Cape York / Lakefield Roads will not be opened this year

Submitted: Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 06:51
ThreadID: 76967 Views:7611 Replies:11 FollowUps:18
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People will have to start lobbying their local members if they wany Cape York Roads to remain open. See Cooktown Local News Story printed this week.

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Gravel has been an ongoing problem with DERM and we should all now start saying we have had enough of the idiots that will not let Councils maintain roads.

Regards Tony
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Reply By: Tonyfish#58-2 - Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 07:49

Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 07:49
You could contact Cook Shire - The more the merrier - Link Below

Lobby Cook Shire Council Link
AnswerID: 409310

Follow Up By: Tonyfish#58 - Saturday, Mar 20, 2010 at 22:18

Saturday, Mar 20, 2010 at 22:18
Response from Cook Shire Councilor Marilyn Clark Posted Below

Thanks for the link to the 4WD site Tony. The council does support the stand that the engineer has taken because as you know the vast distances and the increasing areas within the cape that are becoming national park/aboriginal land/aboriginal freehold and now there's talk of world heritage. What national park has now said is that neither council or main roads can access gravel within their parks or access to water points so even if they can get permits to draw water they can't drive to it. DERM has to acknowledge that it is impossible to cart water and gravel from outside the parks to fix the roads within them because of the distances, that is if there is any that might be suitable anywhere nearby. What people forget is that it might spoil their holiday this year but what about the people who live up there - and I might add that the council up at Bamaga supports our stance. It is so ridiculous to cart materials the distances adding to the already huge cost for fixing these roads. These people need to lobby their local member or DERM about their feelings. Thanks, Marilyn
FollowupID: 679614

Follow Up By: Tonyfish#58 - Tuesday, Mar 23, 2010 at 19:17

Tuesday, Mar 23, 2010 at 19:17
Unfortunately I have noticed on this site and other sites that have picked up this story, that a lot of people think this is BS.

Other say it is sorted but do not understand that the PDR is not a Cook Shire Council maintained road, thus comments from Main Roads do not apply to this issue.

To make it easy the following link will take you right to the horses mouth so to speak. You can not argue with the official status Regards Tony

Current Road Status Cook Shire
FollowupID: 680011

Reply By: Big Woody - Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 08:02

Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 08:02
You can't tell me that in an area the size of Cape York, the only patches of gravel suitable for repairing the roads are found in the protected areas that are under the control of DERM.

There are a lot of "I"'s in Mr Lickiss's statement and I find it hard to believe that a decision of this magnitude can be made by one person. The 1st paragraph states that it is the council that is making this announcement but the article outlines that it is the engineer that is making this statement and that he will be informing the councillors of "His" decision on Monday.

Sounds more to me like Mr Lickiss might be throwing a tantrum because he has not got his own way in an argument with DERM. I believe that speaking out with statements like this in the public arena might jeopardise his job.

I would anticipate that the councillors might announce something different to this media article after next Monday's meeting.

AnswerID: 409311

Follow Up By: Tonyfish#58-2 - Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 09:02

Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 09:02
BW - Unfortunatly you have commented on somthing you know little about - There are very few Gravel points on these roads and they are located within the National Parks. Carting gravel from other areas is just not possible. You can not cart gravel from 50ks + it is not viable.

The Statements are very accurate and you need to retract those comments. I no longer work in the area but I am well aware of the issues as I used to maintain these roads.

Yes the councillors may address the issue but it is a valid issue.
FollowupID: 679277

Reply By: Doddgey - Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 16:17

Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 16:17
This is from the Cooktown Shire Council website;

PLEASE NOTE - THE FOLLOWING ROADS WILL REMAIN CLOSED after the wet season because of Cook Shire Council's inability to fulfill its duty of care in providing a safe road network. This has come about because Council CANNOT ACCESS GRAVEL RESOURCES in these areas:




BAMAGA ROAD - north of Bramwell Junction

link -


AnswerID: 409368

Follow Up By: Member - Don M- Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 19:08

Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 19:08
Does this mean..., to someone who has been planning this for close to 10 bloody years, that I cannot go to the Cape this year..???? If I go OTT from Bramwell and cross at the top to the by pass road then on the ferry across the Jardine and on up to Bamaga...??? If no what the F....iis going on ?? Has the Bamaga Road EVER been closed before in winter...??? Is this Murphy's Law at play, surely I can't be that unlucky.

What is to stop me just driving it anyway...are there just barriers that I can ignore and drive around...??? Then, I suppose the ferry isn't operating anyway and I'm not going to attempt driving across the bloody Jardine.

What a unmitigated disaster.....I feel utterly ripped off....
FollowupID: 679338

Follow Up By:- Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 19:27

Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 19:27
G'day Don,

I feel the same way. I have been planning my trip for a while, leaving Bris 21st May, I have also spent a lot of money setting up for the trip.

I know there are pretty big fines up that way for travelling on closed roads, or so I hear.

I am hoping it is a bit of huff & puff and it will blow over. I have a mate that works on the road crews up there and they are getting ready to head out in the next 2 weeks, I am waiting to hear back from him about this situation. I will post what info I get.

This is one case where I hope the mighty dollar does rule; missing out on the tourist dollar up there would hurt I would think.

FollowupID: 679341

Follow Up By: Member - Jack & Lorraine B (QL - Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 20:08

Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 20:08
What a shame!

This can ONLY happen in Queensland the smart state !!!!
FollowupID: 679348

Follow Up By: Member - Allan B (QLD) - Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 21:54

Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 21:54
Don, Ev, I also am planning to go to the Cape in May/June.

I would be thinking that this threat to close roads is a ploy by the Shire Engineer to motivate DERM into allowing access to the gravel in the Park. He uses emotive expressions like "duty of care". Bear in mind that the Councillors are yet to consider this dramatic situation.

I would appreciate Tonyfish keeping an eye on the situation and keeping us posted.


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FollowupID: 679375

Follow Up By: The Rambler( W.A.) - Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 02:26

Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 02:26
Iwouldn't worry about it, I am sure there will be the usual trail of cars heading up to the Cape after the wet.What I could not understand was the large amount of roadworks going on last year between Kalpower and Cape Melville compared to other more used tracks in the area.
FollowupID: 679392

Follow Up By: vk1dx - Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 08:02

Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 08:02
This is what duty of care, OH&S and all that crap does for us.

I thought when I was driving my car I was responsible for my own safety.

This has screwed our family trip heaps. We were going to drive up to Cape Melville via Starkie and the Jeanne river and then across to the devlopment road via Kalpower and the Pandanus Vet park (to see some old mates). Can't now as it s three day detour back to Cooktown and up to Pandanus, and that means there isn't enough time left now to get to the cape and back home to Canberra without rushing.

Stuff em. Life was good when you were free to take care of yourself. We are so cheesed off. It was supposed to be a family trip (3 cars) incase the cancer doesn't go away. This is so disheartening. Even my wife did a training course so that she could drive if I get sick.


And don't anyone try to convince me that OH&S is good for ME as my wife is an OH&S rep and she sees how so much of it is wasteful.

A free country HaHaHa

FollowupID: 679402

Follow Up By: CJ - Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 16:56

Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 16:56
Relax, the Bamaga road WILL be open

Can you even imagine that it won't be? The local people (original land owners) who make a living off tourists and their cars will not have it any other way

I am willing to put my d!c4 on a block

We will not be changing our plans

FollowupID: 679437

Follow Up By: vk1dx - Saturday, Mar 20, 2010 at 10:03

Saturday, Mar 20, 2010 at 10:03
The Bamaga Road was not a problem. The difficulty is the Wakooka road and the Lakefield road. We were going straight up through Starkie to Cape Melville and then cross to Kalpower via Wakooka track and down to Pandanus. Thats a two day detour if the Wakooka Track is closed.

Thats what screwed us up and we are tring to see how we can change.

But its still stuffed up the amount of time I was going to have with a few Vietnam Veteran mates at Pandanus. This is a major issue. Unless you are one you won't understand. The reunion was half the trip. The last one was in Perth and we drove to it also. I am not allowed fly for medical reasons. If I cannot get to the reunion or it is cancelled then its not worth it so we have now started looking at an alternative just in case.

Thanks for trying

FollowupID: 679513

Reply By: vk1dx - Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 09:03

Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 09:03
We set up our cars properly and do training and many trips before we try something like this one. We do not "rip up roads" as they say and drive responsibly. Then some little snooty public servant who is more interested in the insurance or liability part screws it. Yes we used to rely on the neighbours and visitors not ripping our driveway up also.

I don't give a rats now. This was a special trip for the whole family for a very sensitive reason and we get slapped in the face by this little snotty nose glasses waering bottom polishing whatever. Yes I am angry and so so so disappointed. Merry Christmas Phil - You have cancer.

I even got a phone call apologising for it weeks ago, from a young lass in Cooktown who has been helping us set this up. And whats more she was so sincere in her call and so angry at the twit as well. I thought it would go away as a rumour and we kepy planning and getting excitied. It helped with something to look forward while I sat there for hours getting poisoned in chemo.

I do not care what people say. The reasons only apply to the ratbags in the trucks and rigs who screw it up. The ones who don't know its better in the long run to bypass the rough muddy bits and use the "chicken" tracks. The ones who have to always try and prove there is more between the legs than the ears. I could go on.

This is a lesson to us all and initiated by all those egotists who have to go down the steep bit at Gunshot. Its your type that screw this up for us.

Yes guys I am *(^%(&*^%(&*^ off.
AnswerID: 409451

Follow Up By: mardi3 - Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 09:44

Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 09:44
G'day all,

I am also heading up the Cape this year from Melbourne. I've been planning it for 3 years now so that I could save up the 8 weeks annual leave. I've spent about $70k in preparation including buying and setting up a new 4wd and camper. So with 5 weeks until departure, this news is devistating to my family but we're still going anyway!!!

Why would we bother? Because I also work in local government and this is a standard political manouver to get what you want out of the state and federal counterparts. Its just the same as a child throwing a tantrum in the supermarket to embarass the parents into buying them a fredo frog.

The way that article is written is so that everyone who reads it thinks "What a load of garbage. Isolating communities and putting an end to much needed tourism for the sake of some gravel." Its designed to create 'community outcry'. And who wants to be the polititian ending thousands of peoples adventure plans and killing the economy of many rural communities with a federal election looming?

My bet is these roads will be open. It may be late in the dry that it happens, but they will open.

Perhaps exploroz and other travel groups and tourism operators could join with the council to lobby state and federal govt to get the roads opened.

Just my thoughts.


FollowupID: 679412

Reply By: vk1dx - Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 09:30

Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 09:30
Sorry people if I offended anyone. Its just so . . . . . . .

AnswerID: 409454

Reply By: Member - Geoff H (QLD) - Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 17:03

Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 17:03
Don't worry too much,

The engineer is just trying to get the gravel. I'm still planning to hit the Cape.

If it is all too difficult I'll just hang around the Daintree a bit longer and head across to Chillagoe and around the bottom end of the Gulf.

It's all good.

AnswerID: 409500

Reply By: Tonyfish#58 - Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 17:30

Friday, Mar 19, 2010 at 17:30
To all the angry people - You have a right to be angry but you are directing your anger in the wrong direction.

Leave the Council representatives alone. This thread was not to get them attacked.

Obviously most who have made these comments are not in a position where they can be held responsible if someone decided to sue because they can not drive.

Unfortunately in our world today the managers are held legally responsible and as such have a right to make the comments they do.

This fight for gravel has been going on for many years and you can not repair roads to the required level without it.

Direct your anger higher and as I suggested lobby your member.
AnswerID: 409504

Reply By: vk1dx - Saturday, Mar 20, 2010 at 05:24

Saturday, Mar 20, 2010 at 05:24
Tony I agree with you. I had a brain snap.

I have had a chat with the engineer at Cooktown and found out its not the end of the world after all. It seems that Phils brain took control before his reason could stop him. Not all roads that we plan to use will remain closed. But the Wakoola and Lakefield tracks will and thats going to be a big problem that we will work on.

Those two tracks being closed will put our visit to the Veterans retreat at Pandanus under threat but we hope there will be a way of getting in to see some of the old Vietnam mates.

Marvellous what a few days quiet meditation and a cup of tea will do.

All fingers, toes, legs and eyes are now crossed.
AnswerID: 409565

Follow Up By: Tonyfish#58 - Saturday, Mar 20, 2010 at 22:21

Saturday, Mar 20, 2010 at 22:21
Its all good = you have a right to be angry - I have posted a reply by Councilor Marilyn Clark - It is worth a read (At the top of the thread)

Cheers Tony
FollowupID: 679615

Reply By: vk1dx - Sunday, Mar 21, 2010 at 05:51

Sunday, Mar 21, 2010 at 05:51
After talking to the locals myself what bugs me is that I am not free to look after myself. Leave the damned tracks as they are. If I fall in a hole either I wasn't looking or I was doing something wrong. If you trip over a crack in the footpath its your fault for not being observant.

But that is not where we are going. Thank god I will be dead before the next cotton wool generation grows up.

No commonm sense and no responsibility. Aing it great. Ha. Mother council or government will hold my hand. And if they don't I will scream "Duty of Care" and sue them

No thanks You can have it. I love the bush just as it is.

I am off to the footy in Sydney for the day. At least they are still real men. Now lets not go there okay!!!


AnswerID: 409702

Follow Up By: Tonyfish#58 - Sunday, Mar 21, 2010 at 09:04

Sunday, Mar 21, 2010 at 09:04
Phil - That is how a lot of us feel - I personally would like these roads less maintained and used as 4 x 4 tracks - but that is out of my hands.

The problem is that even though there is a lot of us who would not sue if we made a mistake, there is a lot that do.

It is these people that think all outback roads should be a highway that are the problem. They come unstuck and think someone other than themselves are to blame.

These days its all about finding someone to blame. The system is set up to support that attitude.

Regards Tony
FollowupID: 679643

Follow Up By: The Landy - Tuesday, Mar 23, 2010 at 19:49

Tuesday, Mar 23, 2010 at 19:49
I agree with that sentiment also…but we live in a litigious society these days. Whilst we say that we have no problem, and would not sue, the problem is that if you have insurance on your car, and especially third party injury insurance, then you can’t waive the legal right of your insurer to take action if an insurance claiim is made....

Therein lies the problem these days….

All a shame though……
FollowupID: 680017

Follow Up By: The Landy - Tuesday, Mar 23, 2010 at 19:52

Tuesday, Mar 23, 2010 at 19:52
I agree with that sentiment also…but we live in a litigious society these days. Whilst we say that we have no problem, and would not sue, the problem is that if you have insurance on your car, and especially third party injury insurance, then you can’t waive the legal right of your insurer to take action if a

Therein lies the problem these days….

All a shame though……
FollowupID: 680018

Reply By: Kingchevy - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:09

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:09
This is complete rubbish purelly political to get more funding to repair the roads up the cape the cape will be open for tourist they will not shut the main road.......

you will still be able to holiday in the cape the are just putting pressure on the epa to get access to water and gravel for the road works and the epa are saying no so main roads is well we will close the road then it will get sorted out... it is all just politics to get the funding/gravel/water to maintain the road.
AnswerID: 410171

Follow Up By: Tonyfish#58 - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 at 18:52

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 at 18:52
Once again another comment that is not backed by research

The Main Road is not being closed - The PDR is maintained by Main Roads - Not the Cook Shire Council. The PDR is not mentioned as being a road effected by this anouncement,

Go to the link at the top of the thread and do your research before posting - or get new info and post.

At this time Cook Shire and Bamaga Shire support the stated road closures.
FollowupID: 680122

Follow Up By: Big Woody - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 21:07

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 21:07
Good call Kingchevy.
Political games worked.

FollowupID: 680455

Reply By: Tonyfish#58 - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 17:31

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 17:31
Roads will now open see thread 77213

Regards Tony
AnswerID: 410517

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