Building flat board in back of Patrol

Submitted: Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:25
ThreadID: 76316 Views:15940 Replies:13 FollowUps:1
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I have been cruising around in the Patrol for 2 years now and have finally decided to try to improve the layout to make things easier. The rear seats are removed but the floor is so uneven that packing gear is not easy. I know you can buy the drawer set up for the rear but is a full floor available? I havent seen anything but I know a lot of people make there own. What I am asking is for info or photos of some ideas. I was thinking of a board with adjustable poles underneath for the varying distances. It will need to be strong as I store tool box, genset etc in there. The other way is to make compartments but that would entail a lot of cutting and fitting to fit the contours of the floor. It would also double as a bed when the camper is left behind. Any ideas welcome. Thanks
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Reply By: feathery - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:58

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:58
Hi Kirk & Jeanette can't help you much but I built a false floor for my r50 pathfinder used large sheet of that plastic cardboard looking stuff as a template and used bracing ply as finished product I also bent aluminium strips and bolted them where the seats were bolted this allowed me to put tie down points in the floor never moved even on the CSR Gunbarel and Simpson desert.
AnswerID: 405902

Reply By: Member - Duncs - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 11:43

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 11:43

There are a few of us who have built our own storage systems. Some have done a really detailed job, aluminium frames and lightweight ply shelves often carpeted so they look every bit as good as the store bought option.

I blame my birth, but I am a bit careful with my money.

I built my shelves for the GU from MDF. The idea was that I would use them for a while and then do the fancy rebuild. My problem has been that I have changed the set up every time. The good thing about my set up is that it allows the changes.

I built the system in 2 pieces. It is designed around the hight of my tool box and first aid kit. They fit under the shelf. I did not want to build draws, so I made the system so that some things are accessible from the rear of the car and some by folding the 2nd row of seats forward. This also has the advantage of a transverse bulkhead to strengthen the shelves.

I have a fridge slide which can be mounted either at floor level or at shelf level. When the fridge is at floor level, so my wife can see into it, I can have either one or two shelves on the other side. If the fridge is at shelf height then the two shelves can be side by side. The third option is to have the fridge at shelf height with the tool box/first aid kit underneath. I can then have one of the third row seats in place or nothing there.

It is extremely versatile. It is secured to the third row seat mounting points and the child restraint anchor points. I spent a lot of time with my tools and the board at the rear of the car, looking, measuring, re-measuring and looking some more. I also had the storage boxes I use sitting there to check for fit etc.

Like someone above I used a couple of old real estate "For Sale" signs and cardboard boxes as templates.

I hope that helps. It is probably clear as mud. If I can find some pictures I will post them for you.


AnswerID: 405913

Reply By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 11:53

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 11:53
G'day Kirk,

I'm one that built my own. Mainly used ply and found a sheet metal place to bend some metal into appropriate shapes to make it happen.

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Not exactly like your looking at but it gives some food for thought

Kind regards
AnswerID: 405916

Reply By: vk1dx - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:21

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:21
Here is another idea.

We got a bed extension with the drawers that goes up to just behind the drivers seat, It makes an excellent flat area for sleeping if inclement weather or on your own.

I didn't worry about the area under it being flat as that's where all the camping tentage, chairs and tables etc go. We carry up to three 40Lt water containers and gas bottles, and food boxes on the floor behind the seats. Clothes, soft packages and bedding go on the "bed" area.


AnswerID: 405920

Reply By: Robin Miller - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:41

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:41
Hi Guys

I probably went beyond that and made a framework that allows multiple configurations extending to the back of the 2 front seats.

It allows for 1 single beds , 2 single beds or 1 double , or a flat area with 2 emergency seats in the passengers postion.

Each allows for food storage below

Eack setup takes under an hour and is made with 25mm angle iron, which allows for plywood inserts to the strength required.

The key to its sucess was making little brackets that allow connection to the many holes left by removing seats and side panels etc.

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Robin Miller

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AnswerID: 405924

Reply By: Member - Andrew L (QLD) - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:59

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:59
I also removed the rear seats from my 105 Landcruiser and made a flat area to compliment the fitted rear drawers.

Steel frame that bolts to the existing seat captured nuts in the floor.

Chipboard base, screwed to the frame that was then marine carpeted.

On this I fit a 65 litre poly caravan water tank that is the same height as the rear drawers, the remaining area is good for chainsaw box, food boxes, clothe bags etc.

With the water tank fitted, I also have a flat area from the rear doors to the cargo barrier that is just over 6 feet long, enough for me to sleep in during crook weather or a short nap on a long trip.

AnswerID: 405925

Reply By: Member - Teege (NSW) - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:59

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:59
K & J
As you can see from the posts above, it is much more practical to raise your false floor to the level of the tops of the wheel arches. What you put under the false floor is a matter of individual choice. In my case (2000 Prado) I have 4 plastic storage boxes on rollers that we usually use for our clothes. You only ever have to fully pull one out to get to anything stored there. We also poke other loose items in around them. This then gives you a perfectly flat surface above your floor which encompasses the entire internal area. It makes storage so much simpler. My floor is made of 19mm marine ply covered with carpet. I support it on 30 x30/25mm steel brackets and bolt it onto the cargo barrier (this is the important part as it gives you a rigid base). I've never bothered to weigh it, but I guess the floor carries loads of up to 150kg (tools, 40litres water, fridge etc) and has never looked like letting me down.

AnswerID: 405926

Reply By: OzTroopy - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 13:04

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 13:04
Im shortly to start on my third set up in an existing vehicle ...

This time Im experimenting with two full length components split down the centre.

The idea being that the completed storage components/framework are shaped to fit the vehicle interior sides, and are solid and one piece each ... and slide in easily from the rear. The second one gets pushed in top of the first and dropped into final position.

Just another way of "almost getting the setup you really, really want"
AnswerID: 405927

Reply By: Kirk and Jeanette - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 17:08

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 17:08
Thanks everyone. That gives me some great ideas to lay awake in bed at night and design in my head. Not all that complicated really but should make a big difference. Cheers
AnswerID: 405972

Reply By: SteveL - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 19:37

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 19:37
My set up is much the same as Andrew L. with the steel frame underneath. The floor has been kept very low because I store heavy items on there (fridge ,water jerry cans etc.)
AnswerID: 405998

Reply By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 20:12

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 20:12
All very good ideas and I have done similar.



UNLESS you get an engineer to certify them and put a blue plate on and take the form to the RTA and have it noted on your registration.

You also need to advise your insurance company.

Part of the reason is that by having only two seats you have changed the'

catergory of the vehicle form an 8 seater CAR type to a 2seater VAN

Im only the messenger but it only cost $60 to do it and the same to do it back now the big trip is over.

With all this space and gear it would also pay to weigh the vehicle loaded and check the GCVM if you are towing a van

AnswerID: 406007

Reply By: Member - Duncs - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 20:40

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 20:40
I built mine from MDF intending it to be a trial. When I worked out what I really wanted I was always going to build a full version from something more substantial and dress it up to look like a baught one.

I determined the height I needed based on the size of my tool box and first aid kit.

I built it in two pieces. This makes it easier to get in and out, more versatile and I can put only one side in and use one of the third row seats.

I cut a board (two really one for the right and one for the left) to the shape of the floor and built the shelf and compartments on top of that.

I can mount the fridge slide either on the top of the shelf or on the base board. I can have the fridge on the left and a single or double height shelf on the right.

Because I did not want to build draws I divided the compatments front and back. I access some gear through the rear doors and some by folding the second row seats forward.

It is all held in place using the mounting points for the third row seats and the child restraint anchor bolts.

Like I said the idea was to build this as a test but every time I use it I set it up a bit different and I have never settled on a final design. I just keep re-configuring the shelves to suit my mood at the time.

When building the unit I spent a lot of time with tools, storage boxes, tape measures and the MDF looking at the back of the car and scratching my head.

I hope this helps, I guess it is a clear as mud. If I can find the picks I will post them for you.

Have fun
AnswerID: 406013

Follow Up By: Member - Duncs - Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 20:43

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 at 20:43
Sorry for the re-post. When I logged on tonight there was nothing here so I thought my previous contribution had been lost.

So I re-posted and when it came back after submitting here was all this stuff.

Some of it looks really good.

FollowupID: 675707

Reply By: Member - Barnesy - Friday, Feb 26, 2010 at 21:22

Friday, Feb 26, 2010 at 21:22
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The rear storage was bought from a bloke who made it himself.
The back seats storage I made in half a day. It was always going to be a short term thing, it's just out of mdf, bolts for the rear seats hold the board down.
AnswerID: 406212

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