Friday, Jun 15, 2007 at 02:16
Yeah! I Know that happens to he who slings the chit so to speak.
However, I must say that when a tow is called for I'll take what ever is available.
Why, on the very recent OBC in May 07 I had a Nissan Comp truck haul me up onto a levee on the
Darling River at viewmont. Persisting down rain, dogs and frogs and like glass. The Troopy was Ok,however the CT was slowly dragging the whole kit and caboodle down the die of the levee.
Was I bothered that it was a Nissan - no sir, any port in a storm.
Then on the cross country cross over to Denian in the middle of the night ( still persisting down with rain, dogs & frogs we came upon a 'ocean of water' and no track (Ozi-EX saved the night) anyway near the far shore of this ocean I dropped into a drain under the 'ocean' of course. The CT held the Troopy's butt down and no amount of 4WD , front and rear lockers would shift the sucker. So it was out and hook up to a comp truck ahead of me and then used him as a winch point to winch the rig out. Toyota that time.
Then further on during this 'fun' trip, my navvy and I were so busy talking that we missed the most delicate of turns that only existed if you saw the peg, as the track was totally washed out and we weren't concentrating on the PDA and OZI-EX. Stuff me if I don't end up on a huge mud flat where that Troopy and CT were doing the last waltz. Someone, dont know who ran a winch rope and hooked up to the rear recovery point on the CT and straightened the rig up so I could drive back out. Nissan that time.
Could not have cared less.
Then when the RTA allowed us to make a dash for
Menindee two days later after much more persisting down with rain, frogs & dogs our convoy leader in a Nissan decides to go cross country around the 'black mud badlands'.
Well! the road was ok and the cross country was ok , however the gutter between the two was pure quick sand/chit and that mother of a CT sunk the bum of the Troopy once more.
Yeah! the nissan hauled me out and my brand new Don Kyatt 11,000lb snatch strap is still on the back of that comp truck.
So I went and got a new one from D Kyatt on my return to
Melbourne. Didn't want that poxy, stretched muddy one anyway (LOL).
So you see, personally I am neither here nor there on the tow thing , unlike Roachie who I would dearly love to have hooked up behind my JEEP.
Moral of the story - wheeling approx 5t GCM of vehicle and Camper Trailer around in the mud, slush, rain and storms makes you learn real quick and promise god that you won't do it again unless you have to. (LOL)