Tuesday, Jun 10, 2003 at 14:02
Before going into the details of Oziexplorer.
Where do you get the 1:50 electronic maps from? Any chance to emai me direct. at aufempen@modemss.brisnet.org.au as I am interested at getting some.
I had the same problem that you mentioned.
This had nothing to do with transfering waypoints from one type of map to an other but it was similar because I was correcting some of my data using Excel and *.csv. Then changing the file attribute accordingly to *.wpt or *.plt etc.
I asked the oziexplorer newsgroup about this particularity but no one understood what I was talking about. Instead the Oziexplorer newsgroup users had the impression that I was criticizing and denigrating Oziexplorer. Even Des
Newman got onto the act.
I totally support Oziexplorer. I think it is a great product
I never got any logical answers from the newsgroup..
The answer to your question is this:
At the begining of each Oziexplorer, which is produced by different Oziexplorer
versions there is a text like this (open with Notepad)
OziExplorer Waypoint File Version 1.0
Reserved 2
Reserved 3
and an other example with Track points or *.plt file
OziExplorer Track Point File Version 2.0
Altitude in Feet
Reserved 3
0,2,8388736, new Road 1 , 0
The explanation is this.
Each different version of Oziexplorer look at this data files differently and will convert the waypoints or PLT points to whatever you have set up your Oziexplorer.
The conversion is automatic and you can NOT stop Oziexplorer from converting the file.
This error happen during the conversion because the conversion in my view round up the data to the nearest value.
Des so far has not given any explanation why the data needs to be converted each time a data file is loaded.
To which format is this data converted to. I would say this is converte to Des proprietary (secret) internal format. (to be able to use Des confidential algorithm).
When you see the speed at which the map is moved or displayed, something has to be truncated and approximate. Oziexplorer is very fast and still the accuracy is very acceptable.
I asked Des if it was possible to lock the conversion when under the same type of data and Des told me it was not possible.
But this is what I found by testing physically the waypoints. A drift North-East by 200 to 300 metres on the WGS84.
I found after doing a lot of conversion on the same data file, the drift stabilize it self and does not exceed 200 to 300 metres but change direction.
I think this type of Internal Oziexplorer algorithm is a form of mathematical attractor (Chaos-Mendelbrot etc..).
If you have an other explanation please let me know. I'll be interested.