Jaurdi trip over easter

Submitted: Thursday, Apr 05, 2007 at 20:09
ThreadID: 44032 Views:1463 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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It is with regret that we will be unable to attend this trip due to unforseen circumstances beyond our control. I hope that the rest of you still go and enjoy your weekend away from the city.


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Reply By: Member - Lionel A (WA) - Sunday, Apr 08, 2007 at 18:17

Sunday, Apr 08, 2007 at 18:17
Hi Rick, just got back, no wonder we couldn't find yah. We left Northam thurs arvo and headed to Marvel Loch. Stayed there over night at a mates place and headed for Jaurdi next morn.
Missed the turn off well passed Boondii Rock but found a track heading north where it appeared we could hook up with the rail service track and then head west to Jaurdi. Couldn't access the service rd so we back tracked and found another track which looked to go in the right direction. Started to rain which made the track a little greasy [lots of errosion and a couple of washouts] but after 30 kms we came out onto Ryans Find rd and onto Jaurdi.
Camped about 2kms north of the homestead on high ground. Great spot.
Saturday morn had a drive around the Stn, couldn't find anyone so pulled camp and headed to Lake Walton a few kms south of the Stn. Track did not appear to be mantained but was driveable until we came across the mother of all bogs.
Not a lot of water but the ruts were over a metre deep. Paula gave me that [dont even think about it] look, but after a bit of carefull wheel placement the truck got through without any drama.
Camped over night at Walton but heavy rain at 4.30 am saw us hastily break camp so as to try getting out before THAT BOG decided it wanted a Nissan for breakfast. Bit touch and go in the dark but a prayer and alot of accelerator did the trick.
Checked the homestead area and a play on the radio revealed no one in the area, we then ambled home.
Had a great time, also a bottle of my best port was waiting to be shared, sorry you couldn't make it but maybe next time.

CHEERS..........Lionel & Paula.

AnswerID: 232278

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