Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 09:46
G'day Steve,
I apologise for using the language I did in my above response. It's just that is goes against everything I have ever read or heard.
I have always lived by the motto: "Drive according to the conditions". To me, that means slowing down when the road conditions are snowy, wet, icy, sandy, rocky, corrogated etc. It is as much a duty of care to my vehicle and occupants, as it is to the road, as far as I'm concerned. Travelling at 80, 90, or 100k/h on corrogated tracks with 40 odd psi in tyre might "seem" okay to the occupants. You think that your vehicle is "skimming" over the top of the corrogations and therefore your running gear is not suffering. If you could watch your undercarriage on a monitor/screen etc when you're doing this, I think you'd be interested in the extra work you're placing on your
suspension (mainly shockers, but really it's ALL components.....rubber bushes, springs etc).
As for the formation of corrogations......this is a very scientific subject. Once again, I only know what I know, coutesy of Dr Karl Krisalinski (spelling?). He did a doco' on corrogations and the finding was that the 2 factors that caused them are speed and tyre pressures. Of course, your comment about lack of maintenance is true too. Once the roads ARE corrogated, it would be nice if the
grader driver was given a job sheet a bit more regualrly than once every leap year!!!! hahaha
As for tyres blowing out etc?
Well, all I can say is that I have never had anything remotely resembling a flat tyre when I've been out bush. In 35 years of having a license, the only flat tyres I've had have been in town; usually in my own driveway!!! LOL I used to take any extra spare on long trips, but have now ceased that practice......
well, sort of anyway. My Patrol has 2 spares on the back, but one of those is for the camper trailer as I have replaced it's spare with 2 jerries.
Cheers offence meant.....I'll guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this subject and if I come across you along the track it'll be my shout.