Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 14:26
Oh sorry didnt want to add all our plans from the point of buying the camper as I didnt want to rave on too much about our much BETTER rig!
We sold the camper for more than we paid for it in June and bought a brand new 16' poptop bunk caravan. Couldnt be happier...
Living the Dream as I am typing this reply.
We move on much quicker and with ease and no stress on us of the kids. We have only an extra 200kg overall in towing weight so nothing really and havent noticed any real change in our fuel economy as we are now travelling at 85-90km per hour rather than getting up to 100 or a bit more at times when we were towing the camper.
The amount of crap that we were able to leave at
home in the shed amazed both of us and we are happy as larry now. Sure it is an extra $18k that we spent on top of what the camper cost us but we got a great deal on the new van at the right time when no-one else seems to be buying new vans so we got about $7k off the already reduced asking price at the dealers.
We were just lucky at the time that we sold the camper the day we advertised it and found the caravan the first day we went looking for a bunk van that wasnt too gigantic to tow around oz.
At first we were going the keep the camper and sell the caravan on our return - more than likely at a profit. But the minute I saw the caravan I knew it would be the perferct harmonious balance in our travelling lives that we ALL would be comfortable in for many years to come. So we sold the camper the next day!
We are stoked but still rate the
Tambo's up the top - no doubts with that just not for us compared to the ease of the van we have bought.
We are on the road for 8 months in total and the way things are going we wish we had 8 years to go instead it is such a pleasure. Bear in mind we dont have air cond as yet (and dont plan to get it) and we have a dometic roll out blind which is 8ft wide and as long as the van and is great for shade and having a bbq under. We can setup in under 15 mins of registering at a van park and that is with 2 small kids in tow and get away just as easy as everything has its place in the van and we try and keep things in their place.
We can also
free camp whenever we want to save money and we would have NEVER done that in our camper trailer - just didnt feel safe enough with the kids etc. At least you can lock the door in the van and have solid walls etc etc.
Hope my reply is helpful to all,
Cheers for Now