Saturday, Jun 06, 2009 at 09:33
Hi Lotzi
Sorry for the late reply, I have been away.
The chassis work was for the rear coil / chassis strengthening as after my last trip doing the 4wd
Treks through Tassie the chassis and coil spring hangers developed some minor cracking and chassis distortion. Although no major failure it would have only been a matter of time so I decided to have this work done before failure occurred.
The truck comes in at 4.3 tonne when loaded for a trip so it is reasonably heavy and I tend to take more gear than I need and I to sometimes go into
places that has pretty tough tracks which gives the chassis and
suspension high loads with this weight. We normally travel alone so I carry plenty of gear to get me through
places. My wife thinks I am a bit crazy but we always get through without damage and injury. I just take it steady in these areas hence the name "Slopokin".
The work took 7 days and the body and all the gear connected to under the tray had to be removed for access. I have 140 litres water, 2 x tool boxes, compressed air tank, spare tyre, water pump etc etc.
Jason did a great job and cost was $2k. He has all the templates for this work now. In addition to chassis doubler plates a cross member is now fitted across the top plates of the coil hangers and the chassis now feels a lot more stiffer.
Are you having problems in that area?
John | Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain! Lifetime Member My Profile Send Message |