Wednesday, Mar 28, 2007 at 17:11
Re ABS - theres been no solid data to show any benefit from ABS in real-life crash prevention, or preventing death or serious injury.
ABS is really a solution to a problem that rarely exists. The common causes of death and serious injury are
well known - alcohol, drugs, fatigue, speed, novice drivers,
young males, road black spots, driveway deaths, cyclists/pedestrians etc etc etc
So in the scheme of things, preventing a skid and being able to carefully drive around an object instead of hitting it is pie in the sky.
Front SRS airbags do prevent injury - and note the SRS refers to "Supplementary" which means that its an aid to
seat belts, crumple zones etc
Sorry I can't put my hands on references at present, but I think I've printed off some of the stuff at
Pete, I agree, and in particular, I would like to see airbags compulsory on all vehicles. Its only the ABS I have doubts about.