4wd Embarrassing Moments For Beginners
Submitted: Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 19:22
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Member - DAZA (QLD)
Reading numerous Exploroz Threads on different Equipment, Camping Aids, How To, Where To, ect ect ect, It got me to thinking re how did a lot of us Old Farts get on before the Internet come along, it was more a Trial and Error and hopefully Commonsense, and also gaining experience from watching others come to grief, there was little or zero After Market 4wd Accessories, I was introduced to Beach Driving the Hard Way, my Embarrassing Moment was when we were heading over to
Moreton Island on the old vehicle barge, when we were getting close to
the Beach, most of the other 4by drivers were letting Air out of their tyres, all you could hear was this Hissing Noise, my
Cook said to me, what are they doing and should we be doing that also, nah I said we will be ok, I didn't buy these Wide Tyres for nothing, the truck will just float over that Soft Sand, WRONG, our little Short Wheel Based Toyota, loaded to the limit with 2 kids and the
Cook and myself just got of the Barge Ramp and was Bogged to the Diffs on
the beach, luckily we had friends waiting for us near the Barge Landing area, one of my mates was a ex Army Driving Instructor of re: Vietnam Era, he quickly showed me what to do and what gear to drive in, after we let the tyres down to 12 psi, over the next few days I learnt just about every thing I needed to know about 4wheel driving on sand ect, and besides that a few valuable camping ideas, so who else had a First Embarrassing 4wd moment.
Reply By: Member - Axle - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 19:54
Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 19:54
OH Yeah Dazza!!,.......My first time backing a 20ft tandem axle viscount van into a real squeezy spot in a van park at Gunnedah NSW. Had the whole park in a frenzy, ..Trouble was i woudn't give up, !!, what a bloody knot i got myself into..LOL., Owners of vans beside my lot started to roll up annexes and
hooking up to get the hell out of the road of this maniac!, spent a lot of time practice reversing, around obstacles after that episode !!, i can tell ya!.
Cheers Axle.
Reply By: Wilk0 - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 20:10
Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 20:10
When I was a teenager I just did it Screwed it up big time then Dad would laugh at me and show me the right way lol.
No I made mistakes and learnt from seeing how my dad and uncles did things.
My biggest error was when I 1st got my licence many moons ago. I had an old Izuzu 4x4 I was spotlighting out near
Tilpa with a mate. We got bogged and in the process of getting of the bog he knocked the 4wd gear stick into neutral.
So there we were just got out of a bog thinking we'd broken the gearbox cause no matter what we did we couldnt get it to go anywhere.
We walked the 30 something km house on the station we were on to get the farmer to come tow us back to his shed.
When we got back to our ute, the farmer had a quick look and soon figured out what was wrong then proceeded to roll around laughing for the next 1/2 hour or so.
It still makes me laugh thinking about it and i did learn from my mistake, I will never ever make that mistake again lol.
Cheers Wilko
Follow Up By: Member - Old Girl (QLD) - Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:40
Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:40
Im Still laughing too. good one
Reply By: Member - Serendipity(WA) - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 20:37
Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 20:37
I will put in one of my learning experiences.
I was with a mate on a
farm doing some feral shooting at night when we drove behind a
dam. Unbeknown to us the
dam had a leak and the ground was sodden so we quickly became bogged. It was not too bad and if we could lift the landcruiser we could get some wood under the tyres we could get to dry land.
Ever try to jack a landcruiser in mud using a small bottle jack. It does not happen.
The week before I had purchased a hilift jack but did not have time to fit it to the car so for this trip I left it behind.
We had to wait until the farmer found us - as we were near the track to the
homestead and knew he was coming
home late.
I now take the hilift jack at all times. And chains, shackles, snatch straps, and come-along. All tucked into storage boxes just in case. And just in case has happened on several occasions.
Reply By: Member - Fred B (NT) - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 20:54
Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 20:54
What embarrassing Moment....?
OH..! You mean all those ones that have been permanently erased from my memory..... lol...
Reply By: Motherhen - Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 00:16
Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 00:16
One night slipping and sliding in the paddock in the rain, and getting further and further down the
hill i couldn't understand what was wrong. I walked
home in the dark and in the rain. Next morning my youngest child said "Did you have the hubs on?" "Of course i had the hubs on" i snapped. Then thought, but i had a wheel alignment down yesterday ; i bet they left them unlocked. At least it wasn't raining when i walked back to lock the hubs and drive the Ute
Follow Up By: Member - Russnic [NZ] - Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:27
Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:27
Happens Eh
Reply By: Willem - Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 07:44
Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 07:44
It was so long ago I have forgotten about it :-) I have encountered making so many 'mistakes' whilst out there I don't care to rmember.
My biggest mistake was out on a 4x4 club trip I got myself separated from the others whilst out bushwalking and climbed down a
cliff face over the
Katherine River only to find that I couldn't climb up or down. Luckily it looked like deep water below and I pushed myself away from the
cliff. It seemed like an awfully long way down and it hurt when I hit the water :-)...and it was a deep water!!!
Apart from rolling over, standing the chariot on its bullbar(multiple), sliding down hills backwards or bogging a 2wd where a 4wd struggled to get to in low range, incidents of embarassing mistakes are few (selective memory)....LOL
The more you get out there the more your learn from your mistakes. I am still learning.
Reply By: Trevor R (QLD) - Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 09:18
Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 09:18
Not specifically 4wding but camping nonetheless. First time I travelled with a porta-potti, I did not have the bottom tank cap screwed on, I thought it was the
hand pump cover. Needless to say the inside of the van needed a bloody good clean eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
Hope this gives you a laugh.
Reply By: Member - Old Girl (QLD) - Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:30
Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:30
Daza I don't know about embarrassing but my first 4x4 experience was nearly my last. With a borrowed Ota shorty soft top set up for rallies we headed to
the beach south of Bundy about 15 years ago camping.
John decided to be one of those idiots that seem to like donuts on the sand. As the rig had wide muddies with air out it picked up that there sand and scooped it in the cab like a excavator all over me in my mouth up my nose in my ears. Not a good introduction to a new girlfriend that you hope will like your passion for the great out doors. Hm After that I demanded travel was done with windows up and air on, he loved mud too. Bugger.
Reply By: Philipp (VIC) - Wednesday, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:49
Wednesday, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:49
My first 4WD was a hired Britz Bushcamper. That night we wanted to
camp down on
the beach and the question was how to get over the dunes. I thought that there must be a reson for those trucks to have low range gears, so I stopped in front of the dune, put in L1 and went up the dune. For about 3 meters or so. After trying that 3 or 4 times I noticed a bunch of people hanging out at the car park behind me. After the fifth time the bunch had become a crowd and eventually one of the blokes would come over and offer me to get the truck over the dunes for me. Kindly enough he also told me the trick and so I was able to get it over myself. Imagine he had to do that for me....
Reply By: kiwicol1 - Wednesday, Jan 13, 2010 at 22:17
Wednesday, Jan 13, 2010 at 22:17
Have just bought myself a new business, involves a 5tonne skidd steer with a tonne forest mulcher on front. Got my self face first down a slope, getting steeper and not being able to reverse out, got to the point ,i was sitting in the
seat with feet on the windscreen in front of me, enclosed cab. After many attempsts at trying to reverse, decided have to try face up, so after a fifty point turn on the slope finally got pointy end up and was able to scratcth and crawl out. Very big learning curve. If i hadnt had my 4wd experience, i would have been in a costly position to get whinched out. Col