Monday, May 28, 2007 at 21:17
You four really need to wise up and get your facts straight before running off at the mouth about my profession.
Get into a truck and sit there all day seeing what the morons in the little buzz boxes get up to, see the crap we have to put up with from idiots in cars every day, doing her hair, reading his paper,,,gotta beat that truck to the "form one lane" section, cant let it overtake me on an overtaking lane,,,but sit at 85 the rest of the time.......the list is long and is actually a real wake up call for the few who are brave enough to ask the questions.
Talk to the bloke who carries the country about the bull bleep rules, regulation and nonsense that he has to put up with every day.
Get all the facts,,,then make an informed decision, based on fact,,,,not innuendo, half truth, or old war stories form decades past.
Do not slander a profession that you know nothing about, except for media hype and crap.