARA DUALCAB


AnswerID: 17088

Reply By: Michelle from ExplorOz - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 01:02

Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 01:02
I know you've already heard my bit, but just to clarify - yes cryovac works great provided you follow some simple rules for ensuring freshness. Have your meat cryovac in small portions (daily amounts). In some places, you MAY be charged for the bags used (around 50c - $1 per bag). Your selection of meat and cuts will affect the longevity of your meat. Red meat lasts up to 6 weeks (cryovac & refrigerated); pork around 5 weeks and chicken around 3 weeks. Avoid cryovacing (?sp? meat with bones (for risk of piercing) and forget about cryovacing sausages (end up with squashed sausage mince and popped skins). The more cuts (such as dicing) the meat has had, the less time it will stay fresh. Aim for the finished cryovac package to be as flat as possible to improve packing space in fridge. Remove meat from cryovac just before cooking - drain off the blood (yucky... drip it into the hot fire) and rinse the meat in water to remove the stale smell. If you air the meat for about half and hour it comes good. Trust me, we've never been sick from cryovac meat - not once.

As previously stated by someone here, don't worry about buying in Melb. Cairns have butchers and you just have to ask the supermarkets (go up to the meat dept window and ask if they do it) too.

TIP - there is a quarantine checkpoint on the penninsula and if you want to take fruit and vegies to Bamaga and beyond you must have a quarantine checklist of your goods. Request this when buying your stuff from Woolworths - they are an approved quarantine exempt supplier. It will be an itemised list attached to your docket.ExplorOz
AnswerID: 17095

Follow Up By: Andrew - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 08:11

Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 08:11
Now that's a good tip about the quarantine stuff - I never would have thought about that as an issue. Does Woolworths mean Woolworths in Cairns or anywhere in Northern Queensland. Not sure if there are Woolies north of Cairns. Thanks. Andrew
FollowupID: 10671

Follow Up By: Michelle from ExplorOz - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 09:58

Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 09:58
Just Cairns to my knowledge. Definately no Woolies further north.
FollowupID: 10675

Follow Up By: bob_h - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 22:34

Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 22:34
There's a Woolworths store in Weipa, about 100 metres from the Camp ground. Good shopping centre too
FollowupID: 10719

Reply By: Janette from Cape York Connections - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 10:05

Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 10:05
Whenever we travel as a family to Cape york we buy our meat in Cairns and get it cryovaced there. One butcher we have used is in Smithtown Shopping Centre.(a northern suburb of cairns) There would be others its just a matter of asking or making a phone call. We buy enough meat to last us till Weipa, there is a big Woolies supermarket there & they will cryovac if you ask and there is also another butcher in that centre we use.Alternatively you can buy meat that is already cryovaced in Lockhart River, Bamaga Supermarket, Umagico Supermarket and Seisia Supermarket, though it is usually in larger quantities.
All the best
AnswerID: 17102

Follow Up By: Member - David- Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 11:21

Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 11:21
I think the suburb might be Smithfield - over the Kamerunga bridge, left at the big roundabout then the 8am - 8pm 7-days a week Woolies is at the next big roundabout at the base of the hill as you head up to Kuranda. Stop in at the coffee shop in the shopping centre and get some Black Mountain coffee - it's pretty good. There are plenty of good places to see around Cairns, so don't rush past!
FollowupID: 10678

Follow Up By: bob_h - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 22:36

Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 22:36
Watch/check the use by dates at Bamaga- when I was there they had some GREY beef about 3mths out of date!
FollowupID: 10720

Reply By: Member - Melissa - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 15:21

Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 15:21
Hi Andrew,

Michelle hit the nail on the head with her answer. In my experience it's easier to find a butcher who'll cryovac in rural and outback areas than it is in the city. Another BIG bonus to longer lasting meat is that cryvaced packages are airtight so no leakage and therefore no bloody mess in the bottom of your fridge. This means no possible contamination of the other contents in your fridge. I swear by it and never travel without cryovacing meat unless just for 1 or 2 night trip.

:o) MelissaPetrol 4.5L GU Patrol &

Camprite TL8 offroad camper
AnswerID: 17139

Reply By: Member - Richard- Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 20:40

Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 20:40
Danoz (yes the mob that advertise on TV a lot) have a vac and seal machine for about $250. I was thinking of buying one for short trips away. It works off 240 volt so all the work can be done at home before the trip. Of course would be also handy for home use for general fridge storage. Have you looked at one of these. If anyone reading this has some knowledge of the machine I would be interested. I have seen one in the flesh (so to speak!) and it looks quite sturdy.

AnswerID: 17165

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