Sunday, Jun 03, 2007 at 20:10
Don't some of us get carried away!
Aldi is owned by two very rich Germans! So What!
Did anyone stop to think why they are so rich?
It would not by any chance happen to be that they offer what the buying public want, rather than what the
supermarket want you to buy would it?
Saw a recent survey where Australian suppliers voted Aldi the best company with which to deal. The pay their suppliers promptly instead of trying to string them out so as to run the
supermarket on their suppliers credit.
Aldi do not employ/exploit junior casuals. All staff are seniors, permanent employees and paid twenty percent over the industry average.
Before some of us start pontificating perhaps we need to visit Aldi weekly checking prices and getting a feel for the store.
One of the first things you would notice is that they don't play silly buggers with the prices jacking them up and down each week.
Now if you want to make a long involved production of shopping go to Coles/woolies for your Peanut butter, what do you have? Kraft, Sanitarium, Eta
Home Brand and who knows what else, then you have about four different sizes to choose from not to mention smooth or crunchy. When I go to Aldi I have the choice of Aldi Peanut Butter in Smooth or Crunchy, that's enough for me thank you and I put the savings in my pocket.
Yes I know that someone is going to scream buy Australian, my question is why? Why subsidise an inefficient or uncompetitive store when it comes out of my pocket, why not FORCE them to be competitive.
OH! By the way, let's hope like buggery that all our overseas customers don't buy local only or our export market will collapse overnight.