Protection at half the cost
Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 21, 2009 at 19:27
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Member - Nick (TAS)
Getting set for our 3mth trip and one of the last things on my list was rear window protection.We have a good stone deflector on the front of our
Tambo but still get lots of flying rocks hitting the back of the vehicle.
So done a google search, which the first result was here on Exploroz and had a look at one a member had made.Then off to Bunnings and $105 later, this is the end result.I used two pieces as they didnt have the correct size in one sheet but it may help being two pieces as each side is lighter and easier on the mouints.I used velcro branded dots but found them to weak(3M are preffered but couldnt get them).Got another brand and they seem ok.
The end result-
Reply By: Ozhumvee - Tuesday, Apr 21, 2009 at 19:57
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2009 at 19:57
Nick just make sure it doesn't touch the paint at all anywhere around the edge as if on a muddy slushy road it will only take a very short period of time for the perspex to cut through the paint with the grit as a cutting compound.
Follow Up By: Member - Nick (TAS) - Tuesday, Apr 21, 2009 at 20:03
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2009 at 20:03
No worries, its
well away from any painted surfaces.
Reply By: Rangiephil - Tuesday, Apr 21, 2009 at 20:58
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2009 at 20:58
I did a similar thing with my Range Rover back window on my trip last year to NT.
One thing you WILL find is that in hot weather the glue that holds the velcro will go soft and the perspex will slide downwards until it finds a ledge. In your case I would probably use velcro strip not dots and epoxy glue it to the perspex at least. Velcro strip is available from Mitre 10.
I would remove the wiper for the duration as it will scratch the bejeesus out of the perspex.
Next trip I may seal around the edge of the perspex with some draft seal as it gets very dirty between it and the window.( Just thought of what to use as I type)
I found polishing the perspex with Plexus helps. Plexus is a polish /cleaner for plastic/perspex available at any motorcycle dealer.
I had to pull off the perspex and clean between it and the window every time I went on a dirt road .
Regard sPhilip A
Follow Up By: Member - Nick (TAS) - Tuesday, Apr 21, 2009 at 22:04
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2009 at 22:04
Carnt see it in the pics but have used strips of velcro where they join in the middle.Will take some more as spares.
Have Plexus already, great stuff.
Reply By: brushmarx - Wednesday, Apr 22, 2009 at 10:14
Wednesday, Apr 22, 2009 at 10:14
We did the same thing with the Monterey for a trip around the
Corner Country in April last year, same
shop, similar price, same holes and cuts to allow for the slight bending to match the window, but corrugations and heat between
Quilpie and
Birdsville made most of the velcro strips and dots peel off the glass and left them flapping in the breeze.
If your window has a curve, I would suggest the Velcro dots no more than 200mm to 250mm apart on the edges.
Maybe colder conditions would help though.
Reply By: Member - Marco T (VIC) - Wednesday, Apr 22, 2009 at 21:43
Wednesday, Apr 22, 2009 at 21:43
Hi Nick,
I wish I had a shed like your to do these things!