Saturday, Jan 31, 2009 at 06:52
This is the Govt. site
But this is the crowd that I used to buy the rec'c
Below is a copy of my first email contact with them, the price of the rec's changes all the time. I have 6x 65w solar panels on the van
Hi Wazza
Yes that is correct you can claim RECs for a system installed on caravan - however you do need to provide a residential address to calculate the RECs. Unless the panels were installed by a BCSE accredited installer you can only claim in lots of 5 years for your system.
We are currently buying RECs at $49.00 per REC until the end of next week.
It normally takes approx 5-10 days for the RECs to become registered and payment can take 3-4 days depending on the banks processing time, so please expect your payment within 2-3 working weeks of us receiving your form.
Please include a copy of your “proof of purchase” invoice with your assignment form (copy attached).
Please don’t hesitate to call or email if you have any questions. I have explained below how to calculate the amount of RECs your system is worth.
The level of RECs per PV system is dependent on the size of the system and the Solar Zone Rating of the installation. Which zone the system falls under is determined by Postcode (I have attached the solar zone postcode table for your reference).
System Capacity (kW) multiplied by x Solar Zone Rating multiplied by x Deeming Period ( 5 or 15 years)
(____________) kW x ( ______________) x (________________) years = No. of RECs (rounded down to the nearest whole number)
No. of RECs ___________ x REC Value $ ____________ = Expected Payment $ ___________
An example is: 1kw installed in
Sydney (postcode 2000 falls under zone 3 and zone 3 calculation is 1.382) for a claim of 15 years is as follows: 1 x 1.382 x 15= 20.73 and rounded down that is 20 RECs . 20 recs x $41 per REC= payment of $820.00
Kind regards