Monday, Mar 12, 2007 at 10:54
Please take this in a friendly way, that's how it is meant.
I am a professional fire fighter. Now that, to me seems like a pretty basic job, certainly in relation to high tech electrical gear (we use a lot of water). In fact it is only recently that I have had to use a computer to any extent at work. Haveing said that I have had an interest in computers since the early 80's. I have improved my computer skills gradually over that time. Recently there has been a marked increase in my professional use of computers. This has brought with it access to computer training and IT personnel. I have made use of this access to improve my computer skills to the point now that I am able to assist others both at work and elsewhere with computer problems. I do not consider myself an expert but I know how to run a few programmes and can work most out, at least at a basic level.
When I look at the guys I work with the range of computer skills is wide and not easy to categorise. Some of the older guys are great on the 'puter some are terrified of them and would rather jump into a pit full of snakes than even touch a keyboard. The same is true for some of the
young guys. I have a mate who until recently ran his own business (successfully) and still does not know how to turn on a computer.
That was bigger than I thought it would be, sorry.
Now to your demographic list.
camping love it give me more, more, more
trail bikes haven't played for some time, fire fighting doesn't pay that
well but wouldn't mind another go.
general rev head stuff. if that means driving like a rat, grew out of that but still watch the V8's and like to
check out some of the flash cars I see in the street and have calendars and posters of such vehicles in
my home.
shooting never really been into it
bush skills hard one this, how do you measure this. Done a lot of walking over the years and a bit of canyoning. Never spent an unplanned night in the bush, but have come close. Never been lost, I prefer the term geographically embarassed.
love of Australia and the outback. oh yeah! I am determined that when my kids are asked about Australia, any part of it, they will be able to say "been there". Hardest thing we have done was moving back from
Broken Hill to
a hate of Xboxes and PS2 etc. love playing the games but won't own one.