ANZAC day Birdsville .. Did Sully make it.

Submitted: Sunday, Apr 26, 2009 at 10:11
ThreadID: 68224 Views:2779 Replies:2 FollowUps:4
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As I understand Sully has made the huge effort to get there for last 40yrs, I hope he made it this year. Two of his army flock Lofty B & Rusty B (my mates in RAAC) would not be there.Lofty has 'moved on' & Rusty has some kind of medical problems to resolve. Enjoyed my ANZAC day out there with the crew about three years ago. Question is did Sully make it. He usually heads out into the desert to enjoy the landscape he enjoys so much,after a few days in Birdsville.
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Reply By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Sunday, Apr 26, 2009 at 15:28

Sunday, Apr 26, 2009 at 15:28
RockyOne, yes he made it to Birdsville on Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 pm (Ian was coming home from work when he saw him drive in that's how I can be specific of the time) - he had some friends from Rathdowney travelling with him - just as well as I saw him in Rathdowney last weekend and he wasn't ready to go and didn't leave until Monday - first night at Meringandan Pub (how unusual!) and don't know where after that. Others from Rathdowney (Publican) didn't leave until Thursday at 4:30 am. He was unsure how long he was staying in Birdsville this year.
I marched at Rathdowney (there were hundreds and hundreds of people) wearing medals of the 2/26th (my Dad - ex Changi) and his Dad's (26th ex Gallipoli- with a DSO) - I was very proud girl doing this. My other Grandfather was also at Gallipoli with the 15th Batt and won the MC - but I didn't have enough shoulder to wear all the medals.
Very sad that Lofty (RIP) and his brother Rusty couldn't make it this year - I will miss my calls with Lofty and his emails and wise words.
Ian said two plane loads of Army bods flew into Birdsville the afternoon before and a few car loads of vets were spotted as well. Two-Up was the game of the day after lunch and there would be plenty of sore heads lying around today.
RockyOne - did you march in Emerald?
AnswerID: 361667

Follow Up By: Olsen's 4WD Tours and Training - Sunday, Apr 26, 2009 at 20:36

Sunday, Apr 26, 2009 at 20:36
Justine and I had plans to fly in to Birdsville for Anzac Day this year, but we've been flat out.

See ya soon
FollowupID: 629471

Follow Up By: Member - John T (Tamworth NSW) - Monday, Apr 27, 2009 at 07:55

Monday, Apr 27, 2009 at 07:55
Hi Ruth

I've been busy all weekend and had not had a chance to check the forum. Noticed when I read your post above that your Dad was at Changi in the 2/26th. Same as my Dad - I wore his medals at the Dawn Service here in Tamworth. Now I really must call in and say hello when we come out that way in September. I'll bring a book called "The Battalion" - written by Ron Macgary? who was also there. He and dad were good friends but like most are no longer with us. Seems we might have a few names in common.

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John T (Lifetime Member)
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FollowupID: 629517

Follow Up By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Monday, Apr 27, 2009 at 11:28

Monday, Apr 27, 2009 at 11:28
John, I haven't read the book - Mum did tell me someone had written something though. My dad was Brian Ferguson (a dental surgeon in civvie life but only wanted to go into Infantry) and to the 2/26 because his dad was OC the 26th.
I'll be seeing you in St George - can you bring it with you? Any photos - I have few, two photos of the mob that was left on their way home from Changi.
Yes we'll have plenty to talk about won't we? Amazing what you find on this Forum.
FollowupID: 629566

Reply By: Member - RockyOne - Monday, Apr 27, 2009 at 08:01

Monday, Apr 27, 2009 at 08:01
Yep Ruth! I marched at the 10am one and the dawn Service at 4:15 A Captain lady was our feature speaker in front of the re-vamped memorials and she is a credit to the young people of our nation. She is in Intelligence and served in Iraq and with the Afghans (can't spell that one) Very well researched and factual material leaning towards tear jerking in places. Good to see some people take the ball and run. She went straight from a school in Emerald to various military educational facilities incl. Duntroon I guess. We had many hundreds of folk,lots of marchers and the most glorious weather. Yep! The rum and milk were not bad either. Bit of flack flying at the RSL gathering. They launched a huge Aussie flag on the new pole in the re-vitalised town centre,it lay there limp in all it's brand new splendor,then as if someone had signaled the breeze,exactly as it reached the top,the magic happened. I unfurled completely,proudly waving to the hundreds of upturned faces as if a highly trained model on the catwalk. Maybe one of the most noticeable features,the huge numbers of young children there even at that early hour of 0415. The mums and dads who took so much trouble to,firstly,get them out of bed and dressed and secondly to get the family there after finding a car park some distance away. Sorry you asked Ruth? Regards Brian
AnswerID: 361776

Follow Up By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Monday, Apr 27, 2009 at 11:22

Monday, Apr 27, 2009 at 11:22
Brian, I must tell Ian about the re-vamped town centre - don't tell me Maggot Maguire has done something good!!
Very glad to hear your story of your day - how marvellous to have a local person come back with her story.
Always flack flying at the RSL - hee hee! Will have to come back and have a look at the new Emerald.
The Children everywhere do us proud - especially with their knowledge of what it all means to us and to them.
Never sorry to ask about ANZAC Day Brian. Keep them honest!
FollowupID: 629563

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