getting it up and keeping it up!

Submitted: Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 08:54
ThreadID: 6998 Views:3023 Replies:19 FollowUps:48
This Thread has been Archived's getting spiteful and political! so I'm going to lighten..and I hope not lower the tone!...

There has been an ongoing debate about tents..Oz v Southern Cross..and I have no idea what either one

I would simply like to know what other's use whilst camping..the ease of use...and if they perform well ie not fall down..!!..

now to start us off...We have a poptop van..why? Coz I've done the tent thing..and want to move on..and with 2 littlies I figured I couldn't be bothered putting up and taking down a tent...

I can't tell you what the van's like to sleep in, coz I havent done that's still being fitted out...we could not afford to buy a van with bunks [2 kids 2&4] so we bought one that need some TLC and are doing it up....putting in bunk beds at the rear so we can sit outside and go back and forth to the fridge etc..without disturbing the chidlens...

but I know other's have camper trailers, tents, trailers, swags etc...what influenced your decision...and do you like what you've got...or would you change it if you could.?

and most easy is it to use?


Lyn [Mrs. Al.]Laugh's too short not to....

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Reply By: macca - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:07

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:07
You guys certainly like to put the cat amongst the pidgeons dont you lol
AnswerID: 29962

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:08

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:08
nope!..just being nosey...and genuinely interested...Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21022

Reply By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:08

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:08
geeez i was wondering what you were really on about with "getting it up and keeping it up"

I must learn to keep my mind above my navel

Mrs Al, I have always used this pic ...I tried uploading one of my navigator but it didnt work!!Wow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
AnswerID: 29963

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:10

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:10 got you to read my post!

cute 4 year old daughter wants to know if it has babies !!??

and Al at first thought it was a real ugly person..until he took a closer look!!Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21024

Follow Up By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:14

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:14
I got a dirty mind so I just had to have a peek!Wow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
FollowupID: 21025

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:26

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:26
Richard...that's ok...I wouldn't let something like that pass either without taking a peek!Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21029

Follow Up By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 17:44

Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 17:44
Mrs Al
Now I know what you were asking about my cute pic
its taken till today for me to recieve it?
???Wow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
FollowupID: 21175

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 19:36

Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 19:36
That's ok Richard...even the information super highway has road blocks sometimes....:)Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21191

Follow Up By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:13

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:13
Maybe I had'nt refreshed and it was using old data from my temp files? or wherever.

My 5 year old made me put the pic as desktop background. She loves him/her. Got a 50.3kb file if you want for your 4yr old.
Wow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
FollowupID: 21235

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:18

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:18
yeah send it my way please...Tegan loves it....I'll use it a background the moment I've got an orchid that Alpaca/Al Symers sent me, but he won't mind..I've got the 'bunch of flowers' he sent me for fixing his pic for him as my screen saver...



LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21236

Follow Up By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:36

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:36
on its way lynWow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
FollowupID: 21238

Reply By: Member - Rohan K - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:20

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:20
Lyn, we're campertrailer folk. We decided to go that way for the additional, easily errected undercover living space - pretty important with 2 active youngsters 9 & 10. We chose a CT over a van because of the off-road ability. We're not hard-core four-wheelers but do like to get amongst the rugged stuff. We went for a soft floor version for flexibility (pun not intended) and space - the hard floor ones are limited by the size of the trailer and we hired and tried one before deciding.

We also have tents for those occassions we want to go to places or particular campsites that do not accomodate trailer/van based camping, or for desert trips.

We love the choice we made and find it very comfortable. The living space is fabulous, particularly when the weather turns foul.

There are some shots of the thing at

our web siteSmile, you're on ExplorOz
Rohan (Sydney - on the QLD side of the Harbour Bridge)
AnswerID: 29964

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:24

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:24
cheers Rohan..shall check out your site...

Al and I did think about a camper trailer, but as neither of us had used them before wondered what they're hearing other peoples experiences is great..and hiring and trying beforehand is certainly the way to go...

one it a pain if it's wet when you want to fold it up?

LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21027

Follow Up By: Member - Rohan K - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:56

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:56
Yeah, a bit, but we've got that "licked" too now.Smile, you're on ExplorOz
Rohan (Sydney - on the QLD side of the Harbour Bridge)
FollowupID: 21034

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 10:01

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 10:01
ok...I'm have you got that licked?Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21035

Follow Up By: Member - Rohan K - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:36

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:36
Long story but the short version is :-

We have a tarp of precisely the right size that covers all the bedding and down the sides. When we fold the canvas we sponge off the excess water as we go. That stops major seepage, but any that remains and which penetrates to layers of canvas is "redirected" by the tarp to the edges of the torneau cover where it runs away. We haven't had a wet, or even damp spot (hmmm, here cum the jokes) on the bedding since using this method.Smile, you're on ExplorOz
Rohan (Sydney - on the QLD side of the Harbour Bridge)
FollowupID: 21239

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:41

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:41
Rohan...??? what type of jokes do you mean??

you seem to indeed have the 'wet spot' problem licked :)


LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21240

Follow Up By: Member - Rohan K - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:53

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:53

Smile, you're on ExplorOz
Rohan (Sydney - on the QLD side of the Harbour Bridge)
FollowupID: 21243

Follow Up By: Member - Rohan K - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:54

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:54
[ View Image]Smile, you're on ExplorOz
Rohan (Sydney - on the QLD side of the Harbour Bridge)
FollowupID: 21244

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:56

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:56
Rohan...that little guy looks like he's had a hard night out on the turps!!!Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21247

Follow Up By: Member - Rohan K - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 14:09

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 14:09
He's actually feeling better now, thanks, unlike this fella ...

[ View Image]Smile, you're on ExplorOz
Rohan (Sydney - on the QLD side of the Harbour Bridge)
FollowupID: 21252

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 14:19

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 14:19
Rohan...where do you get them from?..hahahhaha....Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21253

Follow Up By: Member - Rohan K - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 14:48

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 14:48
Lyn, there are several sites but this is one of my favourites ...

smiliesSmile, you're on ExplorOz
Rohan (Sydney - on the QLD side of the Harbour Bridge)
FollowupID: 21255

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 14:54

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 14:54
cheers !Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21256

Reply By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:32

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:32
I have a camper trailer, fold off the side type...could'nt be happy!
Has an annexe which a must.

easy to erect and make camp.

Packing up in the wet is always a pain.Wow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
AnswerID: 29965

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:41

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:41
Hi Richard...thanks for that...I guess you just got to dry it out when it's wet..just like a tent...and yes..and annexe would be great...


LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21031

Reply By: cruiser - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 11:05

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 11:05
Hi all,

We are on our second camper trailer. The first was a soft floor but have now opted for a hard floor. We don't have to worry about kids (grown up) so the extra space of the soft floor is now not important to us. The hard floor is more ideal to our use and can be opened within 1 minute of arriving wherever.

Another benefit we have found with the hard floor as opposed to the soft floor is that we can pull into a national park camping area or a roadside rest area for an overnight stay and if they have the bollards up to stop you driving onto the grassed area (which a lot do these days) we can just unfold onto the gravel areas and stay the night without having to disconnect, however with the soft floor, that is not an option because you have to peg out.

I guess it comes down to each persons circumstances, how many they are trying to cater to and how much they can afford or justify. if it suits you then thats the only thing that matters.
AnswerID: 29973

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 11:47

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 11:47
Cruiser..I'm learning stuff..I didn't know they had different kinds of floors...but hey I can see you're logic on this one...Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21046

Reply By: Member - Russell - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 11:40

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 11:40
Mrs Al,
We used a pole-in-the-centre southern cross tent on our last Central Australia trip, and it was OK, but you were at the mercy of the terrain - wet, uneven etc. Once we stopped (at Rainbow Valley) and put the tent in what looked like a nice location, only to discover myriads of those mongrel four-pointed burs - we used to call them goat-heads as kids. the uppermost spike went straight through the floor - most untidy but what could I do - if I moved the tent I'd just get more. So I went around with nail clippers and chopped the spikes off! :-) After that trip, we were on the lookout for a camper trailer with a hard floor, and ended up with the Aussie Swag - kitchen, water, fridge and relatively independent of terrain and prickles! Kids room goes on one side, annex on the other, even shower room off the end!
The trouble with a camper trailer is that you have to think hard about whether you want to drag it across 1100 sandhills in the Simpson, so sometimes a tent or swags are better. I saw someone the other week with an extended Southern Cross tent - still the single pole, but with another oz-tent type square frame that turns the tent into a 12x8/12x9 - still easy to put up but more usable space. I fancy the swag idea for a night or three where you can't take the trailer, but not much space for gettin' ya gear off and on in private... Still working the problem out.....Russell S
Prado RV6
AnswerID: 29975

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 11:53

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 11:53
there's a couple of morals to this story...

1. always pack something bigger than nail clippers!..hahaha

and 2...Don't be so modest when it comes to getting your gear off :) - have you seen those swags that look kind of like a little tent..maybe that's what you need..reckon you could strip off in that..might be a tad difficult at first, but i'm sure you'd figure it out...

It's interesting..there are stacks of different designs in all of these things - vans're trailer sounds great too...and like I've said..I've not seen the Southern cross tents or the other's so I can't comment on them...used to use a triangular 3 man tent..which was ok if the ground was soft....did use a teepee once..that was ok....


LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21047

Follow Up By: Rhubarb - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:41

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:41
You can see Southern Cross tents here. Click on Ultimate on the right hand side to see the single pole tents.
FollowupID: 21061

Follow Up By: Member - Russell - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 16:39

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 16:39
Thanks. They call it their 'Deluxe Bus Tent' - 8' 6" x 12' - don't know what it has to do with a bus, although when I looked at the description it said Weight: 120 Kg, Sleeps: 2-43 - darn, I thought, it doesn't look that big in the picture. emailed them and they hastily changed it..... RRP $950 !! I'm sure they're good, but they're pretty simple too, you'd have to say.Russell S
Prado RV6
FollowupID: 21094

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 16:43

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 16:43
They got confused with a marquee!!!!Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21095

Reply By: Rhubarb - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:00

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:00
We much prefer the double swag. In a temperate climate it takes 30 secs to set up - just unroll and jump in. Same to pack up - get out and roll it up! Easy!

If its wet or your camping in the one spot for a few nights you have the option of putting it up like a little tunnel tent.

There's nothing like sleeping on a matress and beneath a donor in a 1000 star hotel wherever you go.
AnswerID: 29978

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:30

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:30
I hope you mean 'beneath a doona'..but if not..I'm not touching it...:)

sounds great too..Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21058

Follow Up By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:48

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:48
does he have someone else in his swag Lyn? he did say a double??lol lolWow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
FollowupID: 21064

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:53

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:53
Richard...I'm still recovering from the 'beneath a donar' to contemplate such things...:)'s got me smiling..ahahahha

Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21066

Follow Up By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 13:11

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 13:11
now who has to get their mind above their navel?Wow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
FollowupID: 21067

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 13:13

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 13:13
I have never denied such things....Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21068

Follow Up By: Rhubarb - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 13:58

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 13:58
Whoops, yes donar, rather than donor. Depending of course on who is donating their services! ;)
FollowupID: 21073

Follow Up By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:08

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:08
i'm not old enough to know what you meanWow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
FollowupID: 21074

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:32

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:32
I am...but don't want to go there...I think..:)Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21078

Follow Up By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:42

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:42
must go and ask Dad about "birds and the bees" Wow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
FollowupID: 21081

Reply By: Member - Melissa - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:28

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:28

We are a family of 2 adults, a 2 yr old and another on the way. We're onto our 2nd campertrailer...a hard floor off-road trailer with a double and 2 single beds and central "living" space all off the ground.
Camprite Campers

We are extremely happy with this set-up as it is easy to set-up and pull-down, very comfortable and everything is easy and convenient to store and access. Basically, it is by far the easiest camping we've ever had. Prior to this we had a soft floor offroad campertrailer which was great for 2 adults but not so suitable for a growing family.

Prior to going into campertrailers, we camped with a 4 man dome tent (recommend them to anyone), and previously 2 canvas 4 man pyramid style tents non-centre pole type. Loved our tent camping but let's face it, it was a drag camping in wet weather or trying to find a flat, non-stony patch of ground. With out current camper so what if it rains and because we're all off the ground, we've camped on granite outcrops and gibber plains in max comfort.

Incidentally, we kept our dome tent for those trips where we can't/don't want to tow the trailer but in nearly 6 years, we haven't had to use it. Towing the trailer for us isn't a drag because although we like to get away from it all and out bush, we aren't hard core 4wdrivers. Our off-roading is simply a means to an end (ie. accessing some great camping and places of interest).

:o) MelissaPetrol 4.5L GU Patrol &
Camprite TL8 offroad camper
AnswerID: 29983

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:33

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:33
Hi Melissa...

glad to hear from someone else with's great to get ideas in the event we want to do something else..shall take a look at your trailer..I have seen write ups..but it's always great to get positive feedback from people who are actually using the equipment...


Ps..good luck with the upcoming arrival.Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21059

Reply By: The Moose - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 13:30

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 13:30
Hi Lyn
We've been tenters for many years. Have two kids (12 & 14) who still enjoy camping and touring. Last couple of tents have been cabin types (9 x 9). Whilst they have a few more poles that the Southern Cross types the lack of a centre pole inside leaves more useable space.
Cost was the influencing factor at the time. Also didn't fancy towing on long holidays.
Have travelled with friends who have campers and the set up time is much the same, especially if the camper has an awning to put up. Now that the kids actually help with the setting up it's very quick. Tent and sleeping gear travel on a roof rack. Poles in the back of Cruiser.
Would I go to the geriatrics camping style - maybe when we're a bit older. For now a tent is fine for us. Camper trailers are becoming very popular - in the 4WD club we're in they are everywhere.
About the only time I find a tent a pain is when one strikes a few days of bad weather. Even if using a tarp to keep the tent dry there's still the hassle of having something wet to pack away. But I guess that applies to camper trailers as well.
AnswerID: 29991

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:34

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:34
Hiya Moose..

I reckon in bad weather it doesn't matter what you're in - it's a pain...don't fancy being in a van in bad weather either....


LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21079

Reply By: Luke - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:00

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:00

I have the Southern Cross Ultimate Deluxe 12'6"x9' tent - and it's nothing short of brilliant.

We've never tried the camper trailer/van option, mostly because I've never been keen on towing stuff around.

The Southern Cross Ultimate Deluxe is awesome. Goes up (completely) in well under five minutes with one person. It stays dry inside even in torrential rains, is very stable in strong winds, and amazingly warm in cold weather. The extended back provides lots more standing room, and we have the front awning that zips onto the front of the tent for extended stays.

I won't compare it to a camper/trailer/van, because they are a different kettle of fish, but it's vastly superior to every one of the many different styles of tent I've owned in the past.

The Southern Cross tents aren't cheap - but after years of buying chep tents, I've finally accepted that I'm better off spending the extra dough and buying the best :-)

It's likely that my tent will still be in use twenty years from now, so considering it's excellent lifespan, it really represents very good value.


AnswerID: 29995

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:38

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 14:38
What a good rap for the Southern Cross Ultimate Deluxe..shall check them out....

I can't tell you what it's like to caravan, coz, like I said, ours is yet to go on her maiden voyage...which is most likely to be to Woods Point with Wombat on Cup Weekend...but..have tented before...and you're tent sounds grand.....


chemical heat bag thingeys...BRILLIANT!!!.. thanks for the taking one [or 2] to the footy on Saturday night..!


LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21080

Follow Up By: Luke - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 16:25

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 16:25
Hi Lyn,

Glad to hear you are enjoying the chemical heat bag thingeys :-) they are good aren't they!

Have fun at the footy!


FollowupID: 21088

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 16:37

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 16:37
Hiya Luke...they are terrific...and not too hot..just right esp for kids...I got a bigger one for me..and that's great too..thinking of getting some more...

will have fun at the footy if my boys play's a long drive home...


LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21091

Reply By: AndrewK - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 19:52

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 19:52
Hi guys

For us and the 4 kids (9,7,5,4) we decided on a jayco finch outback camper trailer.

With a family of 6 I needed to tow a trailer for all the stuff, so why not the whole accommodation, box and dice.

Last year we did on overnight trip using tents (+ an extra kid) all packed in the car, wouldn't want to do that to often.

Next year we're off on a 5 month north Aus trip. Will take the tents (haven't worked out how I'm going to deal with food, fridge etc when tenting) so we can see Mitchell Plateau and anything else we baulk at with taking the camper on.

My view now, even if I only had 2 kids I would still have a camper. But always include the tents for those real out of the way places

AnswerID: 30029

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 08:11

Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 08:11
Hi Andrew,

we looked into those...but decided against them...both Al and I are tall, and didn't fancy everything low..but hey, I've seen some fantastic campers, and they are great for families and off road...

LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21138

Reply By: Martin - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 21:08

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 21:08
To cater for all conditions I have a caravan and a centre pole tent. The caravan is used for all hard top travel and the tent for all off road trips. In my opinion you can't go 4 wheel driving in the true sense with a trailer behind. It is environmentally unacceptable and sometimes physically impossible. If you want to just go on rough roads such as the Oodnadatta Track, Birdsville Track etc then an off road trailer is OK but if you're like me and want some real challenges you leave the caravan at home and head off with a good tent. Centre poles are the only way to go for ease of erection and strength. I have a Southern Cross. I really think there's just no two ways about it and anyone who uses my combination (and many do) will agree with me. Check out the really top off road destinations and you'll see no domes, oz tents or trailers!
AnswerID: 30033

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 08:14

Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 08:14
Another rap for the southern cross...if we decide to do some top off road destinations..we'll probably look into that..but that won't be until our two are a little older....I think:)Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21139

Reply By: Martin - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 21:08

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 21:08
To cater for all conditions I have a caravan and a centre pole tent. The caravan is used for all hard top travel and the tent for all off road trips. In my opinion you can't go 4 wheel driving in the true sense with a trailer behind. It is environmentally unacceptable and sometimes physically impossible. If you want to just go on rough roads such as the Oodnadatta Track, Birdsville Track etc then an off road trailer is OK but if you're like me and want some real challenges you leave the caravan at home and head off with a good tent. Centre poles are the only way to go for ease of erection and strength. I have a Southern Cross. I really think there's just no two ways about it and anyone who uses my combination (and many do) will agree with me. Check out the really top off road destinations and you'll see no domes, oz tents or trailers!
AnswerID: 30034

Reply By: Martin - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 21:08

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 21:08
To cater for all conditions I have a caravan and a centre pole tent. The caravan is used for all hard top travel and the tent for all off road trips. In my opinion you can't go 4 wheel driving in the true sense with a trailer behind. It is environmentally unacceptable and sometimes physically impossible. If you want to just go on rough roads such as the Oodnadatta Track, Birdsville Track etc then an off road trailer is OK but if you're like me and want some real challenges you leave the caravan at home and head off with a good tent. Centre poles are the only way to go for ease of erection and strength. I have a Southern Cross. I really think there's just no two ways about it and anyone who uses my combination (and many do) will agree with me. Check out the really top off road destinations and you'll see no domes, oz tents or trailers!
AnswerID: 30035

Reply By: macca - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 21:53

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 21:53
WE have a southern Cross "Bus" Tent with a centre pole and also side poles if you find the need for a snuggle.The reason they call them "Bus tents" is they were specifically designed for the tourist bus industry with all these frantic tours into the outback. see them all at Ularu Kings canyon. We also have a heaslip Camper Trailer and a 20 foot full van. We always take our camping gear when we are in the Van as you just dont know when you might want to head off into somewhere where the van wont go.
AnswerID: 30043

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 10:55

Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 10:55
Hi Macca...

you're organised..and I know in a few years time..we'll be packing tents too...I think the kids would like to sleep in them for sure..Laugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21149

Reply By: Member - Al Symers (SA) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 22:04

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 22:04
Dear Mrs Al,
Couldn't let your post go past without some comment.
our current camping erection you have already seen but prior to that one , had a Freedom centre pole tent. It was really easy to use.
Step 1 Find a flat spot on ground
Step 2 Lay out ground sheet Shade cloth is good to use
Step 3 Drive in peg at each corner
Step 4 Undo zip and enter with pole in hand
Step 5 Put pointy end of pole in hole at top of tent
Step 6 Erect tent
I recommend the centre pole type for you as you would need something rigid between you and Al
You can get a side pole set up too.
As for the bedding arrangements, that could be another postAl Symers
AnswerID: 30046

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 08:16

Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 08:16
Al !!!!

something rigid between me and Al!!! do have an imagination!

and yes I've seen your current camping erection and it is indeed impressive...but these centre pole jobs are sounding great too....

LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21140

Reply By: diamond (bendigo) - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 22:18

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2003 at 22:18
gday al and mrs al
we used to have a 6 person tent 3 bigger kids up one end 9/12/13.
and me mrs diamond and little diamond up the other end.
then we got hold of 6 berth camper and tried that out for a while they call them 6 berth but try getting eveyone comfy in it.
next came lets pack the 6 person tent in the camper and the bigger kids(12-13) can sleep in the tent.that didnt work they just fight over whos end is who ect/ect/ect.
so we bought the bigger kids(12-13) there own 2 person tent that worked untill number three(9) wanted her own now all the bigger kids have there own 2 person tent and we have the camper to our selfs except little diamond still sleeps with mrs diamond.
then when we were going to avoca the other week we couldnt be bothered packing the 6 person tent for just me mrs diamond and little diamond so we bought a big 2 person tent to sleep in..
hope that didnt confuse you as much as it did me lol
AnswerID: 30048

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 08:21

Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 08:21

my eyes are spinning in my head after that lot...I have determined that having 4 kids..and camping is a pain in the ar#e especially when it's "I want to sleep in the tent"'s like the top bunk battle!!...

sounds to me like you've got that much camping equip at your place you could hire it out!!...


LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21141

Reply By: Member -BJ (Sydney) - Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 17:17

Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 17:17
As others did tent thing first trip for wife high country january 01 3 days rain & snow needless to say wife refused to go again. So now we have a Kimberly Kamper hard floor ( no kids as our daughters idea of ruffing it is 3 stars) took it to the gulf in july & guess what, the wife didn't want to come home easy to put up & pack up , kitchen , water on hand plus plenty of storage . It's perfect for us.

Regards Bob
Where to next
AnswerID: 30110

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 17:25

Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 17:25
Hi BJ...have seen the Kimberly in a Mag I subscribe..they look ok...was telling Al last night about all these reponses...and I think if and when we tire of the van...and the kids are older...we just might look into something like that..


LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21172

Reply By: Slammin - Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 23:36

Thursday, Sep 04, 2003 at 23:36
Hi Mrs Al, I like to keep it comfortable and simple, so we use swags, you don't have to make your bed just roll it up and you can sleep in a rocky creek within reason of course and not have any prob's. If the insects are around or the weather is off, we use a 4 man dome tent. Unless it is raining its easier to use than a centre pole because you don't have to use pegs, getting pegs into rocky ground is a nightmare. Just clip in the two poles and it's up. Dome tents are also at least 1/4 the size of centre pole tents.
We have a young fella now 18mths and he's getting a bit restless in my swag so we are going to upgrade to 3 swags and a 6 person tent.
I love the idea of rooftops and camper trailers/vans etc but there is a lot of hassle about the right place, angle, towing, parking etc etc and in the end from mates experience another option to sink money into. Try find an easy parking spot on a busy Sat morning close to the shops so you can restock on your way.
So IMHO it is best to KISS if you want to have a good nights sleep.
LOL Slammin
AnswerID: 30166

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 07:53

Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 07:53
Slammin...swags certainly are easy, have slept in one many years ago..and can see your point about using the KISS principle...and I'm sure I'll find out out about Sat. AM shopping with a van..

thanks the centre pole tents certainly seem to be the G.O.


LynLaugh's too short not to....

FollowupID: 21219

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