Cooling the Interior

Submitted: Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 10:32
ThreadID: 44295 Views:2339 Replies:8 FollowUps:5
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Hi all,
I have done a forum search and didn't find anything. Was wondering if anyone has adapted some sort of fan running off the Aux battery to keep the car interior temp down when it's left in the hot sun. This would also help the engel as well. Hoping to adapt it to a lc 100. Anyone have ideas.

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Reply By: joc45 - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 11:25

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 11:25
Hi Mark,
In answer to your question, no, I haven't, tho I've given it some thought at times.
Some years back, you could buy a solar-powered fan which clipped on top of a side window, and you wound the window up, locking the fan/solar panel in place. Pretty useless, really; the fan didn't shift enough air. I picked one up for $5, and it is currently in the bits bin.
I investigated fitting a 12v computer fan to the rear vents in my wagon, but physically impossible to fit the fan out of sight.
You could check out wiring a changeover switch on your ventilation system fan so that it runs on low speed from your aux battery. This would probably be the simplest way, and would shift a reasonable amount of air thru. Not sure of the current consumption tho, or its efficiency, compared with computer fans, which are quite good. Most variable-speed car fans use a simple resistor to slow the speed, making them pretty inefficient at low speeds, and drawing too much current at high speeds.
Oatlely Electronics sell a nice cheap efficient speed control for DC motors which would get around the efficiency issue.
AnswerID: 233302

Reply By: keepingitreal - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 11:26

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 11:26
I have seen somewhere you can get a little solar powered device in which you place in the window for when car is unattended and it draws the hot air out. when you return to car simply wind the window down and remove, wind back up and off you go. Cannot remember the name of this product though. Most cars can have two (one each side). Regards Kirsten NSW
AnswerID: 233303

Reply By: Sand Man (SA) - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 11:30

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 11:30
Park in the shade, or take the fridge out of the vehicle.
At a pinch, I guess you could place a couple of wet towels over the fridge.

Mate, the last thing you need is another device to drain the available battery supply.

The only thing that will keep the interior temperature down appreciably, is the vehicle's air conditioning system.


I'm diagonally parked in a parallel Universe!

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AnswerID: 233304

Reply By: Smudger - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 11:43

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 11:43
Reflector shades on the sunny side are the best bet. The ones you use on the windscreen. They do make a big difference.
AnswerID: 233306

Reply By: _gmd_pps - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 11:52

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 11:52
A common feature on decent car alarms ..

Site Link

some car alarm temp controls allow only low temp but other do bot high and low. A temp control can be added to any car alarm but you need an autostart. I am not sure about the legal implications here with the immobiliser regulations, but an autostart can besafe when installed right. Engine shuts off with forced entry etc etc

I have an autostart in my truck and intend to add a low voltage start more than temp start because I have a surveillance system running and although I have a decent size third battery (have 2 starting batteries) with 220AH I may run low and I dont want the security system to shut down.

These systems are readily available in the US ...

good luck

AnswerID: 233307

Follow Up By: Shaker - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 16:02

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 16:02
I would imagine it would be illegal here, just as turbo timers are, if you leave the vehicle unattended with the engine running.
FollowupID: 494225

Follow Up By: Trevor R (QLD) - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 20:05

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 20:05
who'd a thunk it. Bloody amazing, I reckon. Legal or not these would have their place.

Thanks for the link.
FollowupID: 494273

Reply By: Member - GeeTee (NT) - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 12:56

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 12:56
Get yourself a set of "Solarscreens" from Al Curran. They fit to the windows on the inside. I have a set for the Prado and are fantastic. They keep the temp down and also give you some security by screening the interior. I am changing to a Nissan so will get a set for that when I take delivery of the new one. Will try and find a buyer for the Prado ones.
AnswerID: 233319

Follow Up By: Doggy Tease - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 15:32

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 15:32
I'll agree with that. These things make a very big difference to internal temps, are have the added benefit of stopping any wandering eyes spy on your goodies.


p.s. GeeTee, we have a patrol and the complete set ( thats all windows ) was less than $500, including delivery to the front door.
FollowupID: 494218

Reply By: Derek from Affordable Batteries & Radiators - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 13:06

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 13:06
I use Window Sox.

Leave the windows open a crack do someone can't put there hand in and it keeps the car cool with cross ventilation.

They also stop insects and rain does not easily get through them.


AnswerID: 233322

Follow Up By: Willem - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 17:10

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 17:10

Is the advertising on the side of your Tojo a contra deal.......LOL

FollowupID: 494234

Follow Up By: Derek from Affordable Batteries & Radiators - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 17:48

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 17:48
No, that is David and Michelle's car.

It was the only picture I had available at short notice. I drive a white 100 series.

It is just to show the Window Sox.


FollowupID: 494242

Reply By: texas - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 15:41

Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 15:41
I have found that most boat /marine shops sell solar roof ventilators that are weather proof .these can remove up to 25 cubic metres per hour and have there own battery back up. Texas
AnswerID: 233347

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