It's amusing and enlightening to read posts here over a period of time.
1 We see, an at times almost maniacal obsession with getting the cheapest, cheapest cheapest deal.
Now, by itself there is nothing wrong with that, we've all done it at times.
2 The amusement sets in when we then see compliants about lack of informed sales people, service people, backup parts, someone who cares etc etc.
3 You also often get "why is nothing made in Australia" and "I hate being forced to buy Chinese, Indian, etc etc etc".
The answer to 2 and 3 lies in 1.
No business can survive on nil profit for very long.
Training good people costs, stocking spares costs, going the extra mile for the customer costs. Above all making a quality product in Australia costs (we have some of the highest labour cost per unit of productivity in the world)
Is it any surprise then that businesses opt to stay in business by providing what the customer wants (these are the customers who want the cheapest) and then trimming everything to make a profit.
There are Australian manufacturers making top quality goods backed up by great service. Often they only focus on industrial sales where the customer buys a package including training, backup, parts, service, resale value, not just a cheap initial price. They also exist in niche markets where an educated, informed customer base exists who is prepared to buy a package once again (some of the top shelf off road campers spring to mind to name but one)
Incredibly cheap, top quality, great service, Australian made, simply doesn't work as a business model. It never has and never will.
Perhaps next time we are contemplating a purchase we should consider giving someone other that the cheapest a go. We may even get more than we expected.
I realise I'm a voice in the wilderness, because the majority will always want cheap, cheap, cheap and then moan if things don't go to expectations.
I'd be interested to hear what others think.