Saturday, May 02, 2009 at 14:01
Guys, What's changed over the years is the Happy Clappers and Do Gooders have had gutless pollies change the laws and the Magistrates feel sorry for the poor souls.
The other problem is our Jails are full. So they are given softer sentencing.
EG, Reading the Northern Star while on holidays, A
young bloke goes DUI 0.15 I think it was, plus a string of other charge and he is a reap offender and hasn't had a job for five odd years . He gets 18 months loss of license, 2 year suspended sentence, $3000.00 fine. He applies for Legal Aid and appeals his conviction on the grounds that he is unemployed and could not possibly pay back a fine of that size. Another Magistrate, says that his unemployment was not taken into account and reduces it to a $600.00 fine, to be paid back when he finds full time employment, 9 months loss of license, and no recorded conviction.
What The?
What kind of message does this send to others. Make out your the one that is hard done by and some bleeding heart some where will listen to you and feel sorry for you.
I reckon bring in the idea of Road Gangs. When they are sentenced to hard labour, make it Bloody Hard for them so they think twice before doing it again. Make them walk the roads and clean up the rubbish, remove the Graffiti, fix the signs. Take away their pay TV and all their cushy living inside the Big House.
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And dressem in Pink.
It's Saturday Arvo, I will put my soap box
away for now and go and get a beer :)