Hi every one, back in Feb thrue to begining April Was in panic trying to find some 4x4 people to drive to the "Top", wread many accounts of this adventure was little nervous to say the least. Any way bottom line found no one, so drove solo to the Top in Land Rover Td5 hired out of
Sydney, drove the OTL as far as Cockatoo Creek hear me couple tryed to cross, opposite bank was in bad state after cowboy(s), so turned round back few Km's, turned up track to Heathland
Ranger Station, joining the bypass and continuing to the
Jardine Ferry, this cost a wacking $88!! and cash, had good look around, camped at
Seisia, had my photo taken by nice Canadian lady at the "Top" (they flew up), sent god and the world postcards, bought my self an OZ regestration plate, now mounted on my Defender that sayes '
Cape York the last frontier', looks good and I'm proud to have done it. Returned via Batavia Downs track to
Weipa this saves around 160Km. Further south took the track via Palmerville and over the
Mitchell River, nice new
bridge to
Chillagoe and accrost to
Cooktown, had nice relaxing three days, climed to the lookout/Light house steep and hot! After this wanted to see "Roaring Meg" and famous 'Lions Den' where I camped, nice and shady by creek. Next day joined the "CREB" track, now this is one of those "chalk it up", took from 0915Hrs--1805Hrs, arriving at
Daintree River, this was hard track, had rained for couple days previous, in
places had to rebuild parts, pull some trees of the track, creaks were quit good, red water over the bonnet banks very slippery, and these mountains up & down and never ending, very trickey, thought one time 'this is it' going down ended up sideways & still sliding, you had job to stand up like ice.
After pumping the brake peddle fast as ABS down hills with very limited succes, finally crossing
Daintree River, I was knackered to put it mild, that night stayed in cabin (most expencive in OZ) and ate at the Pub. To think had to wait untill retirement to come to OZ and drive to the "TOP". Three months went fast and slow at times, but 'I will return' next time Kimberleys, Simpson what this about
Birdsville Track, and Cannon!! Met some real nice people, ate plenty of fresh fish from
places like "Karumba" consumed plenty of local amber liquid, favourite 'Hann' climed the
Sydney Bridge, not seen the last of this Pom, by the way how are they doing in
World Cup Union, they dont show Rugby in Germany. Wish you all some shade & rain.
(worst meal in OZ), next day