Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 at 19:45
Thanks for comments guys,
The base is a 15inch Holden ute rim with one side and centre cut out,
Old 6" saucepan dropped into centre hole for ash collector ,
Oven cover was a water pressure bell from a
bore pump,
chimney was a steel twin tub washer spinner,
Gas 'ring' from old BBQ,
Curved fire cover was an old plough disc,
Rotisserie was expensive, actually had to pay $12 for the forks, stainless rod was free from engineering
shop, and drive motor I had in my junk box. (normally $22)
handle was a bed leg.
Made assorted folding wire racks for oven, and for drying fruit etc(use 12v computer fan on top of oven)
All up cost , about $35. (pot belly paint is expensive!!) and a few welding rods.
Had a lot of fun doing it tho'
Have not had a failure when cooking anything.
PS I wonder if I can make it chill beer!!?