HZJ105 Fuel Subtank

My old 60 series had a 190l tank fitted when I got it, it was brilliant and I got used to the range capability. The current HZJ105 has only the 145 all up in the standard tanks. For extra range I'm not keen on the 190l replacements for the sub tank with all the spare shifting, new (again) springs etc etc. I had a thought the other day - would a 60 series standard 90 litre main tank go into the 100 series sub tank position? The old buses had the spare and all down there and the extra 40 litres would be fine for me. Anyone know if this is feasible?
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Reply By: Member - Mark E (VIC) - Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 22:19

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 22:19
I recently read that someone had been successful in installing the Prado 90l tank in the position of the 105 sub tank. So this is possible with some fiddling.

Sorry that I cant remember where I read this though.


AnswerID: 409161

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