Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 01:36
Now to those whom were all involved I have emailed, but since this thread has appeared it seems only right that I once again make my thankyou public. So you all know just how they went above and beyond to lend a hand with the horror trees that was just impossible for us to do ourselves. So below is just a copy and paste..
Oh and for those who saw the blog, and saw the yard filled with the trees... keep in mind that that was only half the trees!!!!!! Mark and I had previously removed 15 more of them 3 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!
What a shocker of a yard!!!!!!!
Those who turned up at
my home on Saturday I have emailed with my thanks, but it still doesn't feel like it says enough, so I would just like to copy and paste the email I sent to here and would like to publicly thank everyone for what.
Dearest Kev,
John and Colette (Old Plodder), Vince (Vince B NSW) and Shane,
John and Adele (Mr Bitchi), Mark and Keryl and King Toad Trevor.
Thankyou Thankyou. No words really can express mine/our gratitude.
I had no idea Kev had planned for others to turn up. No idea at all. All I kept saying to him was it was too much of a big job for him and myself and he just kept on saying 'it's cool, don't stress, I'll sort it.'
You all set a whole day aside to come and work in my yard, when you would have had more than enough of your own stuff to do. But, it wasn't just giving up your day and time but also out of your own pocket for fuel for driving here and fuel for driving to and from the tip.
It is so very generous and quite overwhelming to accept. I am like Kev and usually do the organising of stuff for others, to suprise others, I love to do that and be the giver. I am not usually on the other end being the recipient! It is easy to give but can be hard to accept being given.
Not a week would go buy where Mark and I had not said to each other, 'those trees have to go' or 'I cannot wait to see these trees gone'. We have a good idea how we would like to get the back yard done up, getting all the trees down was the starting point. Now we can get the wheels in motion.
I think Mark was kind of glad he had to go to dialysis because he felt useless that he wasn't allowed to do anything to help. While he has the catheter in his neck which has a direct line that feeds into his heart, he is so not allowed to do anything where he may pull or catch the catheter. Just way to risky. He goes in for surgery on Tues for a second fistula to be done on his arm, the first one didn't work. So they will make a second one, 2 months for healing time and if it is all good and functional then dialysis will be performed through the fistula vein in his arm and the catheter in his neck and heart shall be removed.
He is now on the hameodialysis machine which is much better for him than the peritoneal dialysis, that was constant complications and hospitalisations for him. This dialysis they say he should start to feel much better soon and be able to do more than what he has been able to do at present.
So now, in a month I can start working on a plan for the backyard which is long overdue and it will make
home a bit more of a relaxation haven.
Again Thankyou, I just don't know what words to say to truly express mine/our gratitude.
Love you all!
PS.. and a big thankyou to Adele for feeding us all , (out of her own pocket may I add). Those chicken chippies were yummo!!! and Colette for the homemade carrot cake, that too was yummo!
And under instructions from Goldie, (which is a good idea), once the back yard is all or near finished, a backyard barbie and spa party will be a goer.
And a big thankyou to Shane.. You never even knew me from a bar of soap yet wanted to help. I am sincerely grateful to you and would love to count you as a friend. (You do look very familiar Shane)
Not counting what I still am to finish off, yesterday was 22 trailer loads to the tip and each load we seemed to be around 2.8 to 3 ton loaded.. (ok besides Trev who weighed in at 3.6 ton... the extra weight for the lights on his rack!!)
PPS later notice to me, apparently Vince was weighing in near the 3.6 ton as
well. And I am estimating about 5 trailer loads left with the remaining tree and stacked up logs.
Follow Up By: Member - Oldplodder (QLD) - Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 09:35
Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 09:35
I reckon the hero for the day was Shane the banana farmer, Vince's mate. He let Vince talk him into coming. Knew nothing of Exploreoz, and came anyway. Then worked the hardest after Mark, and brought two chain saws as
well. He was picking up logs that Kev wouldn't even go near (for obvious back reasons), and I thought about but didn't dare try (
grey hair must be bringing wisdom at last). Just up and onto his shoulder and to the trailer. He didn't even flinch when all of the cochroaches climbed out of the palm heads, but them Vince, Mark and Shane are from NSW. :o)
One correction, Vince had 3.8 tonnes over the weighbridge first time, and the pajero weighs in at 2.2t.
Interesting that three pajeros turned up, one patrol, one navara and one cruiser. (Me stirring? never :o))
Jo, you booking another day to finish it off?
Who is going to offer?
Best part of the day was seeing the surprise turn into a grin on Jo's face, and Mark with almost nothing to say. 2nd best was the lunch supplied by Adele, thanks.
Follow Up By: Sir Kev & Darkie - Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 09:51
Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 09:51
I killed as many cockroaches as I could hahahahaha
When are you available to finish it off ;) the last weekend in March is not good for me hahaha
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Follow Up By: Miss Jo - Toad Keeper - Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:20
Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:20
John, Shane was awesome!!!!!!!!
I didn't get to see him much as I was doing the tip runs.
Throwing them logs on his shouldler like he did.. you can tell he throws bunches of bananas on those working shoulders!
Mark (my Mark) was totally overwhelmed! He doesn't come onto the
forum here or anything like that.. generally, if I left it up to him to stay in contact with people, then we wouldn't have any friends!!! Being sick has really made him withdrawn.
He was so shocked at what everyone did...He came with me for first tip run before having to go to the hospital...
'I can't believe it. But why, why would they want to do that for us?'
My reply.. ' Because there are people that do care about you and me, Because they are our friends, even if you don't really know some of them!'
He has just been blown away by the whole thing..
John I am hoping the weather won't be too hot and I am hoping to get out there on my weekend off on mon and tue to get it tidied up.
Follow Up By: Miss Jo - Toad Keeper - Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:35
Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:35
Well tidy up what I can, Those logs won't be dried out enough yet for me to lift! The side of the house was just starting to dry out.. then we had big rain yesterday afternoon!