Monday, Mar 09, 2009 at 15:11
Follow the advice that Stephen has outlined.
This will install the latest version of OziExplorer on your Laptop or PC but it will be an evaluation version.
To convert this to a fully authorised version with all features enabled, simply use the registration details contained on the inside of your original OziExplorer CD cover and click on Help - Enter Registration Details and enter the Serial Number and Keycode as displayed on the CD cover. (inside left on my copy)
I too recommend the NATMAP Premium 2008 set of maps.
If you allow both OziExplorer to be installed in the default location on drive C and NATMAP to be installed also in the default location you should need none, or minimal customisation for OziExplorer to pick up the maps.
The OziExplorer Website also has excellent help reference should you require it.