Friday, May 23, 2003 at 09:39
Thanks everybody for your assistance and advice. I have been thinking about a basic mechanics course for a while (but then again I think about lots of things and never get round to doing it!).
I'll try and find the
Gregory's manual, I've wanted to get one for a while but didn't seem to be looking in the right place. It may be obvious to those of you who have been in this game for a while but as a new 4wd owner it's a steep learning curve.
I also just have to answer Kev from
Cairns in QLD. Actually Kev I was born in city and have lived my whole life in a city, though I have recently moved to a small town. Like 95% of the
population my parents took our cars to the garage to get serviced and maintained. My father knew nothing about cars (he's a professional golfer so I can
well understand his lack of interest) and consequently I also know nothing about cars. Sure I should have made an effort to learn and understand more about them, but then again, do you know how to fix a washing machine, or repair a computer or tile a roof or trade derivatives on the
Sydney Futures Exchange or pilot an aircraft? Probably not, it's impossible to know everything about everything and I mildly resent your implication that I'm some kind of lazy idiot who couldn't be bothered to learn about cars.
For your information, I'm 28, this is my first 4wd and my second car. I bought it predominately to tow the horse float, going camping and chucking the dogs in the back. I'm unlikely to ever tackle the
birdsville track, or circumnavigate Australia with an off-road caravan, though it's nice to dream about it and at least have the possibility of doing it.
Thanks to everyone else for the constructive and encouraging advice. I'll by the
Gregory's manual, investigate vehicle maintenance courses at Tafe and I'll probably have a go at changing the oil, because the only real way to learn is to do it yourself, as long as you learn from any mistakes you might make.
Follow Up By: Member - Wombat (Vic) - Friday, May 23, 2003 at 11:16
Friday, May 23, 2003 at 11:16
A case most eloquently stated.
Good luck Justin!Live today as if there may be no tomorrow