Apsley Falls, Walcha
Submitted: Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 14:14
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Member - Algee (NSW)
Just wondering if anyone has any info on
Apsley Falls near
Walcha in NSW. Intending to visit for
easter and would like a heads up
Reply By: Moose - Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 14:41
Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 14:41
From a Google search:
Walcha, the magnificent
Apsley Gorge is only 20 km east along the Oxley Highway. A stairway down into
the gorge lets you get a great view of the waterfall.
If you follow the Oxley Walk across the river, you can look down on a second waterfall almost as goods as the first. There are picnic tables, BBQ's,
walking tracks,
lookout platforms, an informative display and a camping ground. Bring your own water or get it from the river.
Follow Up By: Member - John and Val W (ACT) - Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 15:33
Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 15:33
Its pretty much as Moose has said. We have camped there a couple of times in recent years. The
campground is fairly new and the
toilet block is good -
toilet only, no shower. I think the
campground was free, but for that reason is
well used, so you might have to get in early for an
Easter spot. I think the would be about 15 sites, and most have their own fireplace - not much wood though.
The gorge is magnificent and there are a couple of walks to do.
| J and V
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Follow Up By: Member - Ian W (NSW) - Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 19:17
Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 19:17
Had the good fortune to visit
Apsley Falls November just past after a very good rainfall. magnificent! The water going over the falls together with the windblown mist. had to be seen to be believed.
In dry weather it may be just so. Even then, not a bad place to
camp.You will need to take in your own firewood if you wish to rake advantage of the
well designed/built fireplaces/
camp spots.
Reply By: Member - Willie , Epping .Syd. - Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 15:07
Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 15:07
Member message
John T . He knows the area pretty
well .
Willie .
Reply By: Kimbo - Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 15:49
Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 15:49
Hi Algee
Apsley falls is a very popular spot and if it is full of campers another alternative which isnt used as much is Tia falls just a little further down the rd and IMO is a better camping spot and less used.
This is a
free camp spot and little bit of dirt rd that can be negotiated very easily
Reply By: Middle Jeff - Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 19:56
Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 19:56
Hi Algee
About 40 minutes away is a great
camping area in
Werrikmbe National Park and if you go to Mooraback
camping area you will have a great spot. I have done this a few times, we go up through
Wauchope and out past the falls and then down the bushrangers way.
Lots of walks ( Platypus ) and a good drive to
Wilson river wilderness area.
Have fun