Wednesday, Feb 06, 2008 at 21:11
Bringing local yabbies (depending on where you're coming from) might not be the best of ideas.
You could be unknowingly translocating species or subspecies not found in one river system into another, or transporting diseases.
Common yabbies from southern SA and
Cooper Creek are probably both Cherax Destructor, but if you're coming from another part of Australia, you could be fishing with live bait of a species not found in
Cooper Creek. Using gold fish as live bait is how some Victorian rivers got infested with the buggers.
Simply possessing Marron (WA) and Red Claw (Qld) crayfish is an offence in Victoria, because of the threat they pose to local yabbies, even though both species are Australian natives. Neither species can be brought into NSW either without a permit. Translocation is a massive threat to local biodiversity even if it's just "yabbies".
Safest option is use local bait if you're going to use live bait. Would suck to read in 12 months time that red claws had found their way into
Cooper Creek and buggered up the local
population because someone picked some up in Qld and then did a spot of fishing in SA.