Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 00:10
Hi RFLundgren.
I have past the
Lake Clifton winery many times, and i keep saying that i must go in their, for a drop,trouble is i like the mango one, and then the second,third,then it's time to sleep in the tojo for a wile,as i would be over the ".05",next time i go past i will get one of each, and take
home, then i know i wont loose the licence,
also on the south west highway at yarloop, their is a big black tree on the left side of the road, heading south, if you turn left at the tree, and follow the road till the black stuff finnishes, and go 100mtrs further on the pea gravel, you will find a little winery on the right,go through the white boom
gate, and you will be at skipworth wines, he has a white Port, also a red ruby port in flagons for $15:00 dollars, be very carefull when you have some of that one, you could spend a week down at bunbury tripping around tasting the wines down here, Ok if you are down call in for a cuppa and will catch up with you again soon.
Cheers for now...William H...Bunbury...WA.