Tuesday, Mar 09, 2010 at 20:38
Good luck with that. You've got to have the courts back you up & that ain't going to happen.
It's the courts that must back up Law enforcement, the communities wishes in regard to this. I can understand why the Cops don't bother.
And when they are bought before the courts,
We've all heard it before,
Your Honor, Johnny bashed & raped the 60 year old woman, Yes he admits to this crime. He felt remorse, drank a bottle of JD, drove and killed a mother and her child in a pram while crossing the road, may I add they were not using a crossing and it was not
well lit.
Under the circumstance your Honor, the defense finds it inappropriate to sentence the defendant to ten years jail, because (please insert the most ridicules reason you can think of) he fell over running away from from a vehicle that he has just removed a set of valve caps from and tripped on the kerb hitting his head. Your Honor, my client did show remorse.
Good behavior bond is placed on him, if he agrees to meet with a councilor, he won't have a conviction recorded.
Six months later he faces court again on a completely different matter, because of his clean record he again is let off, placed on a suspended sentence. And so the circle continues.
Each time Johnny will be dressed as if he has just attended church.
And if people don't believe me, just go and sit in the gallery of your local court house over a period of a couple of months. If the sample above seems to be a little far fetched for some to handle, just suck it up guys, It's the way it is.
It's not whinging, it's venting frustration at a system that has let all of us down.